Answered step-by-step
1. When we do Problem Solving at a level 4 feeling we’re able to…

1. When we do Problem Solving at a level 4 feeling we’re able to fix what is really bothering us.



2. When we get a Clear Picture, what do we do?

We focus on our pasts and our futures.

We focus 100% on this one moment, as it is, here and now.

3. When you are above a level 3 on the feelings rating scale, what is the most appropriate next step?

4. When a client is at a feeling level of 5, what is the primary focus?

The focus is 100% on safety and not reinforcing behavior.

Ensuring that you give your ideas and feedback.

Taking the client on an outing that would make them happy.

Having them sign a safety contract.

5. Which of the following is NOT one of the FOUR TYPES of New-Me Activities?

Focus New-Me Activities.

Right Mind New-Me Activities.

Feel Good New-Me Activities.

Fun New-Me Activities.

6. The five parts of Getting it Right are Right Mind, Right Person, Right Time and Place, Right Tone, Right Words.



7. What is NOT one of the THREE PARTS of Relationship Care?

Building On-Track Relationships.

Staying in my Comfort Zone.

Balancing Relationships.

Changing Off-Track Relationships.

8. How do we choose New-Me Activities?

We choose the New-Me Activities that will help us manage the moment and get across the time-span of an emotion.

We always do the same thing when we are stressed. We take a deep breath and listen to music.

9. If the plan-goal are not aligned, what does the skills coach do next?

Share your observation with the person and validate them.

Ask the person for permission to share your observations and wait for consent.

Suggest a new plan.

Change the goal for the person if it is not realistic

10. If the plan-goal are aligned, which of the following is not an acceptable next step?

Clarify the On-Track Action-Frist Step to the goal.

Summarize the person’s plan using visual aids.

Reduce barriers by practicing skills and trouble shooting challenges.

Change the goal for the person if it is not realistic.

11. How do skills coaches create “high load” when having a coaching conversation?

By using complex language.

By communicating quickly.

By introducing concepts only one time.

All of the above.

12. Which of the following is FALSE about Relationship Care?

Relationship Care is Skill 9.

Relationship Care is an All-the-Time skill.

Relationship Care is a Calm-Only Skills and it is used at 0-3 feelings.


13. When we do a 1237 skills chain, we know that our Expressing Myself is an On-Track Action.



14. Problem Solving is a level 0-5 skill.



15. When we Notice our Surroundings, what do we do?

We notice only things we like.

We think about how things SHOULD be, rather than how they are.

We notice our 5 senses: What do we see? Hear? Smell? Taste? Touch?


16. All of the following are signals that the person is over-loaded except:

They may experience a flight, fight, or freeze response.

They may over communicate or under communicate.

They may appear resistant, frustrated, or give up.

They may appear content and engaged.

17. The following is one of the FIVE types of On-Track Actions?

Step Towards My Goals.

On-Track Action Plan.

Accept the Situation.

All of the above.

18. What is FALSE about Written Safety Plans?

We can share Written Safety Plans with people we trust so they can help us in times of risk.

We write down what our risks are, On-Track Thinking that will help us, people we can talk to, safe places we can go, and New-Me Activities we can do in our safe places.

Our risks are private and our Safety Plans are a secret.


19. Which of the following is FALSE On-Track Action?

On-Track Action is Skill 3.

On-Track Action is an All-the-Time skill.

We only use On-Track Action during 0-3 level feelings.

We use On-Track Action during 0-5 level feelings.

20. Which of these is not a validation strategy used in coaching conversations?

Pay attention.

Tell them you do not agree.

Share observations.

Reflect back.

21. Coaching conversations should include which of the following?

The coach goes step-by-step.

The coach uses simple language.

The coach uses visual aids.

All of the above.


22. What is TRUE about OVER-RATING risks?

When we think a risk is higher than it is, we might Move Away or Leave the Area, instead of focusing on our on-track tasks and responsibilities in Low Risk situations.

We should always over-rate risks. By seeing everything as a high risk, we can keep ourselves safer.

23. We use Getting It Right to get what we need or want from other people.



24. Which of these are not part of the Quick Step Assessment (QSA)?

The coach practices the skills with the person and assesses their ability.

The coach assesses the cognitive load demands of the situation.

The coach assesses the person’s current functioning.

The coach adjusts their interactions with the person to help them manage cognitive load demands.


25. On-Track Thinking includes stopping and checking.



26. When we are deciding HOW to express ourselves, we think about what we “should” do.



27. How do you check the client’s goal-plan alignment?

Ask about the person’s goal for the situation. The tell them how to reach their goal for that situation.

Ask the person what their family’s goal for them is. Then ask about the person’s plan to reach that goal.

Ask about the person’s feelings and have them rate them 0-5. If they are above a 3, ask them what they can do to reduce their rating.

Ask about the person’s goal for the situation. Then ask about the person’s plan to reach the goal in that situation.


28. According to Julie Brown, what should you be checking-in with yourself about throughout skills coaching conversations?

Your understanding of the person’s interests.

Your feelings rating.

How much time is left in the session.

How much confidence the client has.

29. Which of the following can reduce cognitive load when a person is over-loaded?

Simplify language.

Repeat concepts.

Use visual aids, demonstrate, and practice.

All of the above.

30. We use Clear Picture and On-Track Thinking to be sure Getting It Right is an On-Track Action; it is a 1238 skills chain.




31. What is the Quick Step Assessment (QSA) used for?

To assess if they are suicidal.

To assess how they are progressing towards their goal.

To help them identify goals that are right for them.

To help them process information and manage situations.

32. Express Myself is skill 7.



33. On-Track Thinking is a calm-only skill.




34. Talking is the only way to express ourselves effectively.



35. What does (A + B = C) mean in skills coaching?

Person A’s perspective + Person B’s perspective = Collaboration.

Apples + Bananas = Carrots.

It means that the coach must follow strict guidelines to give the client the best outcome.

It gives you a formula for telling the client how to solve their problems.