Answered step-by-step
1) Cognitive development refers to … Choose one … 1.thinking…

1) Cognitive development refers to …

Choose one …

1.thinking functions such as attention, comprehension, memory, problem-solving and decision-making.

2.the influence of cultural differences on cognitive development. 

3.the ability to deal with new or trying situations. 

4.the impact of genetics and heredity on cognitive development.


2) What does healthy cognitive development mean?

Choose one … 

1.Growing mentally to the best of one’s ability in their unique situation.

2.Intelligence testing results within a certain range.

3.High levels of academic achievement.

4.Minimal influence of the environment on cognitive development.


3) According to the information processing theory, teachers should present new information to enhance academic performance by …

Choose one … 

1.using unfamiliar topics to challenge learners. 

2.presenting information in a random order. linking new information to what the learner already knows. encouraging learners to memorize information. 


4) According to the African view of personhood, how should teachers enhance academic performance?

Choose one … 

1.By teaching in isolation of previous knowledge. 

2.By linking new information to what the learner already knows. 

3.By emphasising individual learning over communal learning. 

4.By avoiding the use of themes or topics in teaching.


5) What are the four stages of cognitive development proposed by Jean Piaget?

Choose one … 

1.Logical, critical, analytical, and creative

2.Sensorimotor, pre-operational, concrete operational, and formal operational

3.Convergent, divergent, lateral, and vertical

4.Procedural, declarative, episodic, and semantic


6) According to Gardner, what is more important than intellect?

Choose one … 



3.Emotional intelligence

4.Logical thinking


7) Choose the INCORRECT statement. 

According to Gardner:

1.Humans’ cognitive ability is pluralistic, which means people have more than one intelligence. 

2.People possess different strong intelligences. 

3.People possess only one general intelligence. 

4.People’s multiple intelligences vary in degrees of strength, skills and limitation. 


8) According to Sternberg’s theory, which type of intelligence involves the ability to solve problems and analyse information?

Choose one…

1.Analytical intelligence

2.Creative intelligence

3.Practical intelligence

4.Emotional intelligence


9) According to Lev Vygotsky’s theory, which of the following is true about the zone of proximal development (ZPD)?

Choose one … 

1.It is the level of development that a child can reach on their own.
2.It is the level of development that a child can reach with minimal assistance.
3.It is the level of development that a child can reach with extensive assistance.
4.It is the level of development that a child can never reach, no matter how much assistance is provided.


10) Thabo participated in the national mathematics competition. The competition requires participants to solve complex problems using logical and analytical thinking skills. Thabo was able to solve the problems given to him in the competition quickly and accurately. 

Which multiple intelligence according to Howard Gardner does Thabo excel in?

1.Linguistic intelligence

2.Interpersonal intelligence

3.Logical-mathematical intelligence

4.Intrapersonal intelligence


11) Which of the following careers would be suitable for someone with high interpersonal intelligence?




4.Social worker


12) Which of the following best describes deductive reasoning?

Choose one … 

1.Reasoning from the specific to the general.

2.Reasoning from the general to the particular.

3.Reasoning based on patterns and observations.

4.Reasoning based on personal experiences.