Answered step-by-step
1. Collaborative learning is more beneficial for high-ability…

1. Collaborative learning is more beneficial for high-ability students, as it solidifies their knowledge.





2. What impact has the IDEA legislation had on students who are diagnosed with a specific learning disorder?

Under this legislation, students who are diagnosed with a specific learning disability are ineligible to receive services.


Under this legislation, students who are diagnosed with a specific learning disability are the largest proportion of students receiving services.


Under this legislation, students who are diagnosed with a specific learning disability are the smallest proportion of students receiving services.


Under this legislation, students who are diagnosed with a specific learning disability are the only students who receive services.


3. Which type of motivation is illustrated when you receive a reward for your behavior?









4. How does gender impact the brain with respect to spatial relationships in STEM disciplines?

It is argued that boys have deeper canalization with respect to spatial relationships.


It is argued that boys have been found to have an innate wiring in the brain for spatial relationships.


It is argued that girls have deeper canalization with respect to spatial relationships.


It is argued that girls have been found to have an innate wiring in the brain for spatial relationships.


5. David Wechsler’s deviation IQ tests set the average at 100 and a standard deviation at 15 which ensures that most people will land within one standard deviation of the average.





6. Many students become more determined when they suffer a setback.




7. Deficits in intellectual, social, and adaptive functioning that begin early in life are known as what under the DSM 5?

intellectual disability


mental rotation


specific learning disorder


stereotype threat

8. Juan has studied very hard for his history exam. He knows this information backwards and forwards. Right before the test though, Juan begins to doubt himself. He starts to think that he is going to fail this exam. On every question, Juan second guesses himself and ends up doing very poorly. Juan has illustrated which concept?

convergent thinking


self-fulfilling prophecy


motivational resilience


niche picking

9. What impact does grade retention have on outcomes?

Children who have been retained have poorer long-term outcomes.


Children who have been retained have better social outcomes.


Children who have been retained have poorer reading outcomes.


Children who have been retained have better long-term outcomes.

10. Breonna is given a problem in class. Her teacher tells each student to come up with as many different solutions to this problem as they can. She instructs them not to pay any attention to whether or not these would work or how outlandish they may seem. She just wants as many possible solutions to the problem. Which type of thinking is Breonna’s teacher trying to stimulate?









11. Katie and Jenna are the best of friends. When it comes time for reading groups through, the children aren’t allowed to pick their own groups. Katie needs to go to the red group, who reads on a higher level, while Jenna goes to the blue group, who reads on an average level. The teacher in Katie and Jenna’s classroom is using which concept?

ability grouping


implicit associations


sustaining environment


practical intelligence


12. What impact does determination have on intelligence and achievement?

Growth mindset is the understanding that determination changes intelligence and leads to higher achievement.


Growth mindset is the understanding that achievement is the product of intelligence not determination.


Growth mindset is the understanding that determination and achievement cannot be changed by intelligence.


Growth mindset is the understanding that determination has no impact on intelligence or achievement.


13. Even though girls outperform boys in many school areas, which is an area that girls are lagging behind in participation?



STEM fields






14. Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence believed that there are three pillars of intelligence including creative, analytical and ______.









15. Taylor wants to be an entrepreneur. He really likes the idea of having an impact on the world. He wants to change the way people live their lives and make it better. Which is Taylor concentrating on?

analytical intelligence


convergent thinking


Big-C creativity


Small-c creativity