Answered step-by-step
1.Priya is a 16-year-old student and attends a school in Lautoka….

1.Priya is a 16-year-old student and attends a school in Lautoka. She has been referred to you for counselling. The reason as to why she has been referred to you for counselling is because she showed up to school and one of her teachers noticed that she had bruising on her face and looked weak. Priya refused to talk about what had happened despite the teacher’s concern, who then referred Priya to you for counselling.

Some background information:

Priya is a Fijian of Indian descent and as such punishment in the form of physical abuse is considered normal in their culture when children disobey their parents or elders in general (keep in mind that this might not be true for every Indo-Fijian family). In this case, Priya does not seem concerned about being beaten up by her parents as it is considered ‘normal’ in her family.

Priya’s parents had found out that she was in a relationship with a boy from the same school.

Priya had been falling behind in her studies recently in comparison to her previous academic performance.

Apart from the physical abuse, Priya was also locked up in her room with nothing to eat in order to further punish her.

Priya’s presenting problem is that she is going through a depressive episode.


How will you approach the intake (or the initial session) and the first few exploring counselling sessions with Priya? 





2.Natasha is a new counsellor and has been assigned a 30 year old woman, Tima, who has been subjected to domestic violence and abuse. Tima at times has difficulty expressing herself and remains quiet. Natasha then proceeds to talk and express genuine concerns about Tima’s situation which Tima either agrees with or just exhibits non-verbal cues such as nodding her head in agreement. 

What is a common mistake that Natasha is engaging in? 


Not being able to deal with Tima’s situation as Tima is not committed to the counselling process. 


Not being aware of her own anxiety. 


Not allowing herself and Tima to understand Tima’s silent moments. 


3.Silences during counselling sessions are uncomfortable and should be avoided by the counsellor. 







4.You are a school-based counsellor and notice that one of your clients, Karishma, who is 10 years old, is exhibiting signs of child abuse. 

Which of the following is one of the actions that you will take?


report to mandatory authorities such as the Department of Social Welfare (Fiji). 


discuss and speculate about Karishma’s case with other school teachers. 


force Karishma to tell you about the abuse. 


5.What are the similarities between euro-western versus Pasifika approaches of counselling? Describe the perception of mental health, mental illnesses and counselling in general within the Pasifika context (You can choose to focus on Fiji or any other specific Pacific Island Country).

Your answer should be between  sentences in length. 



6.Values and beliefs are not universal, for example, individual choice is a value that is not particularly applicable to all cultural contexts. As such, it is important for counselling practitioners to be aware of their clients values and beliefs. 

One way through which counsellors can achieve this is by _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 


sharing our personal values with clients based on our cultural context. 


explaining to clients the importance of euro-western values such as individual choice. 


listening to clients and determining the reasons as to why they are seeking help. 


7.Viliame, is a 17 year old who has been subjected to a lot of racism as he attends a school which has predominantly Indo-Fijian students. Viliame is currently experiencing some emotional problems and has been referred to an Indo-Fijian counsellor. 

This scenario is an important example as to why counsellors should _________________________________ so that their clients don’t feel rejected or discriminated against. 


share their values with their clients in a direct manner 


separate their personal bias from professional values and obligations


provide direct advice to their clients



8 .Is the following statement True or False: 

As I provide counselling for others, it is important that I also be open to the idea of therapy myself to strengthen self-awareness. 






9.Fill in the missing blank space:

__________________, either sexual or nonsexual, occur when counsellors assume two (or more) roles simultaneously or sequentially with a client



Non-romantic relationships


Sexual relationships 


c. Multiple relationships


10.Kamla, is a local counsellor whose clients primarily include women. Kamla believes that young women and women in general should demonstrate self-autonomy. Kamala’s most recent client, is a 17 year old, Reena, who just found out that she is pregnant. Kamla provides direct guidance to Reena and encourages her to consider either abortion or adoption as “Reena should not give up her whole life and ruin it by having a child at such a young age.” 

Which of the following is most suitable to explain the above situation?


Kamla is helping Reena by giving her direct advice and guidance. 


Kamla is imposing her values and beliefs on to Reena to influence her judgement which is unethical. 


Kamla is simply expressing her beliefs and values to Reena which is ethical. 


11. Miriama is a counsellor who primarily deals with young men and women with behavioral issues and problems. Miriama constantly researches, refers to and applies therapeutic interventions which best suit her clients goals and needs. 

As such, Miriama is engaging in __________________________________. 


evidence-based practice.


reinforcement-based practice.


theory-based practice. 


12. Tomasi is a professional counsellor at a local agency that provides counselling services. Tomasi lost his wife a few years ago and at the moment has a client who is around the same age as his wife was when she passed away. As Tomasi continues the counselling process, he finds himself being attracted to this particular client of his as she reminds him of his late wife. 

This can be described as _____________________________. 








13. Is the following notion True or False? 

Counsellors are expected to guide individuals in finding answers that are most congruent with their (clients) own values. It is not beneficial to provide advice or to give clients your answers to their questions about life.






14.Luke is a stay-at-home husband while his wife works for a large firm. Luke is required to do all the household chores, including cooking and cleaning. At times when Luke is unable to complete his chores on time, then he is subjected to verbal abuse from his wife – and this happens quite often. Within their social circles, people also make fun of Luke as it is not considered normal for men to do household chores and depend on their wives – from a socio-cultural perspective. Luke has been feeling emotionally overwhelmed and his self-esteem is at an all-time low. One of his friends is genuinely concerned about Luke and recommends that he seek counselling from you.

Some background information:

Luke is currently 30 years of age and used to work at a restaurant as a cook – which was his passion and also dream to open up an authentic iTaukei style restaurant. However, Luke had to leave that job and move because his wife is more educated, earns more and got transferred to a different city.
At times, apart from the verbal abuse, Luke’s wife gets physically violent as well – but Luke tolerates it as he has been taught through socio-cultural norms that “real men don’t cry” and since he already feels emasculated, he believes that showing his emotions will further belittle him.
Luke and his wife do not have any children.


Describe how you will develop an effective therapeutic relationship and build rapport with your client, Luke. 








15.Complete the following sentence: 

___________________________ involves the right of clients to be informed about their therapy and to make autonomous decisions pertaining to it.


informed consent






16..Which of the following is encouraged for counselling practitioners to undertake during practice?


Rely only on theoretical frameworks learnt in class (while pursuing a qualification in counselling) 


Be informed and guided by evidence-based practice. 


Be guided only by euro-western perspectives and literature. 


17.Maryam is a practicing Muslim and a professional counselling practitioner in a local community. Based on her religious values, she believes that homosexuality is a sin. However, when Maryam gets assigned clients who are homosexuals, she never lets her clients know about this particular personal value or belief of hers. As such, Maryam is engaging in __________________________.








18. Salanieta is a new client of yours, is 24 years old, is studying at a local university and is facing some problems at home. She feels very dependent on her parents and her friends in various ways, such as financially, emotionally, and so forth. Her religion is important for her, but she doesn’t go to church “as often as she should.” She believes that if she followed her religion more closely, she would not be facing problems in her life. She wants to develop her faith but at a personal and independent level and not because it has been “shoved down her throat” by her parents and friends, who are all very religious. She has decided to seek counselling services to feel more confident and independent.

With respect to the therapeutic or counselling process, how will you begin the journey with Salanieta? How will you further explore her issues? 




19. You observe one of your fellow counselling practitioner colleagues who is having a romantic relationship with one of his clients. Considering that  this is an ethical dilemma, which of the following will you engage in first? 


Refer to relevant ethical codes of conduct, guidelines, policies, laws, and legislations.


Determine and decide the best possible course of action – not just for you, but also everyone involved.


Specifically outline and define the problem and/or dilemma.


20. In counselling, we typically refer to the individual seeking counselling as clients not patients. Describe the reasons as to why we typically refer to individuals seeking counselling services as clients and not patients. Provide relevant examples. 







21. ______________________________________ refers to counselling practitioners being able to manage their own personal values to prevent it from influencing the counselling process. 







Values Imposition

Clear my choice


22. Which of the following does the process of counselling focus on? 


Clients feelings and emotions. 


Clients behavior. 


Clients feelings, emotions and behavior. 


23.Is the following statement True or False? 

The term multiple relationship is more often used than the term dual relationship as it encompasses the complexities involved in these relationships. 







24.Is the following statement True or False?

As counselling practitioners, it is important to note and acknowledge that some values captured in Euro-western counselling approaches are not universal. 






25. There are multiple ethical considerations to be examined and reflected upon during the counselling process. Most ethical dilemmas arise when it comes to _____________________________ as counselling practitioners have to consider this but at the same time there are exceptions to this ethical principle in special circumstances such as harm, abuse, etc. 


informed consent 



