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1) Which of the following statements accurately describes gender…

1) Which of the following statements accurately describes gender differences on physical growth during the middle childhood years?

Girls are heavier and taller than boys through the age of nine or ten


Boys surpass girls in height and weight until about the age of 13 or 14


Beginning at about age 11, boys develop relatively more muscle, and girls develop relatively more fat


Boys experience a steady weight gain through middle adulthood, whereas girls experience an overall weight loss


2) Who among the following children understands the principle of transitivity?


Kathy understands that the symbols used in a language are nonsense


Berry understands that if George is taller than Tina and Tina is taller than Gia, then George is taller than Gia


Winnie understands that the quantity of water changes when it is filled in containers of different shapes


Sam understands that tulips belong to the category of flowers


3) Sarah, an eight-year-old, is playing with her dolls. She notices that they are of different heights. After playing, she arranges them from left to right on a rack in increasing order of height. Which of the following processes does this scenario illustrate?










4)Which of the following statements is true of concrete-operational children?


They are more egocentric than preoperational children


They have the decentration capacity to allow them to focus on two dimensions


They fail to understand the principles of conservation and class inclusion


They focus on intangible ideas instead of tangible objects.


5) Andrew and Jason are playing catch. While throwing the ball toward Jason, Andrew slips and the ball accidently hits Jason on the head. Though Jason gets angry, he realizes that he was not in much pain and moreover, it was not intentional. He considers the situation and decides that Andrew’s action was not wrong. According to Piaget’s theory of moral development, Jason shows ______.

Group of answer choices

autonomous morality




objective morality




6)According to Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, which of the following is the period during which moral judgments largely reflect social rules and conventions?

Group of answer choices

The conventional level


The concrete-operational stage


The preoperational stage


The preconventional level


7)Matt, an eleven-year-old boy, got into a fight with his classmate and bruised his arm. He plans to lie to his parents about the bruise as he is afraid that they will scold him. However, he feels that good boys should not lie and decides to tell them the truth. According to Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, which of the following stages of development does Matt display?

Group of answer choices

Autonomous morality


Conventional level


Objective morality


Preconventional level


8)Piaget’s social cognition most broadly refers to the development of children’s understanding of ______.

Group of answer choices

the relationship between the self and parents


the relationship between the self and peers


the relationship between the self and environment


the relationship between the self and others


9)What would Piaget say about the social and emotional development of children in middle childhood.

Group of answer choices

By middle childhood, children can compare themselves with other children and, unlike preschoolers, can arrive at a more honest and critical self-appraisal


Children’s self-esteem rises throughout middle childhood, reaching a peak at 12 or 13


Children with low self-esteem tend to have parents who are restrictive, while children with a favorable self-image are more likely to have authoritarian parents


During middle childhood, girls tend to have high self-esteem and boys tend to have low self-esteem


10)According to Erikson, teachers play an important role during middle childhood, and if teachers restrict children taking initiative and deprive them the pride of achievement, children will feel industrious because they will strive to master the necessary tasks and achieve the feeling of industry.

Group of answer choices

This statement is completely true


This statement is partially true because children will feel industrious, but they will not strive to master anything


This statement is partially true because teachers do not play any role during this stage of a child’s development


This statement is false


11)According to Erikson, children at middle childhood stage will need to resolve the industry vs. inferiority crisis in order to ______.

Group of answer choices

understand the laws of conservation


achieve a sense of competency


achieve learned helplessness


understand morality


12)Which of the following child demonstrate more mature self-concept?

Group of answer choices

Cynthia who describe herself as a blue-eye girl


Bob who says he likes to play soccer a lot


Jerry who describe himself as good basketball player


Tom who says he likes to play many kinds of sports as he is easygoing and likes to play games with friends


13) Sofia is 9 years old and is beginning to show self-awareness and that she cares a lot about what her friends think about her. She is likely to ______.

Group of answer choices

be critical about multiple aspects of herself including physical appearance, academic performance, and her relationships with friends


judge her overall self and think she is a good person


use physical discipline to behave herself


impose rules on her friends to show her capabilities


14)Samuel is a nine-year-old boy with a favorable self-image and has confidence in his abilities. He believes that hard work is the key to success. Samuel’s parents are most likely to be ______.

Group of answer choices

authoritarian, dominating, and strict


lenient, ignorant, and negligent


negligent, rejecting, and rigid


restrictive, involved, and loving


15) A difference between children in middle childhood and children in their preschool years is that ______.

Group of answer choices

children and parents spend less time together in middle childhood than in the preschool years


children evaluate their parents less harshly in middle childhood than they did in preschool years


parents provide more direct feedback in middle childhood than they did in the preschool years


parents do more monitoring of children’s activities in middle childhood than they did in the preschool years


16)Which of the following is true of middle childhood?

Group of answer choices

Mothers’ interactions with school-age children continue to revolve exclusively around recreation


Parent-child interactions focus on assignment of chores and peer activities


Parents provide more direct feedback than they did in the preschool years


Children evaluate their parents less harshly than they did in early childhood


17)Which of the following statements is true of peer relationships?

Group of answer choices

Acceptance or rejection by peers is unimportant in childhood


As children move into middle childhood, peers become less influential


Peers afford practice in cooperating, relating to leaders, and coping with aggressive impulses


Peers exert the most powerful influence on a child during his or her first few years


18)According to Selman, which of the following stages in children’s concepts of friendship focuses on the relationship rather than on individuals separately?

Group of answer choices

momentary physical interaction


autonomous interdependence


intimate and mutual sharing


fair-weather cooperation


19)Selman described five stages in children’s changing concepts of friendship. In the second stage, children are less egocentric but view a friend as someone who does what they want. This stage is known as ______.

Group of answer choices

fair-weather cooperation


one-way assistance


momentary physical interaction


autonomous interdependence