Answered step-by-step
1.Which of the following is an example of an intrinsic motivator at…

1.Which of the following is an example of an intrinsic motivator at work? 

A.increased responsibilities on the job

B.a promotion with an impressive title

C.a substantial raise in salary

D.a performance bonus


2.Juan’s manager offers him a large office and higher pay. Juan finds himself highly motivated to

work harder. Thus Juan—at least in this case—is motivated by ________ rewards.






3. Which of the following is true of McClelland’s manifest needs theory of motivation?


A.It does not follow a hierarchy of needs.

B.It holds that a manager without a need for power is effective.

C.It says that people with affiliation needs are the best managers.

D.It does not involve achievement needs.


Hilda is a bartender in a fashionable cocktail lounge. She is paid very well at her job, getting

several hundred dollars in tips daily. However, she feels no real sense of accomplishment at the end

of her shift. She finds herself longing for a job where she feels that she is accomplishing something,

working towards goals. In terms of Herzberg’s theory, how would you explain what has happened to Hilda?


A.Her job contains strong hygiene factors, but—at least for her—no real motivators.

B.Hilda’s job contains strong motivators, but—at least for her—no real hygiene factors.

C.Hilda has simply become lazy; Herzberg would tell her to stop whining.

D.Hilda needs to work on increasing her need for power, rather than just her need for achievement.


5.What is meant by task significance?


A.It is a worker’s perception that the task directly affects other people’s work or lives.

B.It is the opportunity to use numerous different skills in one’s position at work.

C.It is a worker’s perception of the meaningfulness of a job.

D.It is the freedom to choose one’s tasks and methods of work.


6.An amusement park motivates its employees by using small colored tokens that are given to all

customers at the entrance. When a customer particularly likes the service an employee provides,

the customer can give a token to the employee. The employees can then cash in the tokens for

prizes. This amusement park is using

a.reinforcement theory

b.Theory Y

c.hierarchy of needs

d.needs theory


7.When people are trying to heed too many messages at once, they fall victims of ______

a. information overload

b.threshold fever

c.pretentious listening

d.feigned listening


8.People have a tendency to allow their minds to wander while attending a conference or a business seminar because

a.most humans have a capacity for listening at a speed that far exceeds the ability of the fastest speaker

b.much of what people say is expressed by nonverbal

c.people are in the habit of indulging in selective listening

d.from childhood, most people are trained to listen with less tolerance for distractions and more feedback to the speaker