Answered step-by-step
16.When collecting baseline measurements for a single-case…

16.When collecting baseline measurements for a single-case experiment, researchers hope to find behavior that

a. fluctuates greatly.

b. gradually increases.

c. gradually decreases.

d. is stable.

17.What is the minimum number of observations you should collect during the baseline period in a single-case experiment?

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. none; baseline observations are not necessary

18.A researcher conducts an experiment with Mary, an 8-year-old autistic girl. The researcher first measures how many times Mary hits her head against a wall per day (for a total of 10 days). Then, the researcher begins reinforcing Mary when she engages in productive behaviors (e.g., playing quietly) and does NOT hit her head against a wall. The researcher again measures how many times Mary hits her head against a wall per day (for a total of 10 days). What kind of research design has this researcher used?

a. A-B-A

b. A-B-A-B

c. A-B

d. Interrupted time-series

19.A single-case experiment in which the researcher measures baseline behaviors, then administers a treatment and measures behavior, and then takes away the treatment and measures behavior is known as an

a. A-B-A

b. A-B-A-B

c. A-B

d. Interrupted time-series

20.Juan conducts a study with a boy who has been inattentive during class. Juan first measures the number of times per class period the boy looks around the classroom without paying attention to the teacher. Then, Juan administers a treatment whereby the boy is given a reinforcement for each time that he pays attention to the teacher. Then, Juan takes away the reinforcement for a period of time to see if the inattentiveness returns. Finally, Juan reintroduces the reinforcement for attentive behavior. Juan has conducted which kind of experiment.

a. A-B-A design 

b. A-B-A-B design

c. Interrupted time-series design

d. Posttest-only control-group design

21.What is a good rule regarding how often observers should agree with each other when conducting observational research?

a. 50% agreement

b. 65% agreement

c. 85% agreement

d. 100% agreement

22.The _________ design involves two or more groups that are not randomly assigned; a comparison group is compared to one or more treatment groups.

a. nonequivalent group

b. interrupted time-series

c. pretest-posttest control-group

d. A-B-A-B

23.Consider the diagram below. Which type of design is depicted in this diagram?

                       O1    O2    O3    X    O4    O5    O6

a. The interrupted time-series design

b. The posttest-only control-group design

c. The nonequivalent group design

d. The pretest-posttest control-group design

24.A measurement of a behavior made under normal conditions (i.e., no IV is present) in a single-case experiment is known as a(n) ______ measurement.

a. Solomon four-group

b. control

c. baseline

d. treatment

25.Reliability refers to the extent to which

a. the data measure what they are supposed to measure.

b. repeated measurements yield consistent results.

c. the qualitative research has created a complete description of the behavior.

d. the research report can be confirmed by others.