Answered step-by-step
1) In terms of symptoms, what is the difference between unipolar…

1) In terms of symptoms, what is the difference between unipolar disorders and bipolar disorders?


2) Describe one-way treatment would be different for a unipolar disorder vs a bipolar disorder.


3) After reading the provided Vignette:


Josh Willsen is a 26-year-old male who is starting therapy with you to discuss his frustration with dating. When discussing his therapy history, he exclaims that he has had several therapists but quit treatment due to the therapist’s “incompetence.” Josh added that he has been smarter than all of his previous therapists and hopes that you are intelligent enough to fix his dating difficulties.

As you inquire further, you note that Josh reports a pervasive pattern of relational problems (ie., dating, work, friends) over the last ten years. He describes people in his life as “not recognizing [his] brilliance, success, or abilities.” He added that people do not appreciate how much he has to offer and they continually ask him to stop talking about himself because “they are jealous of my achievements.”

Josh stated that he barely graduated from high school, due to a low G.P.A., but believes he should have been valedictorian, adding that his “teachers were threatened by my abnormally high IQ and graded me too harshly.” He reports that he did not get accepted to any colleges but that he does not have anything left to learn.

Josh reports challenges holding a job for more than a few months, adding that he quits his job as soon as his work supervisor gives him suggestions for improvement.

Josh quickly redirects the interview back to dating, stating that he needs to remind you what to talk about. He shares that he is consistently dissatisfied with his romantic relationships. He attributed these problems to the women he dates, explaining that they do not admire him enough.

At the end of the session, Josh insists on going over time. He states that his needs are more important than your next patient’s needs and that he does not care how long they need to wait until he is finished.


a. write about your experience diagnosing the patient.

b. What symptoms stood out to you?

c. Did you correctly identify the disorder as unipolar/bipolar?

d. Did you correctly identify the mood disorder?

e. Would you describe this experience as challenging, easy, or somewhere in between?


4) In terms of symptoms, discuss some differences between anorexia and bulimia.


5) Briefly describe at least two treatments for eating disorders.


6) After reading the provided Vignette: (refer to question 3 to read the Vignette again to answer question 6)

a. write about your experience diagnosing the patient. 

b. What symptoms stood out to you?

c.  Did you correctly identify the eating disorder? 

d. Would you describe this experience as challenging, easy, or somewhere in between?



Note: Cite your sources accordingly and answer the questions accordingly.