Answered step-by-step
1.  True/False         One criticism of attempts to…

1.  True/False        One criticism of attempts to demonstrate language learning in non-human primates is that they can only learn a few dozen words.

In one or two sentences, explain why the statement was true or false. (5 points)



2.  True/False        A neuropsychologist’s client is having trouble describing his symptoms and answering questions. His speech is very hesitant and only involves simple and short combinations of words. The client’s speech is consistent with Broca’s aphasia.

In one or two sentences, explain why the statement was true or false. (5 points)



3.  True/False        Anticipation errors are common in language production, suggesting the speech sounds of a sentence are selected before the syntax.

In one or two sentences, explain why the statement was true or false. (5 points)



4.  True/False        Studies on phoneme perception suggest it is categorical. This means that, as the acoustic qualities of a phoneme are gradually changed to a different phoneme, your perception of what phoneme is being spoken will become more and more uncertain.

In one or two sentences, explain why the statement was true or false. (5 points)



5.  True/False        The ‘strong form’ of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis suggests that even our subject experience of what colors look like could be influenced by the words for colors used in our native language.

In one or two sentences, explain why the statement was true or false. (4 points)



6.  Match each language term with the example it best matches. (2 points each)

Syntax, semantics, productivity, phoneme, phonology, morpheme

__________  The word thinking has 7 of these.
__________  The word thinking has 2 of these.
__________  This aspect of language refers to interpreting the correct deep structure from the presented surface structure.
__________  The boy young with the ball plays. This sentence has an error of this language property.
__________  The word Ljark contains an onset that is not consistent with the English language.
__________  There is no such thing as the longest sentence in history because language is recursive.

7.  Which of the following is NOT true of the mental lexicon of language? (2 points)


A.  It refers to the internal association between the symbols used in a language and their meaning.


B.  The lexical decision task can be used to examine the degree of association strength between different words in our mental lexicon.


C.  The word frequency effect shows how people tend to have quicker access to the meaning of words that are presented phonologically rather than orthographically.


D.  Spreading activation model is a way of representing how components of our mental lexicon can activate, or prime, other components to differing degrees.


E.  Fast mapping in children appears to be possible due to certain innate assumptions, such as the whole-object constraint, shape bias, and mutual-exclusivity constraint.


Briefly explain why your answer choice is correct (4 points):


8.  Which of the following is NOT true of, or supportive of, Noam Chomsky’s view of language acquisition? (2 points)


A.  Language ability seems associated with social cognition, suggesting it may not be an entirely modular process.


B.  Language learning is an instinctive process for humans that relies on an innate language acquisition device in our cognitive system.


C.  Behaviorist theories of language acquisition are unrealistic because of the poverty of the stimulus.


D.  Children seem to have a critical period for language acquisition.


E.  The transition from pidgin languages to creole languages suggests children have an innate tendency to learn and apply grammar rules.


Briefly explain why your answer choice is correct (4 points):


9.  Which of the following is NOT true language comprehension? (2 points)


A.  Before meaning can be interpreted, speech must be parsed into individual words through the process of speech segmentation.


B.  Wernicke’s area appears to be an important brain region for speech comprehension.


C.  How people put speech emphasis on different words in a sentence help the listener understand semantics.


D.  Comprehension of an ambiguous sentence can be aided by pragmatics, such as when the speaker and listener share common knowledge.


E.  Speech segmentation is aided by both pragmatics and prosody.


Briefly explain why your answer choice is correct (4 points):