DonVitas  11.   12.   13.   14.     15.   16.   17.   18.      … 11.Image transcription textLuis is trying to remember the name of that actor from thepopular superhero trilogy. He knows the name of the characterthey play and know their name starts with an “R…. Show more… Show more 12.Image transcription textHedwig learned how to play racquetball prior to learning how toplay tennis. Because of this, her tennis game has never been thatgood. The difficulty stems from serial-position effect … Show more… Show more 13.Image transcription textWhich type of amnesia involves the inability to recall events thatoccur prior to the age of three or so? O Infantile amnesia ODissociative amnesia O Retrograde amnesia O Antero… Show more… Show more 14.Image transcription textChanning walked into a Moroccan restaurant and was surprisedthat he did not see any utensils (i.e., fork, knife, & spoon).Their surprise stems from the fact that he had never e… Show more… Show more  15.Image transcription textAs isak was filling out a credit card application, he couldn’tremember his previous address even though he had lived therefor 10 years. Isak’s memory of his current address was… Show more… Show more 16.Image transcription textRyan is telling his grandchildren stories about growing up inanother country. He describes his school and memories about hischildhood friends. In this scenario, Ryan’s ability to co… Show more… Show more 17.Image transcription textjoshua, a 10-year-old boy, knows that snakes are reptiles, allreptiles are animals, and all animals are living things. In thisscenario, Joshua organizes concepts in heuristics men… Show more… Show more 18.Image transcription textThe intellectual level at which a child is functioning is expressed aswhich of the following? chronological age O mental set mental ageO intelligence quotient… Show more    19.Image transcription textLeonard and Sheldon were working on a physics problem fromdifferent points of view, but came to a common solution. This is anexample of which kind of thinking? (j divergent f N X 7 ,… Show more… Show more 20.Image transcription textIn the context of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale (SBIS),which of the following statements is true of intelligence quotient(IQ)? It is independent of a child’s mental age and chro… Show more… Show more 21.Image transcription textDana has the ability to easily cope with unexpected andchallenging situations. She generates solutions to problems byrelating unexpected situations to familiar situations. I… Show more… Show more 22.Image transcription textKatie finished up the multiple-choice questions on the exam, andread the essay question. She began to think of different ways toanswer it. What kind of thinking is she using? O functi… Show more… Show more    23.Image transcription textWhich one of these assessments groups test questions into anumber of separate subtests where each subtest measures adifferent intellectual task? Reynolds Intellectual Asses… Show more… Show more 24.Image transcription textDaniella thinks that she is extremely overweight despite having anormal body weight. She avoids eating food and has recently losta lot of weight. Despite this, she continues to think tha… Show more… Show more 25 26Image transcription textDan is unhappy until his tweets get at least 100 likes. His desirefor this kind of validation is what kind of drive? O acquiredprimary O stimulus O homeostatic… Show more    27Image transcription textOphelia is in high school. She enjoys studying and does well inschool. Her parents encourage her to think and act independently.Whenever she does well in an exam, she feels a sense … Show more… Show more 28.Image transcription textVomiting, binge eating, fasting, the use of laxatives, and engagingin prolonged exercise regimens are potentially characteristics ofO anorexia nervosa O bulimia nervosa O aphagia O fe… Show more… Show more 29.Image transcription textWhich of the following is true of drives? Psychological needs forapproval, achievement, and belonging give rise to drives.Psychological drives do not differ from person to pers… Show more… Show more 30.Image transcription textWhen Afolabi is thirsty, he drinks, when he is hungry, he eats, bothin order to maintain homeostasis drive-reductionself—actualization satiety … Show more 31.Image transcription textTimur was sitting outside his tent at dusk when he heard a lowgrowling in the woods. His heart started racing, and he felt fear.Which theory of emotion does this scenario illustrate? … Show more… Show more 32.Image transcription textThe final stage of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development is theO sensorimotor stage O preoperational stage concreteoperational stage formal operational stage… Show more 33. Image transcription textWhich of the following is consistent with Erikson’s stage of egointegrity versus despair? People experience sexual desires for thefirst time. People focus on letting go and accepting the… Show more… Show more 34.Image transcription textJasmine accidently broke five coffee mugs when she was trying tohelp her mom do dishes. Mina broke one coffee mug because shewas trying to steal some dessert out of the cabinet. W… Show more… Show more 35.Image transcription textAccording to Erik Erikson, the psychosocial stage of intimacyversus isolation is associated with which stage of life? Oadolescence O young adulthood middle adulthood O l… Show more… Show more 36.Image transcription textWhich ofthe following is true of crystallized intelligence? It isshown more generally by vocabulary. It is shown by solvingproblems in new areas. It is typically demonstrated by … Show more… Show more 37.Image transcription textRashon’s caretaker is playing peek-a-boo with him. Every time thecaretaker hides their face, Rashon loses interest but is surprisedwhen their face reappears. Peek-a-boo is so entertaini… Show more… Show more 38.Image transcription textChildren between the ages of 7 to 12 would be in what stage ofPiaget’s cognitive development? O formal operationalpreoperational O sensorimotor O concrete operational… Show more39. Image transcription textJordan and Quinn have two daughters. Their older daughtermoved to a different city to pursue her graduate studies a fewyears ago. Recently, their younger daughter moved to … Show more… Show more Social SciencePsychology