Answered step-by-step
1. Some people think that they’ll be happy for the rest of their…

1. Some people think that they’ll be happy for the rest of their lives if they could only win the top prize in the state lottery. Most likely, though, their happiness would return to their typical level after a period of time. This reflects an error in

a. attribute substitution

b. inductive reasoning

c. affective forecasting.

d. belief perseverance


2. In a game where one chooses cards from either a high-risk or low-risk stack, participants with damage to the orbitofrontal cortex

a. continued to favor the risky deck

b. picked randomly from either deck

c. chose cards from the low risk stack

d. behaved the same as participants without brain damage


3. According to covariation, which statement is TRUE?

a. presence or magnitude of one concept can be predicted by the other concept

b. a negative covariation indicates that there is no relationship between two variables

c. covariation is not necessary to check a belief about cause and effect

d. covariation are “all or none” in nature and cannot vary in strength


4. Kahneman and Tversky (1973) told participants the proportion of people in the overall population who were 70 lawyers or 30 engineers. People were also told that In this situation, participants were also told that they met someone who “likes carpentry, sailing, math, and dislikes politics.”  They found that

a. ignored diagnostic information and relied only on the base rate

b. ignored the base rate and relied only on diagnostic information

c. ignored both types of information and made their decisions at random.

d. made their judgements based on a combination of the base rate and diagnostic information


5. Which of the following is TRUE with regard to the confirmation bias?

a. People tend to show a better memory for disconfirming evidence.

b. People often fail to use disconfirming evidence when they encounter it.

c. People will consider alternative hypotheses that might account for the data.

d. People seek disconfirming evidence as much as they seek confirming evidence.


6. People are the least likely to neglect base-rate information in which of these cases?

a. There is a .02% chance that people who contract the disease will die from it.

b. There is a .0002% chance that people who contract the disease will die from it.

c. 2 out of every 10,000 people who contract this disease will die from it.

d. People are equally likely to neglect base rate information across the 3 cases.


7. Co-occurrence is not necessary for one thing to cause another.

True or False


8. We are very good at predicting our emotional response to a cognitive decision.

True or False


9. When attempting to solve a problem, “mind wandering”

a. leads to faster problem solving than continuing to consciously work on the problem.

b.  is useful for experts—who have stored their knowledge associatively—but is not useful for novices.

c. consistently increases the number of high-quality ideas that actually lead to the problem solution.

d. data appears to be mixed on effectiveness.



Image transcription text

Solomon is proud of his 26vvolume encyclopedia, placed neatly, with the volumes in alphabetical order, on his
bookshelf. Solomon doesn’t realize, though, that there’s a bookworm sitting on the front cover of the A volume.
The bookworrn begins chewing his way through the pages on the shortest possible path toward the …
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People generally solve this problem correctly if they start by doing what?

a. visualizing the arrangement of the books

b. implementing a hill-climbing strategy

c. implementing a means-end analysis


11. Which step of creativity has been linked to release of dopamine and the reward system?

a. preparation.

b. illumination

c. incubation

d. verification