Answered step-by-step
1) Classical conditioning is learning through stimulus substitution…

1) Classical conditioning is learning through stimulus substitution because of repeated pairings of an unconditioned stimulus with a conditioned stimulus.

a) True

b) False



2) All of the following is true regarding punishment EXCEPT:

a) It often leads to undesirable emotional side effects associated with the punisher

b) It does not present a guide for desirable behavior

c) It emphasizes undesirable behavior

d) It is just as effective as reinforcement in bringing about desirable behavior 



3) The 3 stratums in the CHC Theory of Intelligence include all of the following EXCEPT:

a) An overall general ability

b) Several broad abilities

c) Narrow abilities that comprise the broad abilities

d) Adaptive abilities that are specific to the individual


4) Lewis Thurstone’s categories of intelligence include:

a) Analytical intelligence, practical intelligence, and creative intelligence

b) Word fluency, verbal comprehension, spatial visualization, number facility, associative memory, reasoning, and perceptual speed

c) Linguistic intelligence, spatial intelligence, and bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

d) Short term memory,  long term storage and retrieval, processing speed, auditory processing, and visual processing


5) The process of transforming experienced information into a form that can be later stored and used by the brain

a) Encoding

b) Storage

c) Retrieval

d) Translating


6) Reinforcing small sequential steps in a chain of behaviors, leading to the desired final behavior

a) Law of effect

b) Shaping

c) Reinforcement

d) Trace conditioning


7) The single most important processing ability is ______.

a) Attention

b) Memory

c) Information gathering

d) Response time


8) A classical conditioning-related behavior referring to the rapid reemergence of a previously extinguished behavior

a) Contiguity

b) Spontaneous recovery

c) Stimulus generalization

d) Blocking


9) _____ is defined as imitative behavior in which the observer does not copy the model’s responses but simply behaves in a related manner.
a) Eliciting effect

b) Inhibitory effect

c) Environmental effect

d) Modeling effect


10) Explicit, long term memory that is a conscious recollection of one’s personal experiences that took place at a specific time in a certain place is called:

a) Episodic memory

b) Semantic memory

c) Procedural memory

d) Reflexive memory


11) Negative reinforcement decreases the probability of a behavior’s occurrence by removing the desired stimulus.

a) True

b) False


12) A form of memory that holds large amounts of sensory information for a brief amount of time is called:

a) Short term memory

b) Sensory memory

c) Working memory

d) Conscious memory


13) Selective attention is influenced by the number of sources, similarity of sources, complexity of tasks, and automaticity.

a) True

b) False


14) Operant conditioning is closely associated with

a) Pavlov

b) Kohlberg

c) Skinner

d) Köhler


15) ____ reinforcers: stimuli that are naturally rewarding for an organism.

a) Primary

b) Secondary

c) Tertiary

d) Key