Answered step-by-step
1. Please take the Optimism-Pessimism test in Funder (2019). You…

1. Please take the Optimism-Pessimism test in Funder (2019). You can find this under “Try It for Yourself 3.2.” How did you score? Did your results on this test surprise you? How do you think your level of optimism or pessimism helps you in your life? How does it hinder you? Please explain.

Remember to use paraphrased ideas from Funder (2019) and citations to earn full credit. 


2. For Paper 9, you should “administer” two personality tests to someone you know (both tests to the same person). Please communicate to the test taker that their responses are for educational purposes only and that you will give them a deidentified name in your paper so as not to compromise their anonymity.

The first test involves administering two images from the Rorschach test (you can print out the two attached below, or access the attached link and select two from the 10 cards).

You will show your target the images one at a time. Ask the target to explain what they see in each image. Your job is to take notes and fully understand what the target is communicating. When necessary, please probe for additional information or clarification (please feel free to access the Rorschach instructions below for your information).  Your goal is to understand the target’s personality in general, but also to understand their tendency to try to maximize their options. A full description of this concept is described by Schwartz et al. (2002; see D2L). When you show your target the images, be sure to ask specific questions related to choice. One example probe might be “Do you think the animal you are seeing in the image is in control of what happens to them?” or “How do you think this event was related to someone’s behavior?” Obviously, the probes you choose will be based on the types of responses given by your target.

The second test is the Maximization Scale, developed by Schwartz et al. (2002). The Maximization Scale is an objective personality test (you can access the scale from the link or the attached document). You should administer the Maximization Scale to your target in paper version. Please see Schwartz et al. (2002) for scoring information.  

In your paper, you should answer the following questions:

a) What did you learn about your target using the Rorschach images?

b) What did you learn about your target using the Maximization Scale?

2) In your own words, what is a projective personality test?

3) In your own words, what are the strengths of projective personality tests? What are the weaknesses?

4) In your own words, what is an objective personality test?

5) In your own words, what are the strengths of objective personality tests? What are the weaknesses?

6) In all, which assessment was the most important for understanding your target? Why?


Maximization Scale can be accessed at:

Rorschach cards can be accessed at:

Instructions about how to adminster the Rorschach can be accessed at: