Answered step-by-step
1.  PICK 2: Read the prompt and the details of the scenario below….

1. PICK 2: Read the prompt and the details of the scenario below. Formulate a response that addresses the bullet points completely. 

Select two pieces of Mariah’s context and briefly explain why those might be important for her development. Your ideas need to rely on information learned in lecture, textbook, and/or research reading. (6 points)
Be sure to specifially name the developmental domain your example is most related to (cognitive, physical, social, emotional, or moral). (2 points)
Examples of context you might look for include evidence of SES, parenting approaches, parent-child relationships, neighborhood safety, school quality, relationships with siblings, etc etc.


Mariah is a 15-year-old preparing to start high school. She lives with her mother and two younger siblings in a small, run-down neighborhood.
Her parents finalized a messy divorce a couple years ago. She doesn’t see her father often.
Mariah’s mother works two part time jobs and frequently takes night shfits. Finances are tight, but the bills are paid.This means Mariah usually makes dinner and helps her younger sisters with homework while her mom is working the evening shift.
Mariah’s mother is warm and loves her children strongly. Mariah’s mom enforces a strict routine and has high expectations but also loves her children fiercely.
Mariah misses her best friend, Jezel, who moved away last year. She has some friends, but no one that she loves as much as Jezel.
Mariah wants to try out for the cheerleading team, but the fees are high and she’s afraid to ask her mother for the money. Mariah’s English teacher, Ms. Daniels has offerred to cover the fees for her. She’s known Mariah’s family for years because they also go to church together. Mariah considers her her “second mom.”

2. Sibling relationships can be both incredibly beneficial, but also have the power to be harmful. How so? (1 paragraph)


3. Fill in the blank: 

__________ (theorist’s name) says we have innate psychological needs/drives we are striving to meet. These drives come into conflict with society. In adolescence that means teens are facing a stage called __________ versus __________.


4. Multiple choice:

The ability to effectively manage and control one’s emotions is called:

a. emotion regulation

b. exuctive function 

c. moratorium

d. ??emotional exageration


5. Multiple choice:

Emotional competence includes all of the following skills EXCEPT:

a. awareness of emotional expression’s role in relationships.

b. being aware of one’s emotional state.

c. not being overwhelmed by one’s emotional state.

d. adequately coping with positive emotions by using strategies to moderate their intensity.


6. ??Multiple choice:

Wayne is 12 and his parents have recently noticed him to be more moody and snarky with his brothers. They ask you if this is normal – how do you respond?

a. No, boys aren’t typically emotional.

b. Yes, negative emotions tend to increase with the onset of puberty in early adolescence.

c. Yes, and you can expect it to get much worse.

d. No, it’s more common for positive emotions to be stronger during adolescence.


7. Multiple choice:

Many ethnic minority adolescents experience a “double disadvantage” that includes prejudice, discrimination, and bias because of their ethnic minority status and…

a. Depression

b. poor health

c. social isoloation in the minority group

d. the stressful effects of poverty



8. Using Marcia’s Identity Statuses, assign each teen to a status. (Foreclosure, Diffusion, Achievement, Moratorium). 

a. Alaysia is passionate about science, but she also loves working with children. She has shadowed three different professionals, but still isn’t quite sure. She thinks she will take a variety of classes to continue exploring her options. (Foreclosure, Diffusion, Achievement, or Moratorium?) 

b. Maria skips school on the day of the college fair. She avoids the conversation with her mom. She prefers to smoke with her friends and says she’ll “think about it later.” (Foreclosure, Diffusion, Achievement, or Moratorium?) 

c. Daniela has accepted her spot at The Ohio State University. She’s always known she was going to go there. She will be third generation. She never considered any other school. (Foreclosure, Diffusion, Achievement, or Moratorium?) 

d. Jocelyn started Stan as a Biology major and then switched to a Liberal Studies major. After volunteering at the local Boys and Girl Club, decided her true path is as a Child Development major. (Foreclosure, Diffusion, Achievement, or Moratorium?) 


9. Multiple choice:

Social role theory contends that psychological gender differences are mainly due to..

a. innate psychological dispositions

b. biological dispositions

c. constrasting social roles of males and females

d. similar roles of males and females


10. Multiple choice:

Vanessa and Marco are the parents of 15-year-old twins, Frank (male) and Francine (female). Research suggests that…

a. Frank will have more independence than Francine.

b. Francine will be encouraged to do well in math.

c. Frank will be encouraged to do well in English and social sciences.

d. Both twins will be encouraged to excel in science.


11. Multiple choice:

Which of the following statements regarding siblings and gender role development is TRUE?

a. Siblings play very little role in gender socialization.

b. Younger siblings become less similar to older siblings in terms of leisure activities.

c. Younger siblings become more simillar to older siblings in gender role and leisure activities

d. Younger siblings become less similar to older siblings in terms of gender role.


12. Assign each statement as true or false

a. Marcia’s Identity Statuses are generally followed in order

b. Key changes in identity tend be achieved an completed in early adolescence

c. Recent research continues to find that gender stereotyping is common and frequent

d. Differences between males and females may be due to both biological and social experiences

e. As adolescents get older, their ability to manage their emotions improves

f. Teens are in a constant state of storm and stress, demontrating G. Stanley Hall’s views as accurate

g. Most adolescents and their parents have similar beliefs about the value of hard work, achievement, and career aspirations, and they often have similar religious and political beliefs


13. Read the scenario. Then, read the potential explanations to the right. Your job is to identify the theory/theorist who most likely influenced the explanation.

Scenario: Ms. Garcia, a high school teacher, was discussing Marco, a junior boy in her English class. She was talking with the school counselor about how frustrated she is that Marco seems to have so much potential but he continues to make poor choices – with his peers, with his school work – everything. The counselor offers some explanations for Marco’s behavior.

Match the counselor’s explanation about Marco’s behavior to the best theorist/theory. You will only use each theory ONCE.


Vygotsky/Social Constructivist

Skinner/Operant Conditioning

Bronfenbrenner/Ecological Systems Theory

Erikson/Psychosocial Theory

Freud/Psychosexual Theory

Piaget/Cognitive Constructivism

Bandura/Social Learning


Unfortunately, Marco’s made some older friends who’s taught him their ways – they’ve essentially mentored Marco about how to skate through high school with very little effort.


Marco is striving to discover who he is – he’s testing the waters. Unfortunately, he doesn’t have a lot of support at home so he’s looking more and more to his peers for their approval and support as he strives to figure out his identity.


Marco’s parents and his teachers aren’t in great communication – never have been. This lack of connections means he’s had disjointed interactions between school and home.


Ms. Garcia, a high school teacher, was discussing Marco, a junior boy in her English class. She was talking with the school counselor about how frustrated she is that Marco seems to have so much potential but he continues to make poor choices – with his peers, with his school work – everything. The counselor offers some explanations for Marco’s behavior.


Marco has seen his older brother get a lot of attention from peers and teachers being a class clown. He’s emulating his brother’s behaviors because of this.


His peers have laughed at his behavior starting way back in junior high – and he continues to act up. He seems to like the attention.