Answered step-by-step
1. A person who has sexual attraction, romantic love, or emotional…

1. A person who has sexual attraction, romantic love, or emotional attraction toward people of any sex or gender identity is commonly described as:

a. mostly gay/lesbian.

b. transgender.
c. asexual.
d. pansexual.


2. Tuan identifies his sexual orientation as bisexual. Which statement is likely true of Tuan?

a. He is more likely to disclose his sexual orientation to the important people in his life than a gay or lesbian individual.

b. He is more likely than a heterosexual man to disclose his sexual orientation to his health-care providers.

c. He may feel he does not fit in with either the gay or the straight community.

d. He most likely is actually gay but does not feel able to accept this about himself.


3. What is the term for a person who lacks sexual, emotional, and/or romantic attraction to others?

a. Sexually fluid

b. Asexual

c. Pansexual

d. Sexually repressed


4. Which statement about bisexual people is true?

a. Bisexual people rate their sexual and romantic attractions to men and women as equal.

b. Bisexual people are rarely reluctant to tell people about their sexual orientation.

c. Bisexual people are more likely than gay men or lesbian women to disclose their sexual orientation to their health-care providers.

d. It is estimated that 40% of LGBTQ adults are bisexual.


5. What is the term for a heterosexually-identified women who engages in sexual activity with other women for the purpose of pleasing and arousing men:

a. performative bisexuality. b. bisexual sexual orientation.

c. partner swapping.
d. performative heterosexuality.


6. Which statement regarding the factors that determine sexual orientation is true?

a. Gender nonconformity in childhood is not associated with adult homosexuality.

b. There is evidence that biological influences play a larger role in determining sexual orientation than social influences.

c. There is no evidence for a genetic basis for sexual orientation.

d. New research approaches make it possible to disentangle biologically based evidence from the sociocultural contexts in which people develop.


7. Which of the following churches would likely be the most accepting of a same-sex couple and their children based on their public stance toward same-sex marriage?

a. American Baptist Churches 

b. Orthodox Jewish Movement

c. United Methodist Church
d. Episcopal Church


8. Which of the following is a Christian denomination that still prohibits same-sex marriage? 

a. The Episcopal Church
b. American Baptist Church
c. The United Church of Christ

d. The Evangelical Lutheran Church


9. Which of the following statements about therapeutic approaches with LGBTQ clients is true?

a. The American Psychological Associations categorizes homosexuality as a mental illness.

b. Changing one’s sexual orientation can been highly successful if a combination of cognitive, behavioral, and psychodynamic therapy is used.

c. In working with LGBTQ clients, therapists often try to help them love and live in a society that still harbors considerable hostility toward them.

d. Although there is no evidence that sexual orientation can be changed, psychotherapy can be useful to help people suppress their homosexual urges.


10. Which statement about homophobia and hate crimes against LGBTQ people is true?

a. Hate crimes are subject to less severe sentences than other crimes

b. Homophobia has been increasing in recent years

c. The Hate Crimes Prevention Act only covers hate crimes committed on the basis of sex or diability; it does not include sexual orientation

d. 30% of lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults reported having been physically attacked or threatened


11. Negative attitudes toward LGBTQ individuals are associated with which of the following?

a. being younger than 30, authoritarian religious beliefs, being male
b. being younger than 30, traditional gender-role beliefs, and authoritarian religious beliefs c. traditional gender-role beliefs, being female, and authoritarian religious beliefs

d. traditional gender-role beliefs, being male, and authoritarian religious beliefs


12. Which of the following statements concerning the Stonewall incident is true? 

a. It took place shortly after World War I ended.
b. It is named after a health clinic that was raided by the police.
c. It was the symbolic birth of gay activism.


13. Efforts to reduce discrimination based on sexual orientation:
a. have succeeded in some U.S. states but were opposed by the Obama administration. b. have been successful in other nations but not in the United States.
c. are opposed by the majority of the U.S. population.
d. have been very successful in recent years.


14. Which of the following are part of the “coming out” process? 

a. disclosure, self-acceptance, and self-acknowledgment

b. disclosure, gaining acceptance from others, and self-acknowledgment c. self-acknowledgment, self-acceptance, and passing
d. disclosure, self-acceptance, and gaining acceptance from others