Answered step-by-step
1. Katie, a toddler, is patting the cat very nicely. Her mother…

1. Katie, a toddler, is patting the cat very nicely. Her mother makes sure to praise how softly and gently she is patting the cat. She gives Katie a sticker for being so nice today. Katie’s mother is using which theory to help teach moral behavior?

Service learning


Gender schema theory


Social domain theory


Operant conditioning


2. What impact can a discrepancy between your real and ideal self have on something you care about.

Large discrepancies between real and ideal selves in adolescents will result in problems in identity moratorium


Small discrepancies between real and ideal selves will only impact a negative identity adoption


Discrepancies between real and ideal selves in an area that adolescents care about can have a large impact on self-esteem


Any discrepancies, whether large or small, between real and ideal self will impact your gender stability


3. What impact does social comparison have on children in middle childhood?

These comparisons form the understanding of social domain theory


These comparisons may form the basis for children’s self-concept


Social comparison affects how children develop their principle of care


Social comparison affects the way middle children experience gender stability


4. Levar watches television and plays video games. He tends to like games with a lot of action. He really likes superheroes. He thinks that his dad is a superhero. He describes himself as a strong and powerful boy. Which theory of gender development is most likely responsible for Levar’s understanding of himself as a strong and powerful boy?

Gender schema theory




Cognitive developmental theory


Gender self-socialization model


5. What impact do microaggressions have on youth?

The experience of microaggressions lead to identity foreclosure


Being treated with microaggressions can become a source of toxic stress


Microaggressions enacted toward youth are a rite of passage in many cultures


Youth who experience microaggressions express more stereotypes


6. A child consumed with playing by the rules of the game would be in which of Piaget’s stages of moral development?

Autonomous morality




Conventional moral judgment


Heteronomous morality


7. Isabelle, a 2-year-old, is playing with her toys in her room. She picks up one of her action figures and brings it out to her parents. She tells them “I’m a girl” and the figure is also a girl. Isabelle is in which stage of Kohlberg’s understanding of gender development?

Gender constancy


Gender identity


Gender stability


Gender schema


8. Which concept refers to the characteristics that you already have?

Real self


Muscular ideal


Thin ideal


Ideal self


9.Which is the crisis of adolescence according to Erik Erikson?

Gender stability


Preconventional moral judgment


Identity versus role confusion


Industry versus inferiority


10. Institutional racism is associated with negative mental health outcomes such as depression, violence, and stress disorders.





11. What is the impact of gender on moral reasoning?

There is no clear difference between males and females in moral reasoning


Females and males reason differently with males reasoning at a higher level


Kohlberg held that females reasoned at a higher level than males


The female gender reasons at a higher level than males


12. Recognition of being LGB comes at the time of the first sexual experience.





13. Isaiah has been working out a lot. He wants to start on his high school’s football team this year. He has been watching a lot of social media sites to see how he can bulk up to be like all the other athletes. He has even started taking steroids. Isaiah is most likely the victim of which concept?

Principle of care


Muscular ideal


Thin ideal


Impression management


14. Priya has changed her college major for the third time. She has also been doing some tests at the career center and job shadowing. Her semester schedule has a lot of different classes to see what she really likes. Which is Priya’s identity status most likely?









15. With regard to race and ethnicity, at which age do children reach constancy?






