Answered step-by-step
1. Choose 1 of the 3 articles (Research Article – Weston, et al….

1. Choose 1 of the 3 articles (Research Article – Weston, et al. 2019)
2. Consider their question and findings to choose your extension research question. What
is a “next step” that you could propose taking? What is a new question generated from
their findings that you could propose answering?
3. Define and develop your IV(s) and DV(s) needed to answer this question. Think about
what is needed for each section of your methods (participants, materials, procedures).
How will you manipulate the IV(s), how will you measure the DV(s)? Who will your
participants be? What will you have them do? What will you use to measure their
4. Develop a specific hypothesis and rationale. What do you think the outcome of your
experiment would be if we actually did it? Why do you think that would be the
5. explain an Introduction Section in APA style that uses the previous research you found to
summarize relevant background information and incorporate the research questions,
hypothesis, and rationale you developed above.
6. Explain your Method Section in APA Style using headings, subheadings, and citations
where appropriate.
7. explain your intended statistics and Expected Results section in APA Style.
What should your paper include:
1. APA Style Title Page
2. APA Style Introduction Section. This should be roughly 3 -4 pages. Makes sure to use
APA Style headings and subheadings to organize your ideas.
3. An APA Style Method section with the following subsections: Participants, Materials,
Procedures. (This should be roughly 1-2 pages). You will not be graded on length, but
rather ability to convey appropriate information effectively to the reader. So, if your
method section is only ½ a page, that’s not enough space to accurately conveyinformation. If it is 5 pages, you are probably saying too much and confusing your
4. An APA Style Expected Results section with details regarding which statistics you would
run for this experiment, and how you expect the results to turn out. Include a figure (bar
graph or line graph) to demonstrate these expected results.
5. APA Style Reference Section
Additional Information:
-A rubric will be posted in the iCollege assignment for the paper once we begin writing . Look at
it to help guide your completion of the assignment.
-Use the APA Style manual and/or the link I posted on iCollege for issues with APA style
formatting and citations/references.
-Remember that you are not writing “for your professor”. I am grading the assignment, your
reader is a theoretical, educated person who is naïve about the topic at hand. Do not assume
knowledge for that person. Explain everything clearly, concisely, and adequately.
-You may not use quotes in your paper. Everything in the paper should be written in your own
words. This means that you will need to have a good grasp on the papers you are reviewing so
that you can paraphrase.