Answered step-by-step
1- Onset before the age of 16 for cannabis is associated with the…

1- Onset before the age of 16 for cannabis is associated with the most severe neurocognitive deficits in learning, memory, and executive function.



2-What impact does cognition have on adolescence-limited antisocial behavior?

a-Cognitive advances through adolescence, such as impulse control and social skills aid in the increase in antisocial behavior.

b-Cognitive declines through adolescence such as with executive function aid in the increase in antisocial behavior.

c-Cognitive declines through adolescence such as impulsivity and social skills aid in the decline of antisocial behavior.

d-Cognitive advances through adolescence such as executive function and impulse control aid in the decline of antisocial behavior.


3-Ling’s school has just added a new section to her health class that is based upon self-awareness. The class is learning how to mediate conflict, how to empathize with one another, and understand different cultures. Ling has learned a great deal and continues to grow and learn more about not only herself but how to interact better with other people. She feels that she can be more successful overall because of this class. Ling’s school has most likely used a(n) ______ program.

A-acculturation b-storm and stress c-positive youth development d-autonomous exploration


4-Which individual demonstrates the behavior of a suicide contagion?

a-Olivia just wants to disappear almost every day.

b-John is thinking about ending his life, since his friend, Tanner, committed suicide.

c-Emma has been thinking about suicide for a couple of months now because of bullying.

d-Leroy sometimes thinks about what it would be like if he were not alive anymore.


5-Olivia has recently been diagnosed with a learning disability. This diagnosis came at a difficult time for her family, as she is moving to a lower socioeconomic neighborhood due to her parents’ divorce. She needs to also change schools away from all of her friends. It has recently come to light that her father was sexually abusing her. Olivia’s cumulative amount of risk factors will ______.

a-make it easier for her to adjust b-adjust her acculturation c-make it more difficult for her to adjust d-have no bearing on her adjustment


6-North American adolescents’ experimentation with alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana is considered ______.

A-bioecological B-self-harm C-normative D- authoritative


7-How are self-harm and emotions related in adolescents?

a- Adolescents who self-harm report that it acts to relieve emotional pain, reducing negative emotions.

b-Adolescents who self-harm report that it relieves positive emotions, increasing negative pain.

c-Adolescents who self-harm report that it increases emotional pain, increasing positive emotions.

d- Adolescents who self-harm report that it reduces negative emotions by increasing emotional pain.


8-What impact do extracurricular activities have on adolescent delinquency?

1-Adolescents involved in extracurricular activities are less likely to engage in delinquent behaviors.

2-Extracurricular activities and delinquent behavior have no association with one another.

3-Adolescents involved in extracurricular activities are more likely to engage in delinquent behaviors.

4-Adolescents not involved in extracurricular activities are less likely to engage in delinquent behaviors.


9- Fatima has a very close and warm relationship with her parents. They support her in all her decisions after careful discussion. She attends her local church and is very active in extracurricular activities at school. She is able to monitor and control her emotions while understanding that she has control over how she reacts and her ultimate destiny. She tends to get good grades in school and has a positive self-concept. Fatima is displaying all three competencies of ______.

A-neurogenesis b-co-ruminationbc-resilience d-acculturation


10-Jimmy has always been a bit overactive. His parents have tried to put him into sports and other activities to help manage his activity level. Lately, Jimmy has been acting differently. He has broken into a neighbor’s house, has been getting into fights at school, and has run away from home overnight. Jimmy’s parents are worried about these actions, as he is only 13-years-old. They decide that they need to have him evaluated for the possibility of ______.

a-major depressive disorder b-conduct disorder

c-suicidal ideation d-posttraumatic stress disorder


11-Kayla has been having trouble concentrating and sleeping lately. She feels tired all of the time. If she falls asleep, she usually wakes up intermittently. This has been going on for several months. She also feels guilty when she has done nothing wrong. All of this just grows her ever present feelings of worthlessness. Kayla should be evaluated for ______.

a-conduct disorder b-posttraumatic stress disorder c-major depressive disorder d-hyperactivity


12. SELECT ALL THAT APPLY. Which is/are negative consequences of substance use as reported by adolescents versus adults?

a.saying embarrassing things b.reduced white matter c.regretting sexual experiences d.vomiting

13.Which approach involves promoting and discovering adolescents’ qualities to adapt and engage in constructive ways to interact with their complex and changing contexts?

storm and stress b.positive youth development d.multisystemic therapy

14.Life-course persistent antisocial behavior has been associated with family factors such as harsh parenting.

True b.False

15.What impact does adolescent brain development have on substance use in adolescents?

a.The overdevelopment of the prefrontal cortex in adolescence makes adolescents more susceptible to immediate rewards over long-term consequences.

b.The overdevelopment of the limbic system in adolescence makes adolescents more susceptible to long-term consequences over immediate rewards.

c.The underdevelopment of the limbic system in adolescence makes adolescents more susceptible to long-term consequences over immediate rewards.

4. The underdevelopment of the prefrontal cortex in adolescence makes adolescents more susceptible to immediate rewards over long-term consequences.