Answered step-by-step
1.  About half of all psychologists work in which area?    …

1.  About half of all psychologists work in which area?

     social or development                                          personality or development 

     physiological or experimental                            clinical or counseling


2.   A _____ psychologist studies the biological basis of behavior, thoughts, and emotions.

      experimental                                          organizational

      physiological                                            educational  


3.   A hypothesis is

      the independent variable                                                  the dependent variable.

      a testable prediction derived from a theory.                 an explanation of a phenomenon.


4.   Which of these psychologists opened the first psychology lab?

       Freud                                        Wundt

       Watson                                     James


5.  Structuralism emphasizes

     individual difference.                                           biological principles.

     the influence of the unconscious.                      the basic units of experience and their combinations.


6.   Who founded Behaviorism?

      Watson         Wundt

      Titchener      James

7.  The tangible goods and the values, attitudes, behaviors and beliefs that are passed from one generation to another is

     gender.          culture.

     race.               ethnic stereotypes.


 8.   Research which observed behavior in its actual setting without controlling anything is called

       correlational method.           naturalistic observation.

       survey research.                      psychometric study


  9.  The research method used by Freud was

        naturalistic observation.       case study method.

        correlational method.           survey research.


 10.   Psychology is the study of behavior and

        emotions.                  functionalism.

        structuralism.           mental processes.


 11.   The processes involved in learning, memory, sensation, perception, and cognition are investigated by which type of psychologists?

         Experimental           social

         Educational              organizational



12.   The scientific method is

the same as an hypothesis.                         an approach to gaining knowledge that relies on collecting     data and hypothesis testing. 

 being replaced by a multimethod relativism.             the use of expensive instrumentation.

 13.   Which of the following is NOT one of the enduring issues in psychology?

          the Person-Situation issue.               the Chicken-Egg problem.

          Stability vs. Change.                           the Nature-Nurture issue.


 14.   An hypothesis is

  an explanation of a phenomenon.                            the independent variable.

  a testable prediction derived from a theory.          the dependent variable.


15.   The basic units of experience and their combinations were the foundation of 

         functionalism.              structuralism

        Gestalt.                            behaviorism.

16.   Functionalists emphasize that

  consciousness is a continuous flow. 

 research should be done through objective introspection. 

 consciousness is composed of three components. 

 individual differences are the basis of human behavior. 


17.   Consciousness as a continuous flow is an important concept to

         functionalism.                          structuralism.

        objective introspection.           behaviorism.


18.   According to Freud, which of the following has the most control over our behavior?

         environmental stimuli                        mental associations

         Gestalt interactions                            unconscious desires

19.  What research method was used by Freud?

        survey research                     case study method

        naturalistic observation       correlational method


 20.  Freud believed that adult problems usually

  are the result of poor behaviors 

 result in Freudian slips 

 can be traced back to critical stages during childhood 

 result in bad dreams 


21.   Which describes the Behaviorist school of thought?

  Identifying the elements of consciousness. 

 Studying the interaction of psychological forces within the individual. 

 Studies how people perceive and experience objects as whole patterns. 

 Studies observable and measurable actions. 


22.   Gestalt theory emphasizes

  a flow of consciousness. 

 our tendency to see patterns. 

 environmental stimuli. 

 the atoms of thought.


23.   Which of the following was a prominent woman early in the history of psychology

         Eleanor Rosch                       Christine Ladd-Franklin

        Mary Jemison                         Margaret Truman

 24.  What do you call research that records behavior in its actual setting without controlling anything?

         naturalistic observation                    psychometric study

         survey research                                   correlational method


 25.   In an experiment to test the effects of stress on performance, the independent variable is

         test score.                               performance.

         the age of the person.          stress.


 26.   The amount of association between two or more variables is

          correlation.                           naturalistic observation.

          synchronosity.                      naturalistic observation.


 27.   In an experiment, which group does not receive the treatment and is used for comparison?

          experimental                        control

          dependent                            independent


28.   Which of the following is specifically trained to assess and treat mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders?

         Counseling psychologist                     Clinical psychologist

         Clinical social worker                          Psychiatrist


 29.  School of psychology that emphasizes nonverbal experience and altered states of consciousness as a means of realizing one’s full human potential.

        Humanistic psychology                        structuralism

        Gestalt psychology                               behaviorism