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 1)Which of the following represents waking consciousness? Top of…

 1)Which of the following represents waking consciousness?

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internal thoughts, emotions, perceptions
locked-in syndrome, meditation, internal thoughts
sleeping, locked-in syndrome, perceptions
psychoactive drugs, meditation, sleeping

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Which of the following occurs when the effects of heroin wear off?

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Users feel sleepy and incapable of voluntary action.
Users feel extreme anxiety and a desperate desire to repeat the experience.
Users show a decreased response to pain and shallow respiration.
Users have vivid hallucinations and engage in bizarre and repetitious behavior.

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Which of the following is true for the activation-synthesis dream theory?

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Dreams represent unconscious desires the dreamer wants to fulfill.
Information relevant to daily existence is reconsidered and reprocessed.
Dreams are the result of random activation of various memories.
Certain common symbols appearing in dreams have universal meanings

Which of the following is a true statement for oxycodone?

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It is a synthetic narcotic often prescribed for pain relief that has led to a significant amount of abuse.
It is a narcotic derived from natural substances often prescribed for pain relief that has led to a significant amount of abuse.
It is a type of opiate that has an immediate effect of a positive feeling followed by a sense of well-being and peacefulness.
User tolerance is built up quickly, driving physical and psychological addiction.

Having no known cause of insomnia is known as which of the following?

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idiopathic insomnia
apnea insomnia
chronic insomnia
short-term insomnia

Having an increased adjustment to difficult diagnoses such as cancer is a benefit for which of the following?

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Which dream theory asserts that dreams do not necessarily have true meanings?

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Unconscious Wish Fulfillment Theory
Dreams for Survival Theory
Activation-Synthesis Theory
Freud’s Common Symbols in Dreams

Which of the following is a stimulant?

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Which of the following defines consciousness?

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You are aware of your outside surroundings and what you are currently feeling and experiencing.
You experience an increase in your level of awareness compared to the normal.
You experience a decrease in your level of awareness compared to the normal.
You can identify your own mental states, emotions, and thoughts while also attributing mental states to others.

Nightmares occur during which sleep stage?

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Stage N1 (non-REM1) sleep
Stage N2 (non-REM2) sleep
Stage N3 (non-REM3) sleep
Stage R (REM) sleep

Which of the following is defined as problems with falling asleep or staying asleep?

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acute sleep disorder
chronic sleep disorder

Which of the following categories of psychoactive drugs is correctly matched with its effects on thought and behavior?

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hallucinogens—slow down the nervous system
stimulants—increase the activity of the central nervous system
narcotics—produce changes in sensory perception
depressants—produce hallucinations

Which of the following is a true statement for psychoactive drugs?

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They lead to an altered state of consciousness and/or can easily become abused.
They lead to a waking state of consciousness and/or can easily become abused.
They lead to an altered state of consciousness but cannot easily become abused.
They lead to a waking state of consciousness but cannot easily become abused.

Which of the following are adverse/overdose reactions to using alcohol?

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disorientation, bizarre thoughts, headaches
muscle relaxation, anxiety, photosensitivity
incapacitation, sleep, anxiety
confusion, shallow respiration, decreased response to pain

How do people feel after minor sleep deprivation?

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Most people suffer permanent lasting effects of temporary sleep deprivation.
It can increase pain and risk of cardiovascular disease.
It can lead to fatal familial insomnia, a genetic sleep disorder that leads to death.
People tend to feel weary and irritable, cannot concentrate, and show a loss of creativity.

Using Freud’s common symbols in dreams, ovens, tunnels, and closets represent which of the following?

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sexual intercourse
male sex organs
female sex organs

An altered state of consciousness may be caused by which of the following?

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internal thoughts, emotions, perceptions
locked-in syndrome, meditation, internal thoughts
sleeping, locked-in syndrome, perceptions
psychoactive drugs, meditation, sleeping

Narcotics, such as heroin, are drugs that do which of the following?

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They produce hallucinations or changes in the perceptual process.
They lead to euphoria and relaxed inhibitions.
They produce a sense of energy and alertness.
They increase relaxation and relieve pain and anxiety.

Which of the following substances that are categorized as hallucinogens is used most commonly today?

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Preliminary reports suggest that hypnosis could be beneficial for which of the following?

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People reveal hidden truths about themselves.
People can refocus their attention, allowing them to clear their mind of thoughts.
It can be used to treat pain, decrease allergic responses, and decrease blood pressure.
It can provide the ability to be present and aware of our current surroundings.

Which of the following is true of contemporary psychologists and the study of consciousness?

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Contemporary psychologists accept the view that the study of consciousness is unsuitable for the field of psychology and is best suited for neuroscientists.
Contemporary psychologists reject the view that the study of consciousness is unsuitable for the field of psychology, arguing instead that several approaches permit a scientific approach.
Contemporary psychologists can measure brainwave patterns under conditions of consciousness ranging from sleep to waking to hypnotic trances.
Consciousness is a universal phenomenon, so psychologists are able to study it and gain generalizations since consciousness is the same for everyone.

Which of the following is true for people who are easily hypnotized?

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15% are easily hypnotized and tend to be daydreamers.
15% are easily hypnotized and tend to be outgoing.
20% are easily hypnotized and tend to be daydreamers.
20% are easily hypnotized and tend to be outgoing.

What are the effects of using oxycodone?

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seizures, cold and clammy skin, confusion
sweating, chills, abdominal cramps
pinpoint pupils, convulsions, muscle weakness
anxiety, slowed speech, euphoria

Which of the following is true for hallucinogens?

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They are capable of producing changes in the perceptual process.
They have an arousal effect on the central nervous system.
They slow down the nervous system.
They reduce appetite.

Which of the following describes stage N3 (non-REM3) sleep?

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During N3 sleep, a person loses awareness of the environment.
It is the transition between wakefulness and sleep.
It is the deepest stage of sleep.
It is when dreaming most likely occurs.

Which of the following is an effect of taking LSD?

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heightened sense of oneself
heightened aesthetic responses
relaxed inhibitions
disoriented behavior

Which of the following is true about lucid dreaming?

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Latent content reveals unconscious desires.
It reveals clues to everyday concerns about existence.
Only children can experience lucid dreams.
It is an altered state in which people are both somewhat asleep and somewhat awake.

Which of the following is the most commonly used depressant?

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Which of the following represents altered consciousness?

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A person has a high fever and feels delirious.
A person has the feeling of being hungry.
A person is having a panic attack.
A person is locked-in syndrome.

Acting aggressively, having slurred speech, and feeling unstable are effects of which of the following?

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Which of the following is a true statement for depressants?

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Small doses result in at least temporary feelings of intoxication along with a sense of euphoria and joy.
They cause arousal in the central nervous system, creating a rise in heart rate, blood pressure, and muscular tension.
They produce relaxation and relieve pain and anxiety, and those derived from the poppy plant are particularly dangerous.
They affect the operation of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain, causing an alteration in brain-cell activity and perception.

Which of the following produces a trancelike state of heightened susceptibility to the suggestions of others?

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sleep talking

Stress management is a benefit of which of the following?

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Latent content reveals unconscious desires is the meaning of dreams for which dream theory?

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Unconscious Wish Fulfillment Theory
Dreams for Survival Theory
Activation-Synthesis Theory
Freud’s Common Symbols in Dreams

Users who become addicted to ________Blank are often chasing the high of the first time they used it, but physically it’s not possible to ever feel it again.

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Which dream theory suggests that certain dreams permit people to consolidate memories, particularly “how-to-do-it” dreams about motor-skills memories?

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Unconscious Wish Fulfillment Theory
Dreams for Survival Theory
Activation-Synthesis Theory
Freud’s Common Symbols in Dreams

Which of the following is more commonly found in wealthier groups and among White people?

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crack cocaine
powder cocaine

Which of the following is a true statement for long-term sleep deprivation?

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Most people do not suffer permanent lasting effects of temporary sleep deprivation.
It can increase pain and risk of cardiovascular disease.
People experience a decline in logical reasoning ability, which inhibits performance.
People tend to feel weary and irritable, cannot concentrate, and show a loss of creativity.

Which of the following are adverse/overdose reactions to marijuana?

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panic, paranoia, fatigue
increased body temperature, memory difficulties
increased pulse, slow breathing, loss of appetite
depression, anxiety, sleeplessness

Stage N1 (non-REM1) sleep is described as which of the following?

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During N1 sleep, a person loses awareness of the environment.
It is the transition between wakefulness and sleep.
It is the deepest stage of sleep.
It is when dreaming most likely occurs.

With which of the following do people believe they need a particular drug to respond to the stresses of daily living?

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behavioral drug dependence
pathological drug dependence
psychological drug dependence
physiological drug dependence

Which of the following is true of the use of MDMA?

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The FDA has approved the use of MDMA to treat anxiety disorders.
In most instances, even light use of it leads to addiction.
It leads to decreased arousal in the central nervous system.
Users typically experience feelings of euphoria and increased energy.

Which of the following best describes rohypnol?

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They have a narrow therapeutic index, which means that overdose is more likely with these types of drugs.
They are given unknowingly to individuals by mixing it into their drinks and is commonly referred to as the “date rape drug.”
They increase concentration and reduce fatigue and also cause a loss of appetite and increased anxiety and irritability.
They are rapidly absorbed into the body and take effect almost immediately, producing feelings of profound well-being.

Which drug produces withdrawal symptoms of depression, anxiety, and sleeplessness?

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Which type of sleep disorder is more common in children?

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acute sleep disorder
chronic sleep disorder

According to the text, which of the following is true for teens aged 12-13 and substance use?

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They represent the lowest use of marijuana at 1.3% out of all other substances and teen age groups.
They have a 10.4% use of marijuana, second out of all the teen age groups and the second most used substance.
They represent the highest use of marijuana at 19.3% out of all other substances and teen age groups.
They represent the highest use of marijuana at 25.3% out of all other substances and teen age groups.

Jim has been consuming Ecstasy continuously for the last few months. If he continues using Ecstasy, he is most likely to experience which of the following?

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decreased testosterone production
memory difficulties
lung damage