Answered step-by-step
1) Chose either Piaget or Vygotsky and discuss three educational…

1) Chose either Piaget or Vygotsky and discuss three educational principles derived from this theory that continue to have a major impact on both teacher education and classroom practices, especially during early childhood (see Berk, 2018).  Provide examples of how each of these principles would be applied in a classroom. 


2) Provide a brief definition of each of Diana Baumrinds’ parenting styles and then compare and contrast these styles to Helicopter, Gardner, and Carpenter parenting. Finally, argue for the parenting style that you think is the least supportive for healthy growth and development and why (use evidence from the course to support your position.  HINT: share research on longterm outcomes from the course).  Y must include information from Berk  (Parenting Styles and Child Maltreatment).


3) List and describe 5 personal qualities/skills that you believe are important for an individual’s academic and vocational success (e.g., problem-solving, creativity, logic, sociability, etc.). For each quality, indicate and support if the quality is assessed by traditional intelligence tests, Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Successful Intelligence, Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences, or none of these.  Connect the personal quality/skill to the specific aspect or area of intelligence defined in the theory (e.g., Sternberg – practical intelligence). See Berk and the Canvas Types of Intelligence page. 


4-describe an educational environment that you believe would be most supportive of a 7-11-year-old with the learning difference you selected (be sure to specify the learning difference). Connect your educational approach to theories and concepts reviewed in class (Piaget, Information Processing, Vygotsky, etc.). How do current approaches to education support or inhibit children with the learning difference you reviewed


5-Industry vs. inferiority; self-esteem; problem-centered and emotion-centered coping; social convention; individual rights; In-group and out-group bias; and reducing prejudice.


 Read the following interaction and then respond to the questions that follow. The interaction occurred during lunch at an elementary school with two 5th graders:

Riley: Hey Avery! I don’t know what to do. I forgot about our Geography quiz so I got a 0!

Avery: Oh no! We have that another test coming up soon. Do you want to be in our study group?

Riley: That would be great! Who else is in the group?

Avery: Just Tanner and Braydon.

Riley: Oh I like Tanner. He’s so nice. Everyone likes him. But, Braydon? Why is he in the group? No one likes Braydon. He’s so bossy and a know it all.  Also, Ms. Kimper said you, me, and Tanner are in the Blue group for Math and Braydon is in Yellow.

Avery: Well, Tanner and Braydon are always hanging out so we just decided to all study together.

Riley: Ok, I’ll be in the group, but not with Braydon. We need to study without him knowing.

Avery: That’s not really fair, he’s been in the group the whole time. I don’t think Tanner will want to study without him.  

Riley: Well I’m your best friend! Who’s more important, me or Braydon? Besides, Braydon isn’t very smart. We’ll just tell Tanner that Braydon cheated on his last quiz. Then Tanner won’t want to study with Braydon.

Avery: I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. I would be really upset if I got kicked out of the group and someone told people I cheated when I really didn’t.

Riley: You’re such a baby. Who cares about Braydon’s feelings!

Avery: Sometimes you’re so mean! I don’t know why everyone likes you. I’m not kicking Braydon out of our study group!

Riley: Fine! I’ll start my own study group! I don’t need your help!!


Based on the information you have available, determine the peer acceptance category (sociometrics) for Riley, Avery, Tanner, and Braydon. Provide a rationale for your decision based on information from the course text or Canvas material and the narrative above.  You won’t have actual peer nominations however the narrative provides information on how others feel about each of these students.
How would you characterize Riley and Avery’s empathy and moral development (use terms/support from the course material)?
Describe at least two examples of aggression and note the type (proactive and reactive) and form of aggression (physical, relational, verbal) observed in this interaction.
Describe any evidence of In-group or Out-group bias or favoritism?

5-“Share a question about development that you hope to have discussed/answered during the course” (Question 2).  In 2-3 (thoughtful, scholarly) sentences, share what you learned about this question during the course.  If the question was not answered, why not (outside the scope of the course, etc.).