Answered step-by-step
1.In his book How to Win Customers and Keep Them for Life, Dr….

1.In his book How to Win Customers and Keep Them for Life, Dr. Michael LeBoeuf says that

customers buy only two things, which are


a.good feelings and solutions to problems

b.goods and services

c.tangibles and intangibles

d.thoughts and experiences


2.Which of the following is a FAULTY notion regarding customer service?

a.Customer service is of little importance as customers exist for the benefit of businesspeople.

b.Knowing the issues involved in a business is important to develop the skills of effective customer service.

c.The most obvious reason for increased importance for high-quality customer service is greater competition.

d.Keeping customers happy and loyal simply makes good economic sense.


3.According to John Tschohl, you have good service when ______.


a.your customers think you have it are really sure you have it see your business growing rapidly stop worrying and start spending


4.Bruce is a customer service representative of Good Homes Appliances. He is responsible for

providing solutions to customers’ problems. To provide solutions to the customers, Bruce depends

on the team of technical experts in the company. From the given information, we can conclude that

Bruce is a(n) ______.


a.internal customer

b.”nice” customer



5.Two of the simplest principles of customer service include ______.


a.find out what the customer needs; do whatever is necessary to satisfy those needs.

b.create needs in your customers; try to satisfy those needs

c.sell the product first; explain how the product benefits the customer

d.prepare the idea for a service; find a customer to fit the service


6.Basic human needs that customers have in common include the need to be ______.


a.listened to and respected to blend in with the crowd without being singled out

c.treated as part of the customer group rather than as an individual

d.treated as though they are more special than any other customer



7.A customer complaint should be thought of as ______. opportunity to improve

b.a personal attack

c.a signal that your relationship with the customer is damaged forever insult to your company



8.According to the textbook, the “nice customer” is the customer who ______.


a.shows displeasure only by not returning always faithful and comes back week after week

c.always asks to deal with the supervisor rather than bothering top management

d.throws his weight around when he or she is upset about something


9. In the context of a business environment, bad news skills refer to ______. 


a.the skills necessary to deliver bad news to the customers but still retain their business and goodwill

b.the ability to receive bad news without being emotional or sentimental

c.the ability of gossipmongers to spread rumors within an organization

d.the required skills to bluntly deliver bad news to clients without wasting time sugarcoating the news


10.Which of the following practices should be AVOIDED when delivering bad news to a customer?


a.being overly apologetic about the situation

b.dealing with why the problem exists

c.using a polite tone of voice

td.alking about what can be done to solve the problem