Answered step-by-step
 1. CHOOSE ONE PROMPT BELOW:  Prompt #1: Statement: Adolescents…


Prompt #1: Statement: Adolescents are not just the product of their DNA.

Explain specifically how both genes and environment influence the developing teen. (1 paragraph)

 Prompt #2: Teens are nothing but a group of risk takers who are obsessed with sex, drugs, and rap music.

Explain specifically how the teen brain is prone to risk taking. (1 paragraph)



Dr. Larson is designing an experimental study to determine the effects of violent videogames on adolescent social skills. In this example, the violent video games would be the _____ variable and the social skills would be the _____ variable. 



The main androgyn that plays a role in male pubertal development is _____ and the main estrogen that plays a role in female pubertal development is _____.


4. Hypothalamus partners with what gland to start puberty?

a. Gonads

b. Menarche

c. Thyroid gland

d. Pituitary gland


5. Research on the timing of puberty has indicated all the following are true EXCEPT:

a. Late maturing males had a more negative body image in early highschool than early maturing females.

b. Early maturing girls are more likely than late maturing girls to be depressed.

c. Early maturing males are less likely to have successful peer relationships.

d.Early maturing girls are more likely than late maturing girls to have eating disorders.


6. Judy (XX chromosomes) and Justin (XY chromosomes) are twins. Which of the following statements about their experiences with gonadarche is most likely to be TRUE?

a. Judy will experience gonadarche one to two years before her brother.

b. Judy and Justin will begin gonadarche at about the same time.

c. Justin will begin gonadarche about two years earlier than his sister.

d. Only Justin will experience gonadarche.



The actual written instructions on your DNA is called the _____ and the expression of those is called the _____.


8. What happens to brain connections – or synapses – that we no longer use?

a. They are stored in our long-term memory until we need the information again.

b. Those synapses are pruned.

c. They are rehearsed in our working memory until we need the information again.

d. Those synapses are maintained until we die.


9. All of the following are important changes in the teen brain EXCEPT:

a. The prefrontal cortex and the limbic system strengthen.

b. Corpus callosum thickens.

c. Limbic system almost completely matures.

d. Prefrontal cortex fully matures in early adolescence.


10. Which of the following has NOT been labeled by psychologists as a type of attention?

a. Selective attention.

b. Executive attention,

c. Divided attention.

d. Concentrated attention.


11. Which of the following statements about adolescent decision making is true?

a. Older adolescents are better at making decisions than are younger adolescents.

b. Adolescents who are impulsive are often not effective decision makers.

c. Emotional regulation plays a role in decision making.

d. All of these choices are correct.


12. Which of the following statements regarding metacognition is TRUE?

a. It involves “knowing about knowing,” or “thinking about thinking”.

b. It can be taught in schools to increase problem solving skills.

c. It includes knowledge about strategies.

d. All of these choices are correct.


13. The heightened sense of self-consciousness of adolescence is known as:

a. Adolescent actor syndrome.

b. Adolescent egocentrism.

c. Adolescent self-absorption.

d. Adolescent egotistical personality.


14. Martha states that “everyone is staring at my beetle brows” after her mother refuses to drive her to get her eyebrows waxed. Martha’s belief is an example of what David Elkind called the _____ of adolescence.

a. Personal fable.

b. Paranoid thinning.

c. Imaginary audience.

d. Delusions.


15. Recent research revealed that adolescent egocentrism…

a. Is seen more in males in early adolescence vs. females.

b. Peaks in early adolescence and disappears by ages 17-19.

c. Is still prominent in emerging adults ages 18-21.

d. Is seen more in females in early childhood vs. adolescence.


16. John was nervous, but decided to audition for the school play. When he was done with his audition, a few peers congratulated him and invited him to a cast party. John continued auditioning for other plays.

In this scenario, use Skinner’s theory to classify the response of the environment to John’s audition.

a. Negative reinforcement.

b. Negative punishment.

c. Positive punishment.

d. Positive reinforcement.


17. Jen gets in the car, inserts the key, and puts the car in reverse. The seatbelt alarm starts beeping. Jen buckles her seatbelt and the alarm stops. She continues buckling up before driving after that.

In this scenario, use Skinner’s theory to classify the response of the environment to Jen’s action of buckling her seatbelt.

a. The alarm turning off is a positive punishment.

b. The alarm turning off is a negative punishment.

c. The alarm turning off after she buckles is a negative reinforcement.

d. The alarm turning off after she buckles is a positive reinforcement.


18. Organize the theorists, main ideas, and concepts that would fall under each theoretical orientation. You should use all categories and answers. Match possible answers to theories.


Psychoanalytic theory

Cognitive theory

Behaviorism theory

Ecological framework 

 Possible answers:

Development is mostly un/sub conscious.

Proximal processes drive development (immediate environmental interactions).

Scheme, assimilation, accommodation.

The person is active in their own development and construction of knowledge.

The person is passive in their own development; a result of their environment.






Conflict theory,




Importance of expert-novice interaction.

The response of the environment either acts as a reinforcement or a punishment and shapes our behaviors.


*SCENARIO: Daniela is thinking more and more about sex and sexuality. For each item below, apply what you learned about Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological theory to indicate the corresponding system as it relates to Daniela (a 15 year old). You will use some systems more than once.


19. Current cultural norm is that teen sex is bad and should be prohibited.



20. Danielas volleyball coach overheard her talking to teammates about birth control and reached out to Danielas mom about how best to respond and approach her about it.



21. Danielas sister talks to her about birth control.



22. Daneila confides in her closest friends that she is considering having sex with her boyfriend on their upcoming anniversary.



23. Danielas dad becomes angry when he finds Danielas birth control and they fight.



24. At age 15, Daniela has puberty hormones and an increased sexual desire – this is a normative topic of exploration for other teens her age.



25. Danielas aunt and her mother discuss the best way to talk to her about sex and sexual health.



26. Danielas private school has a policy that abstinence only is the education model taught.




Facial hair is typically the last male pubertal characteristic to develop.
Risk taking can be negative, but it can also be very positive and be a growth experience.
A true experiment requires randomization and a control group. It gives us the most confidence in the results.
Changes in the environment can impact the epigenome.
A dependent variable is the variable researchers must manipulate and control.
We know exactly what prompts puberty – its the hippocampus.
Precocious puberty is typically diagnosed when puberty begins before age 11 in boys.
The first menstrual period is known and spermarche.
Negative adolescent stereotypes are often exaggerated.
Proximal processes occur in the macrosystem.
Role of ambiguity often helps teens adjust to step family transition.


28. Jeremy has grown up participating in various service efforts. He has an idea for what it means to be a good person and he is simply acting in accordance with those ideas. 

Brofenbrenners ecological framework
Skinner’s operant conditioning
Pavlov’s classical conditioning
Erikson’s Psychosocial theory
Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory
Piaget Cognitive theory
Frueds Psychsexual Theory
Bandura’s Social Theory


29. Jermey is engaging in this service as a way to explore and establish identity. How successful he is will depend on the support of his parents and peers.

Brofenbrenners ecological framework
Skinner’s operant conditioning
Pavlov’s classical conditioning
Erikson’s Psychosocial theory
Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory
Piaget Cognitive theory
Frueds Psychsexual Theory
Bandura’s Social Theory


30. Jeremy attends a religious institution that encourages this sort of action. His parents and his previous teachers have been supportive. Additionally, culture in general seems to approve of his efforts. 

Brofenbrenners ecological framework
Skinner’s operant conditioning
Pavlov’s classical conditioning
Erikson’s Psychosocial theory
Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory
Piaget Cognitive theory
Frueds Psychsexual Theory
Bandura’s Social Theory


31. Jeremy’s mother has taught him all she knows about serving the community. She taught him about homelessness and let him help her early on. Eventually, he was able to take off and do it on his own. 

Brofenbrenners ecological framework
Skinner’s operant conditioning
Pavlov’s classical conditioning
Erikson’s Psychosocial theory
Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory
Piaget Cognitive theory
Frueds Psychsexual Theory
Bandura’s Social Theory


32. Jeremy gets smiles, high fives, and big hugs from those he works with. These seem to fuel his passion to continue doing it.

a. Brofenbrenners ecological framework

b. Skinner’s operant conditioning

c. Pavlov’s classical conditioning

d. Erikson’s Psychosocial theory

e. Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory

f. Piaget Cognitive theory

g. Frueds Psychsexual Theory

h. Bandura’s Social Theory


33. Jeremy grew up watching his grandfather serve his community relentlessly. He saw his grandfather be praised and admired for this. He’s decided to emulate his grandfathers actions.

a. Brofenbrenners ecological framework

b. Skinner’s operant conditioning

c. Pavlov’s classical conditioning

d. Erikson’s Psychosocial theory

e. Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory

f. Piaget Cognitive theory

g. Frueds Psychsexual Theory

h. Bandura’s Social Theory


Both ABC and 123 are multiple choice! THANK YOU SO MUCH