Answered step-by-step
1. When the benefits are proportional to the contributions in a…

1. When the benefits are proportional to the contributions in a relationship, _____ exists.




companionate love


2. According to Berscheid, what is the formula for passionate love?

Lust + adrenaline

Adrenaline + attachment

Lust + attachment

Attachment + dopamine


3. In playing the laboratory version of the prisoner’s dilemma, you would personally obtain the best payoff on any given trial if you _____ and the other person _____.

confess; does not confess

confess; confesses

do not confess; confesses

do not confess; does not confess


4. The term _____ refers to a situation when conflicting parties are caught in mutually destructive behavior.

social trap

social inhibition

reciprocal devaluation

boundary ambiguity


5. Pursuing one’s self-interest to the collective detriment of one’s community or society is a characteristic of

the free-rider problem.

the jigsaw problem.

a self-serving bias.

a social dilemma.


6. Nathan is a teenager. He sees his friend Joseph regularly insult and bully other people in his college. Nathan adopts his friend’s aggressive style in his daily life because he thinks it is an appropriate way of treating people. This is an example of

the anchoring effect.

schema theory.

social learning theory.

the selection effect.


7. A study of brain activity in the prefrontal cortex of murderers found

no differences between these men and normal controls.

less activity than normal.

spikes in activity levels.

more activity than normal.


8. Sigmund Freud argued that aggression ultimately springs from

an innate sexual drive.

a primitive death urge.

observation of aggressive adult models.

blocking of goal-directed behavior.


9. The theory of group polarization that is based on a person’s desire to be accepted or admired by others is called

informational influence.

normative influence.

social convergence.



10. Maggie favors the death penalty. In discussing this issue with some like-minded classmates, she hears arguments that she has never considered before. After the discussion, her opinion is more extreme. This outcome is an example of 

 informational influence.

normative influence.

the reactance theory.

social comparison theory.


11. The fact that active participation in discussion produces more polarization is best explained by  

informational influence.

normative influence. 

the cognitive miser theory.

a decrease in pluralistic ignorance.


12. In the context of group polarization, which of the following statements is true of informational influence?

People express stronger opinions after discovering that others share their views.

People shift their positions when they hear relevant arguments without learning the specific stands other people assume.

People fail to realize how strongly others support the socially preferred tendency.

People restrained by a misperceived group norm refrain from voicing their opinions.


13. National election surveys revealed that U.S. Republicans and Democrats who hate the other party each soared from 20 percent in 2000 to nearly 50 percent in 2016 (Hetherington & Weiler, 2018). Which of the following best explains the findings of these surveys?

Group polarization

Social constructivism

Differential association



14. From an analysis of 60 deindividuation studies, Postmes and Spears (1998) concluded that being anonymous makes a person

less self-conscious.

less responsive to situational cues.

less group-conscious.

less prone to errors.


15. Whenever your friend Ted surfs online, he writes terribly harsh letters to strangers using a bogus e-mail address. Ted’s behavior can likely be attributed to the role of _____ in deindividuation. 

group size

physical anonymity

arousing activities



16. Zimbardo reported that women who were masked and hooded in Ku Klux Klan (KKK)-style hoods and robes tended to _____ than women who were visible and wore name tags.

administer longer shocks to a victim

engage in greater social loafing

behave more responsibly

make more contact and reveal more personal information


17. An effect of deindividuation is 

diminished self-restraint.

increased self-awareness.

social facilitation.

a risky shift.


18. In an experiment conducted by Griffitt (1970), students who answered questionnaires while they were _____ reported feeling more tired and aggressive and expressed more hostility toward a stranger than did participants in a control group.

distracted by loud noises

in an uncomfortably hot room

being closely observed

eating popcorn and peanuts


19. _____ is defined as exposing people to weak attacks upon their attitudes so that when stronger attacks come, they will have refutations available.

Central route persuasion

Attitude inoculation

Depressive realism

Attitude polarization


20. Which of the following is an example of aggression as it is defined in the text?

Sam accidentally slams the car door too quickly, and it hits Tim’s knee.

Luisa urges her classmates not to vote for Marcy for dormitory senator, citing some rumors about Marcy’s social life.

Carla, a dentist, delivers a shot of Novocain before pulling her patient’s tooth.

Joe’s eagerness and enthusiasm resulted in his being promoted to sales manager in a very short time.