Answered step-by-step
1. All of the following are psychoanalytic therapy techniques…

1. All of the following are psychoanalytic therapy techniques except
A. Free association
B. Interpretation
C. Re-orientation
D. Analysis of transference
E. Dream interpretation

2. Essential goals of classical psychoanalytic therapy are all except
A. Working through early life repressed material
B. Analysis of resistance & transference
C. Restructuring personality
D. Analyzing social & cultural factors


3. This ego-defense mechanism is known as the simplest of all the defense mechanisms. Using it, individuals are able to conceal from themselves what they think, feel or perceive in a traumatic situation.  It is called:
A. Repression
B. Displacement
C. Denial
D. Rationalization


4. The important contributions of Psychoanalytic Therapy include all below except:
A. Emphasis on the effects of early childhood experiences on development
B. Focus on dreams as a way to understand the psyche
C. Focus on gaining insight into neuroses
D. Emphasis on leaving old behavior patterns behind and moving on to new behavior.

5. Which term does not fit Adlerian therapy?
A. Holistic
B. Social
C. Teleological
D. Deterministic
E. Phenomenological


6.  The Adlerian Lifestyle Assessment includes gathering information on all except:
A. Psychological position in the family
B. Early recollections
C. Dreams
D. Unconscious dynamics that motivate behavior
E. The parent-child relationship

7. The existential “givens of life” include all of the following except:
A. Death
B. Freedom
C. Existential isolation
D. Meaninglessness
E. Fate

8. Carlos, an eight-year old boy, was recently removed from his home because he was being physically and sexually abused by his father.  In accordance with Maslow’s framework, which needs took precedence?
A. Physical and safety needs
B. Self-actualization
C. Esteem from self and others
D. Belonging and love


9. Which therapist developed child-centered play therapy?
A. Jeanne Watson
B. Natalie Rogers
C. Virginia Axline
D. Art Combs


10. According to Abraham Maslow, a self-actualizing person possesses the following core characteristics except:
A. Self-awareness
B. Freedom
C. Basic honesty and caring
D. Outer directedness


11. All of the following are true about expressive arts therapy except:
A. All people have the innate ability to be creative.
B. The creative process in itself is transformative and healing. 
C. Expressing our feelings through the arts can lead to self-awareness.
D. When individuals write or paint it does not affect the way they feel or think.
E. A supportive, warm environment is necessary for clients to grow.

12. The cornerstone of the person-centered approach to therapy is:
A. Caring about the client.
B. Accurate understanding of the clients experience and feelings.
C. Impeccable research for over 60 years.
D. Emphasis on the client’s feelings.


13. According to critics, person-centered therapy may not be well-suited to some cultures because:
A. Some cultures need more direction in solving problems.
B. Some cultures are uncomfortable with eye contact.
C. Some cultures do not view the needs of the individual as important.
D. All of the above.


14. The psychoanalytic approach places emphasis on which of the following:
A. The unconscious
B. The role of transference
C. Early life experiences
D. Psychosocial stages of development
E. All of the above