Answered step-by-step
1. In Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, fatuous implies…

1. In Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, fatuous implies commitment and


a. company                            

b. privacy

c. decision                             

d. passion


2. In which of the following techniques is the person asked to accept a small initial request to increase the chances that they will later accept a larger request?



a. Foot in the door                             

b. The door in the face                     

c. That’s not all.                   

d. Not so free sample


3. John in the middle of the crowd does not help in an emergency situation, because he understands that there are many people who can do it. This is due to the



a. dysfunction of interest in helping                            

b. aggressiveness                 

c. Personal selfishness                      

d. Dysfunction of liability


4. The effect that one person’s behavior has on another is called


a. cohesion              

b. pressure              

c. Social influence 

d. Psychological influence


5. When situational demands are weak, we tend to attribute a person’s actions to internal causes.




6. The term ______ is a more targeted form of social influence when we change our behavior in response to another person with little or no social power or authority.


a. submission                        

b. obedience                         

c. complacency      

d. manipulation



7. Social psychology is the study of how people behave in


a. social situations or in the presence of others                     

b. a party or in a prison                     

c. Difficult situations           

d. Situations that lead to aggression



8. We tend to like those who are similar to us.




9. Much of the change in attitude relates to a desire to avoid clashes or contradictory thoughts, an idea summarized by the theory of


a. behavioral dissonance                  

b. psychological dissonance                            

c. emotional dissonance    

d. cognitive dissonance


10. Attitudes have three components, these are:


a. impulsive, action and reaction   

b. rational, emotional, behavioral  

c. cognitive, sentimental, management                     

d. beliefs (cognition), emotional, behavior


11. The fundamental error of attribution is to attribute the actions of others to internal causes.




12. The negative (or positive) evaluation of a group and its members is called:


a. stereotype                         

b. discrimination    

c. prejudice                           

d. self-fulfilling prophecy


13. Felipe justified his poor grade in the semester exam arguing that he had not had time to study because his mother was sick, he had needed him to take care of her. What kind of cause does this kind of attribution involve?


a. of complacency 

b. of the situation                

c. fundamental                     

d. of disposition


14. Frustration and aversive stimuli are more likely to produce aggression when signs of aggressive behavior are present.




15. Which of the following factors is associated with attitude formation?


a. Mass media                      

b. belonged to a group                      

c. All options are factors                   

d. Casual conditioning



16. What is the correct order of steps needed to determine whether viewers would provide their help to someone in need? Match the correct number with the corresponding step.


1, 2, 3, 4, 5,


_____Implement your chosen course of action.


_____Determine if there is a genuine need for help


_____Determine if the situation is a true emergency.


_____Take responsibility for helping.


_____Choose the type of help that will be provided.



17. Social learning theorists view aggression as primarily related to biological instincts.




18. The mere presence of others always improves performance.




19. The fact that your best friend asks you for a small favor does not imply that I later ask you for a greater favor that you cannot refuse. This is what explains the theory of


a. Low ball              

b. door on the face             

c. Temptation – Change                    

d. Foot at the door


20. Which of the following series are the three main components of Sternberg’s consummate love?


a. passion, intimacy, decision/commitment                             

b. passion, closeness, sexuality       

c. attraction, desire, complementarity                        

d. commitment, affection, sexuality


21. One of the factors by which interpersonal attraction increases is


a. Economic status              

b. competence                      

c. Skills                     

d. similarity


22. Conformity is a normal aspect of social life.




23. In most social encounters, high levels of personal self-disclosure are reciprocate.




24. Paul is a store manager who believes that women are not successful in business. Important responsibilities are offered only to men. If employees fail to move up in the company, it is considered a


a. stereotype                         

b. prejuiciar                           

c. discriminate       

d. self-fulfilling prophecy



25. Obedience is conformity to one’s commands.


a. supremacy                        

b. authority                            

c. Psychological power                      

d. Social Power