Answered step-by-step
.1Who is creditedwith being one of the original developers?…

.1Who is creditedwith being one of the original developers of solution-focused therapy?

Sigmund Freud.
Aaron Beck.
Steve de Shazer.
Carl Rogers.

Your response:



2 Select whether the following statements are True or False.
Solution-focused therapy is a goal oriented and future focused approach to counselling. True    False
Solution-focused    therapy    focuses    predominately    on   assessing    problems    andunderstanding their cause.


True                                            False


Solution-focused therapists believe that clients can solve their issues without exploringthe origins of these issues.


True                                            False




1.3 Complete the table below by correctly selectingwhich of the following statements are underlying assumptions of solution-focused therapy. (Select all thatapply)



Select if this is an underlying assumption of solution-focused therapy

a)   If something is working, do more of it.



b) If something is not working, do something different.



c)   Change mustbe achieved in oneattempt or it is a failure.




d) No problemhappens all of the time.There are alwaysexceptions that can be utilised.



e)   The solution is not necessarily related to the problem.



f)      To solve a problem you must firstfully understand anddescribe it.





In the first session, most solution-focused counsellors begin by engaging in “problem-free talk” with the client. What is ‘problem-free talk’ and why do solution-focused counsellors engagein it?


5 Solution-focused counsellors seek to avoid “problem-focused dialogue” and instead use solution-focused questioning. Complete the following table by identifying whether each counsellor question is problem focusedor solution-focused.


Counsellor questions

Problem-focused or Solution-focused

a) Could you tell me more aboutthe fights thatyou have beenhaving?


b) What will your life look like when you don’t have that problem anymore?


c) When did you firstfeel depressed? What do you think brought it on?


d) What wouldyou like to change aboutyour current situation?


e) Can you tell me about a time in the past week when you didn’tfeel the need to drink?


f)      How does your anxiety impact yourcareer?



6 The table below contains three (3) client scenarios and three (3) problem focused questions that a problem focused counsellor might ask each client. You must complete the table by writing an appropriate solution-focused question that a solution-focused counsellor could ask each client



Problem-focused question

Solution-focused question


a) Billieis a 17-year-old student who doesn’t know what she wants to do after finishing high school.


b) Nick is a 29-year-old engineer who has started feeling anxious whenever he has to DONE  presentation at work.


c) Rebecca is a 34 year old first time mother who is feeling overwhelmed by her newborn twins who won’tstop crying.



When starting work with aclient who is outlining their ‘problem’ in detail, how can a solution- focused counsellor go about gradually shifting the focus of the counselling conversation to solutions ratherthan problems? 



Why do solution-focused counsellors spend time at the beginning of the initial counselling session asking clients about any positive changes that they have made to help themselvessince making their initial appointment? 
1.9 a).  What isthe purpose of the miracle question and when is it normallyused?
b) What should a solution-focused counsellor do if they ask a miracle questionand the client responds, “I don’t know”?c) Solution-focused counsellors do not simply ask the miracle question in isolation. They follow-up with questions designed to elicit more meaning about the client’s preferred future. List three (3) questions that a solution-focused counsellor might ask to help do this. 
d) Imagine that you are working with a client who has strong religious beliefs that would make the standard wording of the miracle question inappropriate. In the space below,  an amended miracle question that you would ask. You must ensure that your re- wording retains the critical essence of a miracle question.


10 Another common technique of solution-focused counselling are exception questions.
a) What role do exception questions play in facilitating client change? 
b) Once an exception has been identified, the counsellor encourages the client to explore the contextof the exception. List five (5) questions that solution-focused counsellors may ask clientst o help explore exceptions.     c) Imagine that you are working with a client, Bridgette, who says “I really want to lose weight, but I find it so difficult with working full-time and raising four kids on my own. In the morning, I get the kids ready for school and then go to work. Then my evenings are spent preparing dinner, helping the children with homework and getting them ready for bed. I don’t have time to focus on myself.”

Complete the table below by writing one exception question and two (2) follow-up questions that you could use to respond to Bridgette 


Exception question:


Follow-up question 1:


Follow-up question 2:



11 Another common solution-focused technique is scalingquestions.
a) What role do scaling questions play in solution-focused therapy? b)Imagine that you are working with client, Denver,who says “I’m always late. I never seem to manage to show up on time – whether it’s a work meeting or a social function. I got in big trouble when I showed up late to an important meeting with a client yesterday. Even my family and friends are getting fed up with it.”       b.1 )
In the space below, PRESENT  a progress scale question that you could ask Denverto help providea baseline from which future progress can be assessed.


In the space below,  a next step question that you could ask Denver to help him identify what degree of change would be significant enough for him to move up the scale. 



In the space below,  a confidence scale question that you could ask Denver to help gain a sense of how willing he is to achieve his goal. (Your response should be approximately 30 words)



Another common solution-focused techniqueis reframing. Briefly explain how reframing is used to facilitate client change.


Solution-focused counsellors often provide clients with feedback in the form of a summary message at the end of a counselling session.Briefly outline the three (3) components typicallyincluded in a summary message.


What is a formulafirst session task and why is it used in solution-focused therapy?



In a similar manner to person-centred counsellors, solution-focused counsellors come to counselling with a particular attitude that is underpinned by the assumptions they make about clients. List three (3) assumptions that solution-focused counsellors make about clients.


16 Briefly describe the roles of counsellor and client in a solution-focused counselling context.


a) Roles of counsellor:


b) Roles of client:



17 Select whether the following statements are True or False.
Solution-focused counsellors see themselves as an expert in determining the best solutions for their clients.

True                                            False


2. Solution-focused counsellors believethat all clientshave the resourcesand competencies to make positive changes in their lives.

True                                            False


3. Solution-focused counsellors believe that clientsshould play a passive role when it comes to making changes.

True                                            False