Answered step-by-step
1.A pharmaceutical company developed a new drug to relieve…

1.A pharmaceutical company developed a new drug to relieve hallucinations experienced by schizophrenics. A researcher contacted two psychiatrists, asking one of them to administer the drug to their patients who had hallucinations and asking the other psychiatrist to administer a placebo to their patients who had hallucinations. (Of course, to control experimenter expectancy effects, the psychiatrists did not know whether their patients received the drug or the placebo.) Two weeks later, all patients were evaluated by an independent team of psychiatrists. Analyses of the data showed that patients who received the drug were experiencing fewer hallucinations than patients who received the placebo, and the company moved forward to market the drug. Identify the confound variable.

a. The new drug

b. Psychiatrists administering treatment

c. Independent team of psychiatrists evaluating

d. Participants were schizophrenics

2.A researcher wishes to find out if there is any relationship between gender and types of crime committed, such as felonies, misdemeanors, and traffic violations. The researcher must take into account that these legal categories represent ________ variables.

a. manipulated

b. ratio

c. ordinal

d. nominal

3.What is the term for participants who are placed under some type of emotional or physical risk?

a. Participants at minimal risk

b. Participants at risk

c. Participants at no risk

d. Subjects

4.Why was the Tuskegee syphilis project considered unethical?

a. Participants were not told of the real purpose of the study.

b. There were excessive risks for the participants.

c. Participants did not have the right to discontinue participation.

d. All of the above.

5.Why are subject variables not true independent variables?

a. Subject variables are extraneous variables, not independent variables.

b. Subject variables are confounded with stimulus independent variables.

c. Subject variables are not manipulated by the researcher.

d. Subject variables are not operationally defined.

6.What is the Nuremburg Code?

a. An example of a research study in which participants were not provided with an informed consent.

b. An example of a research study in which participants were not provided with a debriefing.

c. An example of a research study in which participants were not allowed to discontinue their participation at any time.

d. An ethics code that resulted from the trials of Nazi doctors.

7.Ethical responsibilities by participants in research studies include all of the following EXCEPT:

a. Participants should not ask questions of the researcher, especially during the informed consent procedure.

b. Participants should not discuss the experiment with others who may be participants in the future.

c. Participants should take the research seriously and cooperate with the experimenter.

d. Participants should be on time for their research appointments.

8.Researchers were interested in examining the effects of a recently developed therapy on treating body image disorders. Thirty female participants were assigned to receive the new therapy, and thirty male participants were assigned to a group therapy treatment regimen. After two months, participants were asked to complete an inventory measuring self-esteem (scores range from 1 to 30, higher scores indicate higher self-esteem). Researchers hypothesized that the new therapy would lead to an increase in self-esteem of participants. Data from this experiment are provided below.

What type of hypothesis do the researchers make?

a. directional and causal

b. directional and relational

c. nondirectional and causal

d. nondirectional and relational

9.Researchers were interested in examining the effects of a recently developed therapy on treating body image disorders. Thirty female participants were assigned to receive the new therapy, and thirty male participants were assigned to a group therapy treatment regimen. After two months, participants were asked to complete an inventory measuring self-esteem (scores range from 1 to 30, higher scores indicate higher self-esteem). Researchers hypothesized that the new therapy would lead to an increase in self-esteem of participants. Data from this experiment are provided below.

There is/are _________ independent variable(s) in this study.

a. zero

b. one

c. two

d. three

10.Researchers were interested in examining the effects of a recently developed therapy on treating body image disorders. Thirty female participants were assigned to receive the new therapy, and thirty male participants were assigned to a group therapy treatment regimen. After two months, participants were asked to complete an inventory measuring self-esteem (scores range from 1 to 30, higher scores indicate higher self-esteem). Researchers hypothesized that the new therapy would lead to an increase in self-esteem of participants. Data from this experiment are provided below.

Identify the scale of measurement for the dependent variable.

a. nominal

b. interval

c. ratio

d. ordinal

11.Researchers were interested in examining the effects of a recently developed therapy on treating body image disorders. Thirty female participants were assigned to receive the new therapy, and thirty male participants were assigned to a group therapy treatment regimen. After two months, participants were asked to complete an inventory measuring self-esteem (scores range from 1 to 30, higher scores indicate higher self-esteem). Researchers hypothesized that the new therapy would lead to an increase in self-esteem of participants. Data from this experiment are provided below.

Identify the confound variable in the experiment.

a. The type of therapy

b. Self-esteem score

c. Sex of participants

d. No confound variable is present

12.Researchers wanted to examine the effects of facial symmetry on attraction. Researchers had 100 undergraduate students (50 males, 50 females) view three photos of individuals of the opposite sex in a random order. The three photos were of an unaltered face, an asymmetrical face, and a symmetrical face. Participants viewed all photos and then were asked to arrange the photos from least attractive to most attractive. Researchers hypothesized that the symmetrical faces would be viewed as the most attractive face.

There is/are _____ independent variable(s), with ______ levels.

a. one; two

b. one; three

c. two; three

d. three; three

13.Researchers wanted to examine the effects of facial symmetry on attraction. Researchers had 100 undergraduate students (50 males, 50 females) view three photos of individuals of the opposite sex in a random order. The three photos were of an unaltered face, an asymmetrical face, and a symmetrical face. Participants viewed all photos and then were asked to arrange the photos from least attractive to most attractive. Researchers hypothesized that the symmetrical faces would be viewed as the most attractive face.

What is the scale of measurement for the dependent variable?

a. Ratio

b. Interval

c. Nominal

d. Ordinal

14.Researchers wanted to examine the effects of facial symmetry on attraction. Researchers had 100 undergraduate students (50 males, 50 females) view three photos of individuals of the opposite sex in a random order. The three photos were of an unaltered face, an asymmetrical face, and a symmetrical face. Participants viewed all photos and then were asked to arrange the photos from least attractive to most attractive. Researchers hypothesized that the symmetrical faces would be viewed as the most attractive face.

What is the confound variable in this experiment?

a. Photos viewed were of the opposite sex

b. Three photos were viewed

c. The order the photos were viewed

d. There is no confound variable present

15.What is an operational definition, and why is it important for researchers to use operational definitions?

16.Explain the difference between a directional and nondirectional hypothesis and give an example of each.

17.Explain the effect of a nuisance variable in an experiment.

18.Explain reliability and validity.