Answered step-by-step
          1-Which one is true about sex therapists?      …






1-Which one is true about sex therapists?






Sex therapists must have a PhD degree in psychology or social work to practice as a therapist.





Sex therapists primarily focus on individual sexual problems and rarely focus on issues that stem from marital problems.





Sex therapists should have participated in sex therapy training, supervision, and workshops.





It is most beneficial if sex therapists are of the other sex from their clients.











2-Which of the following can help anorgasmic women experience sexual climax for the first time?






ribbed dildo for deep vaginal penetration





prolonged kissing and non-sexual touching prior to sexual stimulation





vibrator for clitoral stimulation





cock ring for maximum penis erection in a partner











3-The amount of HIV present in an infected person’s blood is known as viral:
































4-Which statement about single living is true?






90% of unmarried individuals say that they are looking for a committed relationship.





Following a divorce, the majority of people say they would like to marry again.





The median age at first marriage has decreased rather drastically over time.





Compared to 1960, the number of current American adults over the age of 18 who are unmarried has increased.











5- Bob can achieve an erection at the beginning of a sexual encounter, but the erection subsides after just a couple minutes. Bob appears to be suffering from:






premature ejaculation.





male orgasmic disorder.





erectile disorder.





hyposexual disorder.











6- Which of the following statements about marriage in the U.S. is true?






Fewer couples are living together without marrying today than they were 20 years ago.





50% of millennials are married by the age of 32 compared to 70% of baby boomers who are married by that age.





As of 2018, the average age of marriage was 25 for women and 26 for men.





As of 2018, the average age of marriage was 28 for women and 30 for men.











7- Which of the following statements concerning chlamydia infection is true?






Chlamydia is associated with penile cancer in men if left untreated





Chlamydia can be cured with antibiotic medication





Women infected with chlamydia are less likely to become infected with HIV





There is no cure for chlamydia, but there is medication to help treat the symptoms and help people avoid future outbreaks











8-Sensate focus is BEST described as a:






series of self-pleasuring exercises that an individual does alone.





series of touching exercises experienced with a partner.





cognitive retraining technique.





series of active listening and feedback exercises.











9- Which of the following is true regarding the effects of childhood sexual abuse on adult sexual functioning?






Female sexual abuse survivors often have deep-seated concerns about their femininity from having been victimized.





Women with a history of childhood sexual abuse actually report more positive feelings about sex and greater sexual satisfaction than women who have not experienced abuse.





Abuse survivors may have flashbacks during sex that dramatically interrupt any positive feelings and sexual pleasure.





All sexual abuse survivors experience sexual problems in adulthood.











10- Which statement is true of erectile disorder (ED)?






It is defined as the inability to maintain an erection for longer than 20 minutes.





The incidence of ED decreases with age.





Clinics have noted a significant decrease in men under the age of 40 with ED.





An estimated one in five men older than 20 years experiences ED.











11-Which of the following statements concerning trichomoniasis is true?






Trichomoniasis cannot affect males.





The most common symptom in women is a watery gray discharge that smells like burning rubber.





Inflammation of genital tissues caused by trichomoniasis can increase a woman’s susceptibility to HIV infection.





The male partner of a woman with trichomoniasis does not need to be treated.











12- Which one is true concerning pregnant women with genital herpes and their children?






The herpes virus can be transmitted to an infant through breastmilk.





The risk of a pregnant mother transmitting genital herpes to her newborn is highest for women who are first infected during late pregnancy.





Perinatal transmission of herpes to a newborn does not produce severe damage.





Pregnancy provides protection for the mother from acquiring herpes infection.











13- All of the following are symptoms of initial HIV infection EXCEPT:






night sweats.





high blood pressure.





skin rash.





severe headaches.











14- Research indicates that compared to men who do not have problems with rapid ejaculation, men with premature ejaculation:






report more enjoyment of orgasm.





underestimate the intensity of their physical arousal.





experience low arousal to penile stimulation.





ejaculate upon reaching full sexual arousal.











15- Which of the following is one of the criteria that must be met, according to the DSM 5, in order for a sexual problem to be considered a sexual disorder?






The problem comes and goes unexpectedly





The problem persists for at least 1 month





The problem reduces even a small amount of connection in a relationship





The problem occurs in 75%-100% of sexual encounters











16-Which statement is true of sexual problems?






They are common.





They are mostly seen in those who have had some traumatic experience either in childhood or adulthood.





They tend to be overdiagnosed because of our society’s emphasis on sexuality.





They occur more often in people who have taken human sexuality courses in college.











17- Which of the following is true of Viagra and other medications used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED)?






Viagra was originally developed for diabetes.





ED medications have not been shown to improve sexual functioning.





Viagra has made general conversation about erectile problems more taboo among the general public.





Viagra has emerged as a party drug for recreational and casual sex.











18- Mai never orgasms during vaginal-penile intercourse, although she does orgasm from stimulation of her clitoris. Mai:






is suffering from female orgasmic disorder.





is experiencing a very rare condition, because 85% of cases of orgasmic disorder involve males.





most likely is over the age of 40.





does not meet criteria for female orgasmic disorder.











19- Which of the following is described in the textbook as a reason for the high divorce rate in the United States?






declining earning power of women.





increased glamour of single living portrayed in social media.





increasing expectations for marriage to provide sexual and emotional fulfillment.





restriction in divorce laws.











20- Trent and Lindsay had vaginal sex a few times before Trent told Lindsay he has been diagnosed with chlamydia. Lindsay, who has not noticed any symptoms that she is ill, just discovered she is three months pregnant. Lindsay should:






not worry because she has no symptoms, and the large majority of women with chlamydia have noticeable symptoms.





not worry because chlamydia is primarily transmitted through anal sex.





be very concerned because chlamydia cannot be treated by any currently available methods.





be concerned, in part because chlamydia could cause complications for her unborn child.











21- When collectivist cultures become more individualist:






members of these cultures may be less likely to remain in marriages.





members of these cultures tend to prioritize the needs of family over their own desires.





rates of polygamy increase.





rates of arranged marriage increase.











22- Fatima suffers from vaginismus. Fatima might benefit from treatment involving:






insertion of dilators of varying sizes into her vagina.





Injection of vasodilating medications.





the stop-start technique.





inserting a clitoral implant.











23- Around the world, how many girls under the age of 18 are married?






100 million





60 million





30 million





10 million











24- Jannah spends most of her days thinking about the things she wants to try sexually with her partner. When they are together, she tries to convince him to have sex in all sorts of public places because it excites her. Jannah’s partner is concerned because her thoughts of sex and their sexual activity takes up all of her time and have become a compulsion. They are also interfering with her work and her responsibilities at home. Of the following, which would Jannah most likely be diagnosed with?











sexual addiction










faking orgasms









25- Treatments for premature ejaculation include which of the following?






small doses of SSRIs and opioid pain relievers





small doses of SSRIs and condoms containing numbing agents such as lidocaine





the stop-start technique and opioid pain relievers





the stop-start technique and testosterone supplements