Answered step-by-step
22.A research approach in which the experimenter cannot directly…

22.A research approach in which the experimenter cannot directly manipulate the IV but can only measure an IV because it is predetermined is known as a(n)

a. case study.

b. true experiment.

c. ex post facto research design.

d. participant observation.

23.A researcher has pairs of rat littermates and always assigns one littermate to the experimental group and one littermate to the control group. This researcher is using

a. matched pairs.

b. natural pairs.

c. repeated measures pairs.

d. between-subjects pairs.

24. The tendency for participants to behave as they perceive the experimenter wants them to behave is known as

a. an emic.

b. the good participant effect.

c. an etic.

d. ethnocentrism.

25.A finding that is the same in different cultures is known as a(n)

a. etic.

b. emic.

c. response set.

d. precedent.

26.The probability that a statistical test will be significant is called

a. precedent.

b. the Rosenthal effect.

c. a response set.

d. power

27.Ben conducts a study to test the effectiveness of an alcohol treatment program. He surveys the clients twice: once at intake and again six months later. He finds that overall, the treatment program was effective, but approximately 30% of the original sample dropped out of the program so he does not have posttest data for them. Ben has encountered which kind of problem?

a. Instrumentation

b. Mortality

c. Statistical regression

d. Diffusion of treatmen

28.Bonnie conducts an experiment to examine the effects of media on college women’s body image. She gives a sample of women a body image questionnaire, then a week later exposes them to magazine photos of very thin models. Then a week later she administers a posttest designed to assess any changes in body image. Right before the posttest, a famous supermodel is reported to be suffering from anorexia; the story is on the cover of several magazines. Bonnie is concerned that the women’s responses on the posttest may be influenced by the supermodel story instead of her independent variable. This example illustrates the potential problem of

a. mortality.

b. statistical regression.

c. selection.

d. history.

29.Sharon hopes that the results of her study generalize beyond the participants in her study. Sharon is concerned about ___________ generalization.

a. environmental

b. population

c. temporal

d. testing

30._____________ generalization refers to applying the results from an experiment to a different time period.

a. Population

b. Environmental

c. Temporal

d. Statistical

31.Gary conducts a study to examine the effectiveness of an exercise program on weight loss. The experimental group must exercise for two hours per day for six months. The control group must exercise for 15 minutes per day for six months. Gary finds greater weight loss in the experimental group than the control group. Unfortunately, 60% of the participants in the experimental group dropped out of the study, compared to 10% of the control group participants. Gary has encountered what kind of problem?

a. Statistical regression

b. Instrumentation

c. Mortality

d. Maturation

32.Directional hypotheses are associated with _____ tests and nondirectional hypotheses are associated with _______ tests.

a. two-tailed; one-tailed

b. one-tailed; two-tailed

c. one-tailed; three-tailed

d. two-tailed; three-tailed

33.A Type I error refers to

a. accepting the null hypothesis when the experimental hypothesis is true.

b. accepting both the null hypothesis and the experimental hypothesis when neither is true.

c. accepting the experimental hypothesis when the null hypothesis is true.

d. accepting neither the null hypothesis nor the experimental hypothesis when both are true.

34.Accepting the null hypothesis when the experimental hypothesis is true is called a(n) _________ error.

a. Type II

b. Type I

c. experimental

d. null

35.________ is a statistical measure that conveys information about the magnitude of the effect produced by the independent variable.

a. A t-test

b. Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient

c. Standard deviation

d. Effect size

36.Casey needs to graph percentages that total 100%. Casey should use which kind of graph?

a. Histogram

b. Line graph

c. Polygon

d. Pie chart

37.Dean is interested in determining whether behavior modification techniques can help children eliminate bedwetting. He obtains a sample of 30 children who wet the bed and randomly assigns half to the behavior modification therapy and half to a control group who receive no therapy. After six months, he measures how often children in each group wet the bed (2 participants have dropped out of the study and were not able to be measured). Dean needs to use a graph to plot the results of his study. What graph is the most appropriate to display his research findings? 

a. Bar graph

b. Histogram

c. Frequency polygon

d. Pie chart

38.___________ statistics summarize numbers and _____________ statistics determine whether the results are significant.

a. Descriptive; inferential

b. Inferential; descriptive

c. Measurements; inferential

d. Descriptive; measurement

39.Consider the following scores: 2, 2, 2, 4, 5, 9. What is the median?

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 2.5

40.Consider the following scores: 2, 7, 7, 6, 8, 7, 4, 3. What is the mean?

a. 5.0

b. 7.0

c. 5.5

d. 6.0

41.Andy conducts a study to improve reading scores in elementary schools. He obtains a sample of second-graders whose reading level was very much below average. He enrolls these students in a reading program and then measures their reading level six months later. Reading levels were significantly higher after the program than before. Because Andy selected participants on the basis of their extreme scores, he should be concerned about

a. diffusion of treatment

b. temporal generalization

c. statistical regression

d. instrumentation

42.The more scores cluster together and form a straight line (line of best fit), the _________ the correlation is between the two variables.

a. weaker

b. stronger

c. less significant

d. more null


Questions  43 – 44  refer to the following statistical output in which a researcher measured reading comprehension of men and women. Higher scores indicate greater level of reading comprehension.



GROUP 1 = Men

GROUP 2 = Women

Variable = Reading comprehension score


GROUP            N                     Mean               SD                    Standard Error


GROUP 1         10                    20.60              5.19                 1.64

GROUP 2         10                    24.90              3.67                 1.16



Equal Variances Assumed


t = 2.140       df = 18                 p = .074         


Equal Variances Not Assumed


t = 2.140       df = 16.189     p = .074

43.Consult Table 10-3. The p-value is _______ than .05; therefore, we should conclude that there _______ a difference between the groups.

a. less; is

b. less; is not

c. greater; is

d. greater; is not

44.Consult Table 10-3. Which group had a significantly higher reading comprehension level?

a. Men

b. Women

c. The groups do not differ significantly

45.The value of a correlation coefficient can range from ____ to _____.

a. -1.0; +1.0

b. -1.0; 0

c. 0; +1.0

d. -10; +10

46.Identify one nonprobability sampling technique and explain how it is used. (You need to include the name of the sampling technique).

47.Identify one probability sampling technique and explain how it is used. (You need to include the name of the sampling technique).