Answered step-by-step
 1) In early adulthood, approximately 60% of Americans are…

 1) In early adulthood, approximately 60% of Americans are inactive, with no regular sessions of even light activity.

Group of answer choices



2)Which of the following statements may explain why SES disparities in health and mortality are larger in the United States than in other industrialized nations?

Group of answer choices

A) Socioeconomic groups are less likely to be segregated by neighborhood in the United States than in other countries.


B) Even high-SES Americans are less likely to seek medical treatment than adults in other countries.


C) Low-income and poverty-stricken U.S. families are financially less well-off than families classified in these ways in other countries.


D) The wealthiest Americans have much higher incomes than in other industrialized nations, widening the SES gap.


3) Sexual partners, whether dating, cohabiting, or married, tend to be

Group of answer choices

A) similar in education, but not religion.


B) similar in age, but not in education.


C) similar in age and education.


D) similar in education, but not in ethnicity

4)Which of the following statements about rape prevention and treatment is true?

Group of answer choices

A) Practically no services are available for victimized men, who are often too embarrassed to come forward.


B) The trauma induced by rape is typically so severe that therapy is an ineffective intervention.


C) In the United States, treatment is mandated for men and women who sexually assault their partners.


D) Safety planning interventions are not needed if the abuser is no longer present in the victim’s life.


5) According to Arnett, emerging adulthood is characterized by:

Group of answer choices

A) Strong feelings of connection to adulthood


B) Being focused on others rather than on oneself


C) None of the above.


C) Both of the above.


6) According to Levinson, which of the following statements about gender differences in dreams is true?

Group of answer choices

A) Men’s dreams tend to define the self in terms of relationships.


B) Most career-oriented women have “split dreams” involving both marriage and career.


C) Women’s dreams are usually more individualistic than men’s dreams.


D) Most career-oriented men have “split dreams” involving both marriage and career.


7) According to Sternberg’s triangular theory of love,

Group of answer choices

A) intimacy involves a desire for sexual activity and romance.


B) intimacy, passion, and commitment shift in emphasis as romantic relationships develop.


C) initial intimacy declines in favor of passion and commitment.


D) passion develops after commitment is established.


8) Which of the following is true about marriage in the US:

Group of answer choices

A) The number of first marriages has increased.


B) The number of second marriages has increased.


C) Marriage is no longer a central life goal for young adults.


D) Most unmarried young adults want to marry and have a family someday.


9) Which of the following is an accurate statement about singlehood?

Group of answer choices

A) Caucasian Americans are nearly twice as likely to remain single in early adulthood as African Americans.


B) Many single people go through a stressful period in their early thirties when most of their friends have married.


C) The most commonly mentioned advantages of singlehood are greater social support and mental health.


D) Overall, people who have always been single report significant dissatisfaction with their lives.


10) Childlessness seems to interfere with adjustment and life satisfaction

Group of answer choices

A) in low-SES but not high-SES couples.


B) only when it is beyond a person’s control.


C) among the highly educated.


D) in women but not men.