Answered step-by-step
1. What age is the command generation and what does it mean?    …

1. What age is the command generation and what does it mean?




2. Woman experience this as a long-term effect of menopause. They lose bone mass and their bone fragility increases. This effect is called __ ______________________.


3. People in middle age usually cannot sustain as much hard labor as they did earlier in life due to decreases in __ _­­­­______________and _ _____________ capacity.


4. Crystalized intelligence is largely influenced by ______ _______________.


5. Aging often involves a trade off: As one skill declines, another __ ________________.


6. According to Eric Erikson, adults face __­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­__________________________, in which they develop wither the feeling that they have contributed in worthwhile ways or that their lives have not been worthwhile.


7. List Peck’s issues of adult development…






8. When the last child leaves the parent’s home, this situation is referred to as the ___________________.


9. When divorced or widowed people with children remarry, they form ____________ _____________.


10. For all adults, friendships fulfill important ­­­­__________________ and become _________________as people move through middle adulthood.



Multiple choice: Select the correct answer by highlighting it. 


11. This is usually accompanied by hot flashes and night sweats, which are triggered by decreases in estrogen levels. 

A) Menstrual period                          C) Fever

B) Menopause                                    D) Climacterium


12. What is accumulated knowledge and skills based on education and life experiences; referred to as cognitive pragmatics.

A) Fluid intelligence                                     C) Crystalized intelligence

B) Declarative knowledge                           D) Inductive reasoning

13. The accumulation of declarative and procedural knowledge contributes to a person’s…

A) Expertise                                                C) Experience

B) Occupational self-direction                    D) Cognitive Continuity


14. This results when there is an overload of demands within a given role.

A) Role Strain                                               C) Midlife Crisis

B) Work- role preoccupation                      D) Job Burnout


15. Which of the following jobs would most likely involve the highest rate of burnout among workers?

A) Accountant                                               C) Plumber

B) Secretary                                                 D) Social Worker


True or False: Select T for true and F for false by highlighting the correct letter response.

16. The transition model views changes in midlife as abrupt and stressful.

T   F


17. Women, in general, are healthier than men, thus have a lower death rate than men within the same age group. 

T   F


18. Fluid intelligence starts to show an increase with aging due to increased speed of mental processing. 

T   F


19. The kinkeeper maintains family rituals, celebrates achievements, gathers family members for special occasions, and keeps family histories alive.

T   F


20. In many non-Hispanic or Caucasian cultures, the grandparents are the primary caretakers. 

T   F