Answered step-by-step
1. Aurora, a psychology major, remarks that she has become…

1. Aurora, a psychology major, remarks that she has become interested in the study of intelligence. Thus, Aurora is interested in:

A. the capacity to solve problems, adapt to the environment, and learn from experience.
B. the ability to generate valuable and original solutions to problems.
C. obtaining, using, and converting knowledge to perform well on written tests.
D. how behavior changes as a result of experience and exposure to stimuli.

2. An individual’s potential for learning is called:

A. intelligence.
B. flexibility.
C. aptitude.
D. creativity.

3. Trial and error, algorithms, heuristics, and insight are all forms of:

A. mental representation.
B. creativity.
C. cognition.
D. problem solving.

4. _____ represents the rules used to bring meaning to words and sentences.

A. A morpheme
B. Semantics
C. A phoneme
D. Syntax

5. In the context of creativity, _____ is the ability to see things in new ways, make connections, and see patterns.

A. thinking
B. reliability
C. personality
D. flexibility

6. Jason grew up in the United States. He is having argument with someone about whether or not an olive is a fruit. Although Jason easily recognizes an orange as a fruit, he doesn’t realize that an olive is a fruit because an orange is _____ than an olive due to _____.

A. a more formal concept; it being commonly referenced as a fruit in American culture
B. a more formal concept; its distinctiveness
C. more prototypical; it being commonly referenced as a fruit in American culture
D. more prototypical; its distinctiveness

7. In the InclusiveU program at Syracuse University, students with intellectual disabilities take

A. remedial college classes.
B. regular college classes.
C. special classes for students with disabilities.
D. classes taught by college students.

8. When engaging in problem-solving, understanding the problem must come first. Then _____ typically occurs next, followed by _____.

A. trial and error; algorithms
B. functional fixedness; engaging the mental set
C. algorithms; trial and error
D. choosing an approach; evaluation

9. Semira is taking The Guilford’s Alternate Uses Task and she is asked to think about common objects and record the many other uses for the objects. This test is designed to test:

A. personality.
B. convergent thinking.
C. divergent thinking.
D. intrinsic motivation.

10. _____ is associated with a theory of intelligence proposing seven or more distinct forms of intelligence.

A. Binet
B. Sternberg
C. Spearman
D. Gardner

11. Which language component and definition pair are correct?

A. phoneme—meaning
B. pragmatics—social communication
C. semantics—word order
D. syntax—speech sounds

12. People seek and remember evidence that supports their existing hypotheses. They are also more likely to ignore or discount contradictory evidence. In other words, people are prone to the:

A. availability heuristic.
B. framing effect.
C. representativeness heuristic.
D. confirmation bias.

13. A prototype is the:

A. example that best fits the rules defining a concept.
B. first example of a concept that one encounters.
C. most representative example of a concept.
D. most distinctive example of a concept.

14. How might an academic tutor explain the relationship between cognition and thinking to a student?

A. Thinking is a subtype of cognition.
B. Cognition is goal oriented.
C. Cognition and thinking both “go beyond” the information.
D. Cognition is a subtype of thinking.

15. Research has shown that in addition to humans and great apes, a type of _____ is capable of complex decision making.

A. cat
B. horse
C. dog
D. parrot

16. In the context of intelligence tests, the reliability of an assessment:

A. is high when test developers administer the test to a large sample of people.
B. can be determined by the predictive validity of the test.
C. is determined by seeing if the test score is consistent with the scores of other intelligence tests.
D. can be determined by splitting the test in half and correlating the results.

17. Using a shovel to make a pendulum will allow you to swing the second rope. When it swings near you, you can grab it and hold both ropes at the same time. People get stuck on this problem because they can’t think of alternative ways to use the shovel. This is an example of:

A. confirmation bias.
B. algorithm.
C. a mental set.
D. functional fixedness.

18. The “I knew it all along feeling” feeling that leads people to believe that they could have predicted the outcome of an event that was unpredicted is called the:

A. representativeness heuristic.
B. confirmation bias.
C. functional fixedness.
D. hindsight bias.

19. Jouri is a human resource manager for a large company and wanted to predict an applicant’s potential for success in a given area. Drawing on her background in psychology, Jouri decides to use an _____ test.

A. creativity
B. achievement
C. aptitude
D. flexibility

20. Which example represents a barrier to problem solving?

A. an algorithm
B. convergent thinking
C. functional fixedness
D. a representative heuristic 


1. Due to the 2005Roper v. Simmonsdecision, defendants who committed crimes before age 18 are no longer candidates for the death penalty. A contributing factor to this decision is the _____ of an adolescent.

A. educational background
B. socioeconomic situation
C. gender
D. developing brain

2. Recent research suggests that babies as young as _____ months old are able to draw conclusions using the process of elimination.

A. 6
B. 12
C. 18
D. 8

3. When Bernard was born, he could focus most clearly at about the distance between his face and his:

A. mom’s face when she was cradling him.
B. own fingers at the end of his arms when they were C. close to his face.
C. own fingers at the end of his outstretched arm.
D. own toes when he was standing.

4. Tom rarely acts nervous in the Strange Situation and pays little attention to whether his mother is present or absent. Tom should be classified as having a(n) _____ attachment pattern.

A. ambivalent
B. hard-to-classify
C. avoidant
D. secure

5. Ericka experienced a significant change in her relationship with her mother after she became pregnant at the age of 16. That change in relationship is an example of:

A. socioemotional development.
B. maturation.
C. physical development.
D. cognitive development.

6. According to Kohlberg, decisions at the postconventional level of moral reasoning are based on:

A. moral expectations of society.
B. individual beliefs about morality.
C. personal gain.
D. external consequences.

7. Jeanette has a risk of high blood pressure and heart disease because of her family’s medical history. As a result, her family doctor advises her to avoid smoking and follow a healthy diet. Which debate in developmental psychology does this scenario exemplify?

A. critical or sensitive period
B. stability and change
C. stages or continuity
D. nature and nurture

8. Research by Alexander, Wilcox, and Woods (2009) using eye-tracking technology revealed that:

A. baby girls spend more time looking at cars, while boys tend to focus on toy trucks.
B. both male and female babies tend to focus on dolls and other human shapes.
C. both male and female babies tend to focus on toy trucks and other novel shapes.
D. baby girls spend more time looking at dolls, while boys tend to focus on toy trucks.

9. The general sequence and timing of the motor milestones is fairly:

A. different within certain cultures and ethnicities.
B. universal.
C. individualized.
D. specific for different cultures and ethnicities.

10. According to the American Psychiatric Association, an individual who seeks or undergoes a social transition to the other gender is a(n) _____ individual.

A. transgender
B. intersex
C. transsexual
D. homosexual

11. _____ is the first of Kübler-Ross’ stages.

A. Anger
B. Bargaining
C. Depression
D. Denial

12. Shortly after conception, the zygote inside Blanca split and formed two separate zygotes. _____ started developing in her womb.

A. A fetus
B. Dizygotic twins
C. One embryo
D. Monozygotic twins

13. Harry Harlow and his colleagues completed a number of studies in which newborn macaque monkeys were raised with two artificial surrogate mothers. All the cloth mothers were designed to give:

A. object permanence.
B. sleep.
C. food.
D. contact comfort.

14. Joe does not identify as male or female. Their gender identity is:

A. homosexual.
B. transsexual.
C. nonbinary.
D. transgender.

15. Twelve-year-old Nathaniel was having trouble solving word problems in his math homework. His dad began reading the problems aloud and emphasizing the important information. As Nathaniel started catching on, his dad gradually provided less help for each new problem. This interaction illustrates:

A. Piaget’s concept of concrete operational thought.
B. Piaget’s concept of conservation.
C. Vygotsky’s concept of scaffolding.
D. Erikson’s concept of industry versus inferiority.

16. Some researchers propose that language development occurs during the _____ period, which is characterized by substantial, but necessarily irreversible, changes in the brain.

A. sensorimotor
B. sensitive
C. critical
D. preoperational

17. A chromosome contains one molecule of:

A. zygote.
B. gene.
C. genotype.
D. deoxyribonucleic acid.

18. Fatima is 28 years old and newly married. She would like to establish her career before trying to have a baby with her husband. What should she consider when weighing this decision?

A. Her husband’s fertility will start to decline when he is in his mid-thirties.
B. Her fertility will not significantly decline until she starts menopause.
C. Her fertility will significantly decline by about 30% within the next 10 years.
D. Her fertility will begin to decline after she turns 40.

19. Shamin is asked to give a presentation in her Developmental Psychology class about research designs and issues in methodology. She gives the example of Daisy, who is 75 years old. Daisy remembers the Vietnam War and the civil rights movement quite clearly. In contrast, her 18-year-old granddaughter never had any personal connection to these events. Shamin explains that this difference is due to the _____ effect.

A. imprinting
B. extraneous
C. cohort
D. longitudinal

20. Between weeks 3 and 8, the developing fertilized egg is called a(n):

A. zygote.
B. embryo.
C. fetus.
D. blastocyst.