Answered step-by-step
13 Counsellors use a range of skills and techniques to help clients…
13 Counsellors use a range of skills and techniques to help clients to better experience and processtheir difficulties. One important counselling skill involves helpingclients to recognise and process their emotions.
13 AHow might a counsellor developan understanding of a client’scurrent emotional experience?
1.13 B If a counsellor suspects that a client is experiencing a particular emotion how could they go about confirming the accuracy of their observations?



14 Counselling can be a draining process for many clients so, as you are exploring the client’s stories and concerns, it is appropriate to acknowledge the demanding nature of the experience and make sure that the client is comfortable and ready to continue. The table below contains examples of a counsellor using specific techniques that assist in this process. Complete the table by correctly labelling each technique being used.


Counsellor Statement


“I can see that thisis hard for you to talk about.I respect your willingness to share this with me.”


“We’ve covered quite a lot just now. How are you doing? Would you like to continue or did you need a minute?”


“Please take your time. There is no need to rush.”


“I’m seeing a real inner strength in you. It takes a strong person to be able to address these kinds of issues.”




15 Select True or False in relation to thefollowing statements:
15 A When working with clients on difficult issues, it is best to work throughthem as quickly as possible.

True                                            False

15 B If a client is experiencing strong emotions it is best for the counsellor to encourage the client to continue to tell their story without a break until they get to the core of the experience.

True                                            False

15 C When exploring painfulor potentially overwhelming stories, it is appropriate for the counsellor to take a gradualapproach and continually monitor how the client is feeling.

True                                            False

16 Imagine that you are a counsellor who is working with a client who is continually focusing on past experiences. You want to re-focus them on the present moment.Briefly outline onetechnique you could use to do this.



17 Select True or False in relation to thefollowing statements:
17 A The first concerns that the client discusses in counselling are always the most important concerns that they want counselling to focus on.

True                                            False

17 B In some cases, exploration of the client’sconcerns reveals the presence of underlying issues that need to also be explored.

True                                            False

17 C Life stage changesare a common sourceof client distress.

True                                            False



18 Imagine that you have just started working with Tony, a 29 year old man, who has sought out counselling for help with stress management. He tells you that work has been extra busy lately and that his girlfriend, Tanya, has told him that he is taking his stress out on her and encouraged him to get counselling. Tony tells you that he doesn’t believe he is stressed. He tells you that while work has been busier lately, he is actually quite enjoying it and doesn’t see it as a problem. As you are exploring why Tanya might think that he has a stress problem, Tony mentions that Tanya has applied for a work promotion that would require her to move to anotherstate for nine months. While discussing the prospect of Tanya movingaway, Tony starts clenching his fists and swallowing hard.You suspect that he is trying to hold back some emotions.You ask Tony to talk more abouthis life and he tells you that he was largely raised by his mother. His father travelled a lot for work when he was a child and, when Tony was nine years old, he left on one business trip and never came back.
18 A 
Consider what you have learned about Tony’s history and his present circumstances. What underlying issue do you think may be influencing Tony’s need for counselling? 
1.18 B How would you plan on working with Tony to raise his awareness of this issueand begin to workon it?



19 When working with clients to explore and process their difficulties, counsellors may observe parallels and links in a client’s life and issues.
19 A Briefly explain what themes and patterns are and how they can assist counsellors to better understand the underlying issues,parallels, and links in a client’s life

1.19 B 
Clients are often not aware of these recurring themes and underlying issues. As such, exploration of these should be done carefully. List two (2) things that a counsellor should consider before making the decision to draw attention to these. 


19 C 
If a counsellor does make a decision to draw the client’s attentionto these they will need to take care to do it appropriately. How should a counsellor phraseany hunches that they wish to share?



20 Which of the following should counsellors considerwhen selecting interventions for use with a client?
The client’s issues.
The client’s goals.
The client’s currentcircumstances.
Which technique(s) the counsellor enjoysusing the most.
Which technique(s) would be most likely to facilitate client understanding and/or ability to change.
All of the above.
A, B and C.
A, B and D.
A, B, C and D.
A, B, C and E.

Your response:



List five (5) individual client factors that should influencea counsellor’s selectionof interventions.


22 When selecting interventions it is importantfor the counsellor to discussthem with the client. Briefly outline what information a counsellor should discuss with the client and why this discussion is important. ]





23 Identifying a client’s strengths and the resourcesthat will help them succeed toward their desired outcomes can be an importantpart of the counselling process.
23 A
List five (3) examplesof common strengths that a counsellor could observe in their clients.


23 B 
In many cases, clients need to be supported so that they can identify and use their strengths. List three (3) techniques that counsellors can use to enable clients to better identify and embrace theirstrengths.



24 Imagine that you are a counsellor working with Joanna, a 29 year old single mother to two four-year-old year old twin boys. Joanna has sought out counselling because she feels as though she is struggling to manage the demands of motherhood and life. During your sessions Joanna has consistently focused on her difficulties. She tells you how difficultit is for her to juggle part-timework while caringfor the boys. She tells you how their fatherno longer sees or supportsthe boys after leaving her 9 monthsago and how she has to look after them all by herself. Joanna tells you about how exhausted she is on the evenings that she works and how much she has to focus on maintaining the boys’ scheduleand making sure that they eat a nutritious meal before she bathes them and reads them a bed-time story. Joanna talks about how difficult and stressful and lonely she has been finding it since her partner left and tells you that she often cries after the boys have gone to sleep. Joanna tells you that she thinks she is a bad mother and that she is a failurefor not beingable to cope better.You want to help Joanna to identify and embrace her strengths rather than her difficulties. Consider what you have learned about Joanna and, in the space below, write what you could say to her to help her identifyand embrace her strengths. (Your response should be approximately 75 words)



25 A Select True or False in relation to thefollowing statements:
One of the key counselling tasks of the beginning stage of counselling is for the counsellor to develop an effective counselling relationship with the client.

True                                            False

25 BThe use of counselling interventions is typically associated with the middlestages of counselling.


True                                            False

25 C One of the key counselling tasksof the ending stage of counselling is to preparethe client for the ending of the counselling relationship so that the client is able to sustain change and manage without the support of the counsellor.

True                                            False