Answered step-by-step
        1-By first grade, children select same gender playmates…





1-By first grade, children select same gender playmates about ____ % of the time.
































2- Which statement about homophobia and hate crimes against LGBTQ people is true?






Hate crimes are subject to less severe sentences than other crimes





Homophobia has been increasing in recent years





The Hate Crimes Prevention Act only covers hate crimes committed on the basis of sex or diability; it does not include sexual orientation





30% of lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults reported having been physically attacked or threatened











3-Which of the following statements concerning survey findings on orgasm in older women is true?






Few women continue to experience multiple orgasms.





Most women experience an increased capacity to have an orgasm.





Most women no longer experience contractions of the orgasmic platform.





The majority of women still consider orgasms to be important.











4-Which of the following statements regarding male circumcision is true?






It is practiced for religious as well as hygienic reasons.





Circumcision was first known to be practiced in the mid-18th century.





Circumcision is relatively uncommon in Middle Eastern and African societies.





Superincision is the most common form of circumcision in the United States.











5-Treatment for prostate cancer may include which of the following?






Prostate-specific antigen injections, orchidectomy, and watchful waiting.





Orchidectomy, radiation therapy, and watchful waiting.





Prostate-specific antigen injections, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy.





Prostate-specific antigen injections, orchidectomy, and chemotherapy.











6-What is the best definition of passionate love?






It involves friendly affection and a deep attachment based on familiarity





It is a form of compassionate love that builds over time in a relationship





It is a state of extreme absorption in another person





It is the emotional component of love that encompasses the sense of being bonded with another person











7-The spermatic cord contains the:






vas deferens.





seminal vesicles.





prostate gland.





Cowper’s glands.











8-Human sexual arousal and response:






are determined by both psychosocial factors and biological factors.





are more determined by hormonal influences than other factors.





are more determined by sensory and central nervous system factors than other factors.





are more determined by hormonal factors in women and psychosocial factors in men.











9-Sean had difficulty getting to know women face-to-face because he felt awkward and embarrassed. In order to find a meaningful relationship what would be the best step for him to take?






Go to the local bar and get drunk.





Enroll in a speed dating program.





Try meeting someone online.





Ask a coworker out on a date.











10-Which is true regarding male infant circumcision?






It represents no risk of infection, as newborns generally have much stronger immune systems than older children or adults.





It would make it significantly more difficult for males to keep their penis clean as they grow older.





It may decrease the risk of contracting HIV.





The World Health Organization currently advocates circumcision only for females.











11-If your partner says, “You don’t love me anymore,” it is LIKELY that you:






are being dysfunctional in the relationship.





don’t love your partner anymore.





are not doing the little things that you used to do to show that you care for your partner.





should think about relationship counseling.











12-Nocturnal orgasm is another term for:






having intercourse after midnight.





“wet dreams.”





delayed ejaculation.





retrograde ejaculation.











13-The reason some breasts are larger than others is primarily a result of:






larger amounts of glandular tissue.





larger pectoral muscles.





larger amounts of fatty tissue.





increased androgen output from the adrenals.











14-Which of the following is NOT one of the multidimensional components that make up a person’s sexual orientation?






Whom a person engages in sexual behavior with





Whom a person feels sexual desire or attraction for





The specific sexual orientation label a person self-identifies with





The specific sexual orientation label others use to describe a person











15-World War I created an environment:






for increased equality and flexibility of gender roles.





that kept women in traditional homemaker roles.





that introduced males to restrictive European sexuality.





that relied on television to teach sexuality.











16-Which of the following is true of Masters and Johnson’s research?






They found it is not possible to directly observe sexual behavior in a research setting.





They found clear differences between clitoral and vaginal orgasms.





The exclusively focused on the sexual arousal and response of women.





They observed over 10,000 completed sexual response cycles to learn about sexual arousal.











17-Which of the following is true of the qualitative study method of research?






It is difficult to explore a problem in any great depth.





It may be difficult to generalize the findings to the larger population.





It allows researchers to determine cause-and-effect relationships.





Data can be gathered from large groups of people.











18- The hymen:






completely blocks the opening into the vagina from birth to first intercourse.





can be torn only during intercourse; it is designed not to be affected by activities such as horseback riding and inserting a tampon.





cannot be used as proof of virginity as not all women experience tearing at first intercourse.





is responsible for secreting female sex hormones such as estrogen and progesterone.











19-Which statement is true of ejaculation?






It releases the same amount of sperm each time.





The second phase of ejaculation is the emission phase.





It is primarily a psychological response.





It usually takes 3 to 10 seconds in the expulsion phase.











20-Many people do not fit neatly into a male or female gender experience. For those gender nonconforming individuals:






strict and binary gender socialization can be especially helpful.





lenient gender socialization can be especially oppressive.





strict and binary gender socialization can be especially oppressive.





lenient and fluid gender socialization can be oppressive.









21-This structure is located at the base of the bladder and secretes about 30% of the seminal fluid released during ejaculation.






vas deferens





bulbourethral gland





seminal vesicle





prostate gland