Answered step-by-step
1.The principle of utilitarianism focuses on making sure that…

1.The principle of utilitarianism focuses on making sure that ______.

Group of answer choices

all decisions should do the greatest good for the largest number of people


all decisions are consistent, unbiased, and based on fact


all primary goals should achieve long-term self-interests


all members have easy and fast access to legal assistance


2._ are formalized sets of guidelines, which deal with the standards of conduct and morale in

a particular society, developed by some companies for use at all levels of an organization.

Group of answer choices

Ethical codes


Articles of association


Mission statements


Value statements


3.Strategies for reducing prejudice include ______ between groups.

Group of answer choices

all of the above


equal status






4.Which situation is an example of a self-fulfilling prophecy?

Group of answer choices

Brian’s mother always tells him he’ll never amount to anything, so he quits school, has trouble holding a job, and becomes an alcoholic.


Britta tells her mother that she wants to be a cheerleader, so her mother signs her up for gymnastics class and cheerleading summer camp, and Britta becomes a cheerleader.


Candy’s father always tells her she’ll have to try harder in school if she wants to graduate, so she takes that as a challenge and graduates with honors.


Eric’s father tells everyone that Eric is going to college on a football scholarship, but Eric gets arrested for selling drugs, spends two years in prison, and never goes to college.


5.A general observation about extremely prejudiced people is that ______.

Group of answer choices

they may suffer from low levels of self-esteem


they are least likely to have an ethnocentric view


they are typically older people with dated views on life and society


they often have little trouble accepting the basic humanity of others


6.The simplest and most effective method to stop sexual harassment at a workplace is ______.

Group of answer choices

just asking or telling the person to stop


filing a suit


reporting the incident to the top management


threatening to inform fellow employees


7.Which of the following can be an example of sexual harassment?

Group of answer choices

all of the above


physical fondling of an employee by a manager


lewd suggestions, comments, jokes, or teasing


pornography hanging in the boss’s office where employees have to go at times




8.Company policies to reduce sexual harassment are more effective when ______.

Group of answer choices

they are posted, referred to openly, and talked about in meetings and memos


they are not talked about publicly but just considered privately by employees


there is no specific policy, just a general agreement that sexual harassment is bad


policy statements are very specific, detailed, complete, and long


9.It is illegal to ask a woman during a job interview ______.

Group of answer choices

whether she is pregnant or is planning to have children


whether she has had experience in this type of job


about her educational attainment


why she wants to work for your company


10.Which of the following is NOT and example of economic prejudice?

Group of answer choices

middle class people do volunteer work to help homeless people


wealthy people think that poor people are lazy


poor people think that wealthy people are arrogant and greedy


wealthy people think that poor people are not very smart