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1. Psychological reactance theory may help explain why A. more…

1. Psychological reactance theory may help explain why

A. more underage students drink on campus than legal-age drinkers.

B. a toddler who has ignored a toy protests and demands the toy back when a playmate begins to play with it.

C. the demand for and value placed on an object is greater when the object is perceived to be rare or hard to get.

D. All of the answers are correct.


2. According to McGuire et al. (1978), a Black woman is most likely to become conscious of being a woman

A. when she is with a group of White women.

B. when she is with a group of men.

C. when she is with a group of both Black women and White women.

D. when she is with a group of Black women.


3. In the context of social psychology, a likely contributor to underage drinking is

A. cross-cultural differences.

B. psychological reactance.

C. social facilitation.

D. informational influences.


4. In the context of psychological reactance, even when people know that regular exercise can make them fit and healthy, they still tend not to do it because they

A. feel it compromises their freedom.

B. are aware of their ability to control reactance.

C. do not want to conform.

D. do not want to fall prey to the boomerang effect.


5. A false impression of what other people are thinking, feeling, or responding is what social psychologists call

A. an imaginary audience.

B. social comparison.

C. pluralistic ignorance.

D. groupthink.


6. What underlying processes help explain the occurrence of group polarization?

A. Informational influences and normative influences.

B. Minority influences and social facilitation

C. Psychological reactance and deindividuation

D. Social comparison and self-censorship


7. Wright (2003) suggested that the Internet is an effective means to rally like-minded people and mobilize lethal forces, such as recruiting individuals for terrorist organizations. Which concept in social psychology best explains this trend?

A. Group polarization

B. Pluralistic ignorance

C. Social loafing

D. Social facilitation


8. A symptom of groupthink is

A. an illusion of vulnerability.

B. a lack of belief in a group’s morality.

C. open-mindedness.

D. self-censorship.


9. Research by Johnson and Downing (1979) found that

A. people wearing nurses’ uniforms became more aggressive in administering shock than those who were not anonymous.

B. people wearing nurses’ uniforms delivered as much shock as those who were anonymous.

C. people wearing nurses’ uniforms delivered as much shock as those wearing uniforms of authority.

D. people wearing nurses’ uniforms became less aggressive in administering shock than those who were not anonymous.


10. Watson Jr. (1973) scrutinized anthropological files and found that the cultures with depersonalized warriors were also the cultures that

A. were assimilated by Western modernity.

B. were unlikely to survive for long.

C. attacked their enemies at night.

D. brutalized their victims.


11. People are more likely to abandon normal restraints and become deindividuated when they

A. perceive a particular action as part of their group’s.

B. believe themselves to be physically anonymous.

C. are involved in arousing and distracting activities.

D. All of the answers are correct.


12. When people experience a loss of self-awareness and evaluation apprehension, they are in a state of

A. social facilitation.

B. social loafing.

C. deindividuation.

D. groupthink.


13. People are more likely to exhibit social loafing if

A. their efforts are not rewarded.

B. rewards are divided according to individual effort.

C. rewards are divided equally regardless of individual effort.

D. they are individually monitored.


14. People in groups will loaf less when

A. a task is challenging, appealing, or involving.

B. a task is difficult.

C. the group members do not know each other.

D. a task is not rewarded.


15. When individual efforts are pooled and not evaluated, evaluation apprehension is _____ and the probability of social loafing is _____.

A. high; low

B. low; high

C. high; high

D. low; low


16. When being observed increases evaluation concerns, _____ occurs; when being lost in a crowd decreases evaluation concerns, _____ occurs.

A. deindividuation; groupthink

B. groupthink; deindividuation

C. social loafing; social facilitation

D. social facilitation; social loafing


17. Increased social arousal

A. hurts performance on easy tasks.

B. boosts performance on complex tasks.

C. facilitates dominant responses.

d. inhibits dominant responses.


18. _____ refers to the strengthening of dominant responses in the presence of others.

A. The groupthink effect

B. Social facilitation

C. Social loafing

D. Deindividuation


19. Triplett conducted one of social psychology’s first laboratory experiments by asking children to wind string on a fishing reel. The results of the study indicated that there was a positive relationship between the speed at which the children wound the reel and the presence of other children. This tendency of people performing tasks better in others’ presence is known as

A. the groupthink effect.

B. social facilitation.

C. social loafing.

D. deindividuation.


20. On exam day, a student you do not know sits next to you. This person is best described as a(n)

A. confederate.

B. co-actor.

C. ingroup member.

D. comrade.