Answered step-by-step
1.  According to the assigned readings, which of the following…

1.  According to the assigned readings, which of the following statements is FALSE?

a. A stressor is best described as any stimulus that is interpreted or perceived as causing a stress response.

b.  There is more than one kind of stressor, and the effect of any stressor may vary from person to person and from time to time in the same person.

c. The impact of a stressor, (how strongly it affects a person) is determined by predictability, uncertainty and ambiguity.

d.  Stressors mostly affect young adults because by the time that persons reach maturity (about the age of 26) the human brain is fully developed and can cope with everyday stress.


2.  Which of the following statements is FALSE?

a.  A so-called “hassle” is the same as a life event stressor and has the same overall and long-term effect on the human brain.

b.  Chronicity refers to the important concept that severe and long-lasting stress can seriously affect overall physical and even mental health.

c.  Allostatic load refers to the overall stress load or overload that can affects change to human physical and mental systems.

d.  Research shows that both humans and animals vary in vulnerability to stress.  For example, we can breed mice, rats and dogs to be either more vulnerable or less vulnerable to certain kinds of specific stress.  


3.  Which of the following statements is FALSE?

a.  Environmental factors, such as sudden noise, high heat, extreme cold and lighting level can affect stress levels. 

b.  Genetic factors, those characteristics we inherit from our parents, can play a major role in how a person reacts to stress, but genetics reacts with environmental factors such as previous experience. 

c.  Research shows us that we cannot control genetic influences on how we respond to stress, because genetic influences are always stronger than any environmental issue in producing stress. 

d.  Personality can play an important role in how e respond to stress.  For example, some persons score high on vulnerability and become stressed easily and others score high on resilience, the ability to “bounce back” from stressful events. 


4.  The Costa and McCrae Five Factors study of 1992, showed that one of the five personality factors: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism (emotional stability) was more likely to influence stress responses like anxiety, anger or depression.

a.  Openness is most likely to anxiety and stress because Openness leads to more experiences.

b.  Conscientiousness is most likely to lead to stress because such people are never satisfied.

c.  Extraversion is most likely to lead to stress because extroverts simply meet more people!

d.  Neuroticism is most likely to lead to stress and anxiety because neurotics have less emotional stability.


5.  The belief or conviction that a person can get through a difficult situation and resist or overcome stress through one’s own individual efforts is called:

a.  overconfidence

b.  self-efficacy

c.  personal delusion

d.  “passing the buck”


6.  Tom believes that his own efforts will get him through life’s challenges and stress.  Bill believes that no matter what he does, the great influences in his life are beyond his reach and outside factors will determine whether he succeeds or fails in life.  This difference in their attitudes is BEST described as a difference in:

a.  internal versus external locus of control

b.  extroversion versus openness

c.  openness versus instability

d.  self promotion versus neuroticism


7.  Which of the following statements is FALSE?

a.  Stress, anxiety and depression do not start in life until about the age of five when children begin to become socialized and start dealing with strangers.

b.  Compared to men, women are about twice as likely to develop depression as the result of stress in life.

c.  Research shows that even while in the womb, the fetus can feel and react to stress because of stimuli experienced through the mother’s system.

d.  Resilience, the ability to limit the effect of stress and “bounce back” from a stressful event can be taught and learned through experience.


8.  A critical part of controlling stress depends on appraisal – how we interpret the stressor and which coping strategy we choose to deal with the stress.  Which of the following statements is FALSE?

a.  Right after experiencing a stimulus that brings on a stressor, we start the appraisal.

b.  The appraisal of a stressor can only be done by a trained medical professional.

c.  If an event is seen as aversive (harmful) or out of our control, we interpret it as stressful.

d.  If we appraise an event as out of our control, a stress reaction might make a condition worse.


9.  Which of the following statements about appraisal of a stressor is FALSE?

a.  How we respond to stress is based entirely of our previous experience or training, so we can always train people to avoid stress.

b.  Personality influences how a person perceives, appraises and reacts to a stressor.

c.  The same stressor might be appraised very differently by different persons, leading to different coping strategies.

d.  Many factors such as age, previous experience, and personality can influence how we appraise a stressor.


10.  Following appraisal of a stressful event, people may use different coping strategies.  Mike recently built a house just feet from the river’s edge.  His friends advised him against living there because of the dangers of flooding.  Mike points out things have changed because there have been no floods there for 10 years and he refuses to listen to any more arguments against living there.  Which of the following statements is TRUE?

a.  Mike’s coping strategy is clearly based on logic, no floods in 10 years.

b.  Mike’s coping strategy is clear of any emotion.

c.  Mike’s coping strategy is based on avoidance and denial.

d.  It is impossible to determine if emotion is involved.


11.  Social support is a key concept in the psychology of stress.  According to the assigned readings, which of the following statements is FALSE?

a.  There is general agreement among scientists that high levels of social support may help against stress, even for patients with severe illness like cancer and heart disease.

b..Persons with little or no social support may be more likely to have difficulty in controlling appraisals and responses to stressors.

c.  Even one  lone individual, such as a caregiver for the elderly, can be considered a member of a social support group.

d.  Social support groups are only effective if they are trained professionals, like doctors, nurses and social workers. 


12.  We are all social beings who expect social approval and inclusion in or relationships.  But, one counselor notes that each year around the time of the high school senior prom there is an increase in in the number of stressed high school girls seeking treatment for symptoms of depression.  She finds that most of them report disappointment at not being asked to go to the prom.  She should explain to her patients that:

a.  high school girls have unrealistic expectations of love and romance.

b.  social rejection is a common and particularly potent stressor, so their reaction is understandable.

c.  dating is a high risk social encounter, so the girls should not be disappointed.

d..they should accept this as a way to build, their resilience.


13.  Which of the following statements is FALSE?

a.  Stress from social rejection is relatively rare and depends mostly on age.

b.  Stress from social rejection can be due to one’s sexual orientation.

c.  Stress from social rejection can be due to one’s race.

d.  Stress from social rejection can be due to one’s illness, such as AIDS.


14.  Every workday Harry has to drive a long way through heavy traffic in order to reach the office by 8:00 AM.  By the time he gets there, he feels anxious and stressed.  Which of the following statements is FALSE?

a.  During his drive there were changes to hormones in his system.

b.  The cortisol hormone definitely increased if he was feeling stressed.

c.  Hormones are simply chemicals that affect human moods and behavior.

d.  Unfortunately, hormones cannot be detected in the human system.


15.  Which of the following statements is FALSE?

a.  Hormones associated with stress are activated only by actual physical events, not by just thinking about stressful events.

b.  Although hormones are quite natural in the human system, hormones can cause negative consequences for the body.

c.  The cortisol hormone can enter and affect the human brain within seconds after a stressful event.

d.  Stress hormones are useful in emergencies, increasing blood sugar for energy to the muscles. 


16.  As Harry walks along a path in the woods, he suddenly hears a rattling noise and stops.  Which of the following statements is FALSE?

a.  The rattling sound is a stimulus which his brain will appraise as a possible stressor.

b.  If Harry thinks it is a dangerous rattlesnake, stress hormones will activate.

c.  Cortisol flow will immediately calm his nervous system.

d.  His body will prepare for “fight or flight.”


17.  According to the assigned readings, which of the following statements is FALSE?

a.  Stressors encountered early in life may also have profound long-term ramifications on well-being in responses to later stressor challenges.

b.  Fortunately, we can completely eliminate stress with some simple exercise.

c.  Some fear and anxiety can be useful, for example they keep us alert in time of danger. 

d.  Stress occurs throughout the life span, so we cannot completely avoid it.


18.  Which of the following statements about coping strategies is FALSE?

a.  One common coping strategy for dealing with stress and anxiety is overeating rich so-called “comfort food,” like chocolate, but this can be harmful to physical health.

b.  In times of extreme danger and anxiety, animals and people tend to eat less, concentrating on alertness.  

c.  When extremely anxious or stressed, our eating behavior is influenced by hormones.

d.  Hormone activity, like cortisol increases, is fairly constant throughout the day and not influenced by environmental factors. 


19.  Which of the following statements about hormones and eating behavior is FALSE?  

a.  Eating disorders, like bulimia, have nothing to do with stress and anxiety; they are strictly due to lack of will power and laziness, such as avoiding exercise. 

b.  Changes in stress and anxiety influence hormone activity, and thus eating behaviors. 

c.  Treating depression and anxiety often includes questions about eating habits.

d.  Changes in job conditions can influence stress levels and therefor influence hormone activity and therefore influence eating behaviors. 


20.  Which of the following statements about stress and reproduction is FALSE? 

a.  Women tend to have higher levels of depression due to stress than men.

b.  When stressed, women are less inclined to engage in the behaviors that lead to sex.

c.  Pregnancy involves many changes in hormones, so stress, depression and anxiety levels may all change during pregnancy.

d.  Fortunately, modern contraceptives for birth control have eliminated the problems caused by stress and anxiety over reproduction.