Answered step-by-step
1) Which statement(s) correctly describe(s) adolescence and…

1) Which statement(s) correctly describe(s) adolescence and puberty?

Group of answer choices

Puberty generally happen around the time when kids are in middle school or transitioning to high school


Adolescents do not go through puberty until they go to high school


Advent of puberty generally happens before the adolescence period


Both a & c correctly describe adolescence and puberty


2)Which of the following is a difference between primary sex characteristics and secondary sex characteristics?

Group of answer choices

The primary sex characteristics are physical indicators of sexual maturation, while the secondary sex characteristics trigger the development of sex hormones


The primary sex characteristics are structures that when matured, will give rise to the capacity to reproduce, while the secondary sex characteristics are structures that give rise to appearance differences like armpit hair and breast development


The primary sex characteristics include breast development, while the secondary sex characteristics include the ovaries and testes


The primary sex characteristics respond to pituitary hormones, while the secondary sex characteristics do not respond to pituitary hormones


3)The age of menarche has been declining since the mid-1800 among girls in western countries. Which of the following is true about early menarche?

Group of answer choices

Early menarche is beneficial because girls are able to reproduce at a younger age


It is associated with negative physical and psychosocial health implications


It is associated with beneficial psychosocial health implications such as higher self-esteem


The trend of declining age at menarche is reversing in recent years, i.e., girls are having their onset of menstruation at a later and later age


4)Which of the following is a likely reason why early puberty is associated with increased psychosocial disorders?

Group of answer choices

Early puberty causes adolescents to enter the workforce quicker and most likely to quit school


Early puberty causes problems for adolescent boys because they have low self-esteem and feel insecure


Early puberty only causes physical health issues such as greater risk for breast and ovarian career for girls but cause any psychosocial disorders


Early puberty often turbo-charge adolescents’ affective experiences such as sexual interest and need for sensation while they are still underdeveloped in their cognitive abilities to modulate these feelings


5)Which of the following statements is true of menarche among adolescent girls?

Group of answer choices

Girls usually begin to ovulate five to six months after menarche


Body height of adolescent girls plays a crucial role in the onset of menarche


The onset of menarche can be determined by average height.


Menarche comes later to girls who have a lower percentage of body fat.


6)In the context of adolescent egocentrism, which of the following is true of the concept of the imaginary audience?

Group of answer choices

It involves the belief that one’s thoughts are unique and special


It involves risky behavior where adolescents form online relationships with strangers


It involves the assumption that other people are concerned with one’s appearance more so than they really are


It involves an intense desire to be in the public eye and a disregard for personal appearance


7)A very important ability that adolescents acquire in Piaget formal operations stage is the ability to ___.

Group of answer choices

create ideas and logical thought


make assumptions and conclusions






8)Which of the following examples illustrates a personal fable?

Group of answer choices

Oscar, a 13-year-old, believes that others are constantly watching and paying attention to him


Darren, a 15-year-old, is a chain smoker and feels that he is immune to the harmful effects of nicotine


Jack, a 14-year-old, believes in magic, mythical creatures, and the supernatural


Renato, a 14-year-old, is worried that he will die because he smoked a pack of cigarette


9)Culture and society values may play a role in the difference observed between adolescent boys and girls verbal ability.

Group of answer choices

This statement is not true because biological factors determine verbal ability


This statement is true


This statement underestimates adolescent girls’ ability in mathematics


This statement assumes that all females simply like to read and talk


10) In the context of gender differences in cognitive ability, which of the following improves visual-spatial performance?

Group of answer choices

Solving complex mathematics problems


Engaging in word games during leisure


Playing with toys such as blocks, Legos, and Erector sets


Actively participating in community-supporting events


11)Ahmed is a social activist. He organized demonstrations and other forms of civil disobedience in California against fur dealers because he firmly believes that it is wrong to kill animals for their fur. According to Kohlberg, Ahmed is in which stage of postconventional level of moral development?

Group of answer choices









12)Erik Erikson used the term psychological moratorium to refer to the aspect of psychological development that involves ______.

Group of answer choices

experimentation with different roles, values, beliefs, and relationships


exploration of what one stands for


examination of possible choices


all of the above


13)In the context of James Marcia’s identity statuses, an adolescent active in questioning and searching among alternatives to establish goals, values, or beliefs are involved in ____.

Group of answer choices

identity realization






identity diffusion


14)In the context of James Marcia’s identity statuses, a stable investment in one’s goals, values, or beliefs are involved in ____.

Group of answer choices









15)Rob is a teenager who often skips school to go to the movies. He has no interest in studies nor interest in thinking about what he wants to study. He gets angry when his parents try to speak to him about his attitude. In the context of James Marcia’s identity statuses, Rob is most likely in the _____.

Group of answer choices

identity actualization stage


identity diffusion stage


identity realization stage


identity achievement stage


16)Leo is a 14-year-old boy whose father is an ardent sports fan and wants Leo to become a sportsman. Leo values his father’s opinion and decides to train and become a professional basketball player without considering other career options. In the context of James Marcia’s identity statuses, Leo’s decision illustrates ____.

Group of answer choices



identity diffusion




identity achievement


17)Tamara is about to graduate from high school. She is confused and anxious about options for college. She enjoys studying both languages and biosciences but cannot decide if she wants to be a linguist or a bio-scientist. She has taken an appointment with the high school career counselor to explore her options. In the context of James Marcia’s identity statuses, Tamara is most likely in the _____.

Group of answer choices

moratorium stage


exposure stage


foreclosure stage


identity achievement stage



18)The development of self-identity is less complicated or demanding for adolescents who belong to ethnic minority groups.

Group of answer choices

This statement is true


This statement is false


Depending on which minority culture the adolescent comes from, this statement may be true


This statement is false because ethnic minority adolescents have the advantage to identity with multiple groups


19)Stanley Hall’s “storm and stress” adolescence is more a myth than truth, why?

Group of answer choices

The adolescence period is particular difficult for early-maturing teens rather than a universal experience


Not all early-maturing teens encounter “storm and stress”


Even early maturing teens can fare well with good supporting network


All of the above are the reason why “storm and stress” is a myth


20)Marissa, a 22-year-old young woman, is working as an intern at a software company. She will soon graduate from college. She is contemplating moving in with her boyfriend, yet, she likes the security and convenience of her parents’ home. Marissa feels that she has overcome adolescence but is sure about commitment. In the context of the characteristics of emerging adulthood theorized by Jeffrey Arnett, Marissa is ____.

Group of answer choices

illustrating egocentrism


illustrating parent-child attachment


experiencing the feature of feeling in-between


experiencing the feature of stability


21)Nikolai is a 21-year-old young man. When asked whether he thinks he has become an adult, he replies “Yes and no.” Nikolai does not rely on his on his parents completely but admits that he is not yet fully self-supporting. In the context of the characteristics of emerging adulthood theorized by Jeffrey Arnett, Nikolai is _____.

Group of answer choices

illustrating egocentrism


illustrating parent-child attachment


experiencing the feature of feeling in-between


experiencing the feature of stability


22)Shelley is 24 years old. Being an emerging adult, which of the following actions taken by her indicates a “revolving door” existence?

Group of answer choices

Shelley has changed three jobs in the past year


Shelley decides to move in with her boyfriend to get to know him better


Shelley returns to her parents’ home whenever she is between jobs and unable to pay the rent for her apartment


Shelley decides to change her educational direction and pursue a career in acting instead of literature


23)Edie is 22 years old. Being an emerging adult, which of the following actions taken by her indicates a “revolving door” existence?

Group of answer choices

Edie has changed three jobs in the last eight months


Edie decides to share an apartment with her college friends


Edie is having issues with her fiancé and decides to move back to her parents’ home


Edie decides to change her educational direction and pursue another career


24)Raj is 29 years old. In the context of the changes that occur during early adulthood, which of the following is likely to be true?

Group of answer choices

Raj is likely to completely lose his ability to hear tones that are high in pitch


Raj’s visual acuity is likely to decline dramatically


Raj’s ability to hear tones that are high in pitch is likely to enhance


Raj’s hearing ability is likely to start declining


25)Which of the following is a change that occurs toward the end of early adulthood?

Group of answer choices

Gains in skin elasticity and wrinkles are noticed


Fertility in women declines, but fertility in men increases


Loss of skin elasticity and wrinkles are noticed especially for women


Most men have infertility issues


26)Which of the following is true of cognitive development during young adulthood?

Group of answer choices

As with physical development, people are at the height of their cognitive powers during this stage


People typically retain their verbal skills and may even show improvement in vocabulary and general knowledge as they age


Performance on tasks that require reasoning or problem-solving speeds, and visual-spatial skills tends to decline in early adulthood


Crystallized intelligence is more susceptible to age than fluid intelligence


27)Which is a true statement about cognitive development?

Group of answer choices

Crystallized intelligence is the ability to process information, such as solving a math problem rapidly


Fluid intelligence represents one’s lifetime of intellectual attainments, as shown, for example, by vocabulary and accumulated knowledge


Crystallized intelligence declines with age


Fluid intelligence is more susceptible to the effects of aging than crystalline intelligence


28)In a multicultural society or on a college campus, students may realize that judgments of good or bad are often made from a certain belief system, such as a religion or a cultural background, so that such judgments actually represent ______.

Group of answer choices

dualistic thinking


concrete operational thinking


relativistic thinking




29)A major developmental task of young adults is to establish their own values and beliefs, so they can achieve psychological separation from parents.

Group of answer choices

This statement is true only for those young adults going to college


This statement is true when applying to those living at home with parents


This statement is true


This statement is false


30)In young adulthood, individuation refer to _____.

Group of answer choices

the process of become your own person while integrating the values and beliefs of your parents


the “Boomerang” generation who returns to live with parents


egocentric and oftentimes overly self-focus thinking of young adults


those who avoid or fear to enter into an intimate relationship


31)Erikson believed that young adults __.

Group of answer choices

who had difficulties in school or with peer relationships rarely develop a sense of inferiority


who were traditional are more likely to have strained relationships with their parents


who departed from home for college or work always develop a strained relationship with their parents


who had not achieved ego identity may still be wondering how their own values might or might not conflict with the values of their loved ones


32)Farrah and Michael have been in a relationship for five years and have found that their love for each other, which was initially based solely on passionate love, has flowered into a strong relationship to include commitment and intimacy along with passion. According to Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, their relationship can be considered __.

Group of answer choices

romantic love


empty love


companionate love


consummate love


33)According to Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, which of the following is true of companionate love?

Group of answer choices

It typically occurs in whirlwind relationships that begin passionately but eventually burn out quickly


It is low in commitment but high in passion


It is high in commitment and passion but low in intimacy


It occurs in long-term relationships in which passion has ebbed but a strong friendship is evident


34)Those who cohabit _______.

Group of answer choices

may have less traditional views of marriage than others


are more likely to be highly religious than those who do not


give up their rights to get married traditionally


are unlikely to ever consider getting married in the traditional sense


35)According to the US Census Bureau, the median age at first marriage has been ___.

Group of answer choices

decreasing since 2000


increasing for the past several decades


increasing for men but not for women


decreasing so has divorce rates


36)Which of the following best describes age homogamy?

Group of answer choices

It is best described as a series of exclusive sexual relationships a person has with people of different age groups


It is best described as the marriage between individuals who had experienced cohabitation


It reflects the tendency to marry late or remarry from different age groups


It reflects the tendency to marry in early adulthood


37)Persons who marry late tend not to select partners close in age because ___.

Group of answer choices

they are out in the world rather than in school or fresh out of school


they are more concerned about their status than younger couples


they had tried out cohabitation before marrying


they have less freedom to choose as the get older


38)What happens to intellectual functions during middle age?

Group of answer choices

ALL intellectual functions reach their peak during middle age


Intellectual functions completely depend on the middle-aged adults’ physical health


Middle-aged adults are at the peak in terms of many aspects of their intellectual functions


Numeric ability is at the peak during middle age


39)Bertha is a 40-year-old woman who has enjoyed excellent vision throughout her life. Lately, she has found it difficult to read. She has also found it hard to differentiate between her many pairs of earrings. Wearing reading glasses has helped to a great extent. In this scenario, Bertha is most likely suffering from _____.

Group of answer choices









40)Which of the following increases during middle adulthood?

Group of answer choices

Bone density


Fat-to-muscle ratio


Blood sugar tolerance


The basal metabolic rate


41)Max is 45 years old. He is finding it harder to keep up with his 15-year-old son where they are out playing basketball or jogging. He frequently needs to stop or rest in order to catch his breath. Max is most likely experiencing ___.

Group of answer choices

decline in basal metabolic rate


decline in melanin


atrophy of his reflexes


decline in aerobic capacities


42)Julia is a perimenopausal woman who suffers from night sweats and hot flashes. She also suffers from severe joint pain and heart palpitations. Julia’s gynecologist has suggested hormone replacement therapy as a cure. In this scenario, Julia has _____.

Group of answer choices

decline in basal metabolic rate


diabetic retinopathy


autoimmune thyroiditis


estrogen deficiency


42)Edward is a 50-year-old who has two grandsons. He encourages his grandsons to play outdoors every day and eat healthy food. He also teaches them to be polite. He believes these are essential habits. The information passed on by Edward to his grandsons illustrates his ___.

Group of answer choices

fluid intelligence


existential intelligence


interpersonal intelligence


crystallized intelligence


43)Abilene is a 52-year-old who strongly believes in the power of education. She has joined community classes for French and Spanish languages and reads books in those languages. She believes enriching her wisdom and world knowledge will help her become a better person. Abilene’s knowledge of French and Spanish illustrates her _____.

Group of answer choices

fluid intelligence


existential intelligence


interpersonal intelligence


crystallized intelligence


44)In the context of intelligence, which of the following statements is true?

Group of answer choices

Crystallized intelligence is influenced exclusively by neurological factors


Researchers theorize a strong role for neurological factors in fluid intelligence


Fluid intelligence is influenced exclusively by environmental factors


Studies show that crystallized intelligence tends to decrease with age through middle adulthood


45)What did research find about the trajectory of spatial orientation and numeric abilities in middle to late adulthood?

Group of answer choices

They rise gradually


They rise dramatically


They decline gradually


They decline dramatically


46)According to Erik Erikson, which of the following factors can lead to stagnation among middle-aged adults?

Group of answer choices

Rejection or suppression of the natural instinct to achieve job satisfaction


Rejection or suppression of the natural drive toward procreativity


Rejection or suppression of the natural drive to travel and explore


Rejection or suppression of the natural drive toward homosexual behavior


47)Which of the following is true of the findings of a study  about midlife psychosocial development?

Group of answer choices

Havighurst’s developmental tasks did not apply to middle adulthood


Stagnation and generativity were direct opposites of each other


Erikson’s developmental crises were highly correlated with Freud’s psychosexual stages of development


The more generative adults scored higher on conscientiousness


48) which of the following is an outcome of the research on personality characteristics in middle adulthood?

Group of answer choices

People who were generative were emotionally unstable


People who were stagnated were more conscientious


People who were stagnated were more likely to score high on neuroticism


People who were generative were less extroverted than those who were not


49)According to Levinson, which of the following is true of middle adulthood?

Group of answer choices

At this stage, people are likely to experience anxiety about their passing youth


At this stage, people have more to look forward to than look back upon


At this stage, people experience happiness due to the knowledge that they are approaching the end of their work years


At this stage, menopause is seen as a positive event by women


50)Which of the following is likely to be true about middle-aged workers vs. younger workers.

Group of answer choices

Middle-aged workers tend to see their jobs as a source of income while younger workers tend to place more personal values on their jobs


Middle-aged workers earn a lot less than younger workers because of their age


Compared to younger workers, middle-aged workers are less likely to see their jobs a steppingstones


Middle-aged workers have less job responsibilities because they may retire very soon


51)Who are less likely to be a helicopter parents?

Group of answer choices

Parents who prevent the last child from leaving home


Parents who can find a balance between staying in touch and interfering


Parents demand to see or talk with their children frequently


Parents who cut off financial assistance, so their children become independent quickly


52)Having and relating to grandchildren has its pluses and its minuses but research generally finds that the balance is more positive and beneficial in the case of having grandchildren.

Group of answer choices

This statement is generally true in grandparent-child relationship


This statement is most likely false in grandparent-child relationship


This statement is ONLY true if the child had lost both his/her parents



53)Which of the following is true of the “sandwich generation”?

Group of answer choices

Sons always assume the major responsibility for caring for their parents than daughters


They do not help out with grandchildren


It consists of middle-aged children having the burden of caring for young children and aging parents


It occurs when parents have to care for their children and their grandchildren at the same time


54)Elinor is a 78-year-old woman experiencing difficulty in hearing voices and sounds. Her hearing abilities were fine until her 50s and have been steadily declining since then. Elinor is most likely suffering from _______.

Group of answer choices










55)Which of the following is true of changes for food preference in late adulthood?

Group of answer choices

Loss of sense of smell and taste influence changes in food preference


Loss of taste results in ninefold decrease in preference for spicy foods


Sense of taste can be maintained until very advanced age, but sense of smell starts to decrease after age 65


Preference of food changes mainly because of decline in metabolism system in late adulthood


56)Which of the following can lower the risk of osteoporosis in men?

Group of answer choices

Larger bone mass


High levels of testosterone


Tough connective tissues


All of the above can help lower the risk of osteoporosis in men


57)Which of the following is true of bone fractures?

Group of answer choices

They pose a greater threat to young then older women due higher incidents of injuries


They are characteristics of the normal aging process


They are more common among women after menopause than among young women


They pose a greater threat to those who engage in walking as a regular exercise than those who do not


58)Which of the follow statement(s) is(are) true of sleep problems in late adulthood.

Group of answer choices

Sleep problems can be due to body’s circadian mechanism


Sleep problems are unlikely to be linked to chronic diseases


Sleep problems may be a sign of psychological disorders


Two of the above statements are true of sleep problems


All of the above statements are true of sleep problems


59)Which of the following statements is true of life expectancy?

Group of answer choices

Environmental factors are less likely to affect the life expectancy of an individual


Life expectancy tends to be the same for both male and female members in some populations


Differences in culture and geographic location less likely to affect the life expectancy of members of a species


Life expectancy tends to differ according to health-related behavior patterns



60)Identify a reason or reasons life expectancy among men trails that among women by about five years.

Group of answer choices

Heart disease typically develops later in women


Men tend to avoid medical attention even for preventable or treatable problems


Both the above are reasons for men’s shorter life expectancy


None of the above are reasons for men’s shorter life expectancy


61)Which description(s) is(are) true about the concept of normal aging?

Group of answer choices

Our body physiological processes decline slowly with age


People are able to live with age-graded health over the years


Diseases can be associated with chronological age


All the above can correctly describe “normal aging”



62)Elaine, an overweight 70-year-old woman, suffers from painful joints. The bones of her knees and hips grind together, causing pain. She takes over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by her physician to relieve the discomfort. Elaine is most likely suffering from _______.

Group of answer choices



rheumatoid arthritis


metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints





63)Mark suffers from severe pain in his knees due to an inflammation of the membranes surrounding the joints. He finds it extremely painful to walk. If Mark’s condition is caused by an autoimmune disease, he is suffering from __.

Group of answer choices



rheumatoid arthritis


metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints





64)Kelly is a 72-year-old retired teacher. Which of the following(s) most likely describe(s) her risk of accident?

Group of answer choices

If Kelly had a fall, her risk of dying will be greatly increased


Kelly shows signs of poor sensory coordination which increases her risk of fall


Kelly recently installed a walk-in bathtub which will greatly increase her risk of fall


All the above correctly describe Kelly’s risk of fall


Only a and b correctly describe Kelly’s risk of fall



65)In the context of psychosocial theory, Erik Erikson believed that _____.

Group of answer choices

it is difficult and sometimes unlikely for older adults who engage in life reviews to find ego integrity in late adulthood


older adults who achieved ego transcendence are unlikely to find ego integrity


men are more likely than women to obtain ego integrity


people who achieved generativity in middle adulthood are more likely to obtain ego integrity in late adulthood



66)The basic challenge in the crisis of ego integrity versus despair is to __.

Group of answer choices

achieve generativity rather than stagnation


maintain the belief that life is meaningful in the face of limited life span


look back on the events of one’s life and construct a meaningful narrative of one’s past


hold on to the things and relationships one has accumulated over the years



67)Leonora, a 75-year-old woman, has had a legal will prepared. She has bequeathed her life’s savings to the charity of her choice. Her physical assets, such as her two homes, will be shared by her two daughters. Leonora’s scenario illustrates _____.

Group of answer choices

ego transcendence versus ego preoccupation


disengagement from society by an aging individual


achievement of generativity in Erikson late stage of development


ego preoccupation versus body preoccupation



68)Of Robert Peck’s developmental tasks, body transcendence versus body preoccupation lays emphasis on coming to terms with inevitable physical decline by placing more value on _____.

Group of answer choices

cognitive activities


social relationships


youthful behaviors and self-reflection


all of the above – a, b & c


a and b



69)Which of the following scenarios is best explained by the developmental task of body transcendence versus body preoccupation?

Group of answer choices

Meg, a 65-year-old woman, is obsessed with her looks


Sue, a 68-year-old depressed widow, fails to take care of herself since she lost her husband


James, a robust and active 60-year-old man, is a fitness coach and is quite agile for his age


Jake, a retired schoolteacher, spends more time with his friends since he was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis



70)Being able to care for oneself is a core condition for

Group of answer choices

avoiding age discrimination, that is ageism


body esteem among those in high SES


aging successfully


avoiding independent lifestyle



71)Which statement(s) is(are) correct about widowhood in late adulthood.

Group of answer choices

Older women are more likely to be widowed than younger women


Older women are more likely to be widowed than older men


Older women might cope better than older men when widowed


All statements are correct


Only a & b are correct



72)Women aged 75+ are more likely to be widowed and stay single than men because ______.

Group of answer choices

women live longer than men thus possibility for potential partners is limited


men live longer than women and men tend to marry younger women


women live longer than men and tend to marry at a younger age tend men


men live longer than women and tend to have difficulty coping with loss of spouse