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1) If a researcher develops a new treatment, evaluates it in their…

1) If a researcher develops a new treatment, evaluates it in their own laboratory, and finds excellent results, what should be considered as especially likely to have influenced the findings?

Group of answer choices

Adherence of therapists to the treatment manual


Fidelity to the treatment


Demand characteristics


Lack of assessors who were blind to the treatment conditions


Allegiance effects


2) Sarah is a counselor who owns a small private practice) She wants to know whether the therapy she provides to her patients is helpful to them. She decides to start giving her patients structured symptom measures every few sessions and to track whether each patient’s symptoms are improving. She also checks in with each patient and asks what is going well and what they could change to make therapy work better. This is a(n) __ approach to evaluation.

Group of answer choices









3) Which of the following is NOT one of the main features of CBT:

Group of answer choices



Therapist is very passive


Highly structured and focused






4) Dr. Rigby recognizes his client is engaging in the defense mechanism of projection. As Dr. Rigby considers the case, he decides to practice the DBT skill of “making lemonade out of lemons”. While practicing the skill, he is most likely to tell himself that:

Group of answer choices

Defenses are often maladaptive


Defenses can result in transference with the therapist


Defenses provide important information if the therapist can determine when/why they are being used


Defenses should be considered to always be adaptive because the client is using them to cope with negative emotions


5) Jack and Jill have been married for three years. After one year of marriage, they started to argue frequently. Now Jill ignores Jack most of the time) Jack is coming in for therapy because he is feeling depressed) He says that most of his other relationships are going okay (with coworkers and with his children), but the constant fighting with Jill is really getting him down. He feels stuck and believes neither of them are working to improve their relationship. According to IPT, the therapist would most likely focus on:

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Interpersonal disputes


Role transitions




Interpersonal skills


6) Dr. Plunger evaluates a new treatment for toilet phobia) He has a group of patients complete measures of toilet anxiety, toilet avoidance, and toilet discomfort before and after a 10-week toilet phobia treatment. He finds that his patients (n = 35) had significant reductions in toilet anxiety, toilet avoidance, and toilet discomfort. What factors might explain his patients’ improvements?

Group of answer choices

The treatment worked)


The patients got better with the passage of time)


The patients’ scores regressed to the mean when they were measured the second time)


All of the above


None of the above


7) According to Chambless and Hollon (1998), what is one concern associated with using meta-analyses to understand research when multiple studies have conflicting results?

Group of answer choices

Meta-analyses can obscure qualitative differences in how the treatment is executed


Meta-analyses are unable to compensate for the limited power (small sample sizes) of individual studies


Meta-analyses do not provide useful summaries of large numbers of empirical studies


Meta-analyses are rarely published in peer-reviewed journals