Answered step-by-step
1) Which of the following symptoms is not a common symptom of PTSD?…

1) Which of the following symptoms is not a common symptom of PTSD?

A. Hypervigilance

B. Lack of spontaneity and ability to play

C. Paradoxical addiction

D. Increased memory for new facts


2) What are the three main categories of trauma measured in the original ACE study?

A. Abuse, neglect, and dysfunction

B. Physical, emotional, and sexual

C. Violence, substances, and dysfunction

D. Physical, moral, spiritual


3) Which of the following is not an effect of constantly elevated stress hormones?

A. Attention problems

B. Enhanced problem solving

C. Irritability

D. Sleep disorders


4) Which of the following statements is a partial explanation of paradoxical addictions?

A. Some people are genetically predisposed to a higher pain tolerance

B. PTSD survivors use self-injury to get attention, and that attention is pleasurable

C. Gradual adjustment to certain stimuli leads to new chemical balance in the brain.

D. For some people, addictions are a sign of higher intelligence.


5) How did Maier and Seligman treat the learned helplessness of their dogs in their study?

A. They placed a food reward just outside the grid where they were shocked.

B. They soothed the dogs by petting them until they left the grid where they were shocked.

C. They left the dogs on the grid where they were shocked until the dogs chose to leave.

D. They physically dragged the dogs off the grid where they were shocked.


6) What is one way to describe the relationship between trauma and physical health?

A. Poor parental health can lead parents to abuse their children.

B. Children who are unhealthy are abused more often than children who are healthy.

C. All trauma impacts the amygdala, which in turn degenerates the nervous system.

D. Consistently high levels of stress hormones impact the functioning of the immune system.


7) Which of the following statements is true about brain lateralization?

A. The left brain is where emotions are stored and processed.

B. Usually, the left and right sides of the brain work together.

C. People are either left-brained or right-brained.

D. People who have suffered trauma have damage in the left side of the brain.


8) What is meant by, “All trauma is preverbal”?

A. Feelings stored in the body are difficult to articulate.

B. Preverbal trauma happens before children are able to speak.

C. Trauma can be healed through talk therapy.

D. Cover stories are usually accurate depictions of the original trauma.


9) True or false? If I have an ACE score of 4, it will certainly cause at least one form of physical or mental illness.




10) Which of the following describes one role of the amygdala?

A. To evaluate threat

B. To critically analyze

C. To regulate temperature

D. All of the above