Answered step-by-step
26-Alberto is learning to kick. Seeing a soccer ball on the…

26-Alberto is learning to kick. Seeing a soccer ball on the playground, he walks up to it and kicks it with a straight leg. The rest of his body does not seem to take part in the kick. Alberto appears to be in the __________ stage of learning to kick a ball.

Group of answer choices









27-Toddlers ages 1 to 2 tend to sleep about _______ hours a day with one nap.

Group of answer choices

8 to 10






14 or more

28-Selective attention involves _______.

Group of answer choices

the ability to stay focused on a particular task


the ability to set goals and plan actions


the ability to monitor goals


the ability to focus on relevant stimuli

29-Maeko’s mother is impressed with how fast her daughter seems to be growing up. Maeko is drawing a castle, and she sticks with the task much longer than she would have a year ago. Maeko is demonstrating __________.

Group of answer choices

executive attention


sustained attention


theory of mind


selective attention

30-__________ is an understanding that basic properties of substances, such as number, mass, and volume, remain the same after a transformation changes their appearance but not the amount of the substance.

Group of answer choices



Symbolic representation


Focused attention



31-An overregularization error occurs when children _______.

Group of answer choices

put two words together to make a simple sentence


have not mastered forming plurals


when they mispronounce words


apply the past-tense rule incorrectly

33-Vygotsky viewed __________ play as one of the primary contributors to the development of executive functioning.

Group of answer choices



cooperative pretend





34-Across cultures, boys tend to prefer __________, and girls tend to prefer __________.

Group of answer choices

social activities / activities involving large muscle groups


large muscle activities / activities involving a social element and fine motor control


social activities / fine motor activities


activities requiring fine motor control / independent activities




35-Prosocial behavior is defined as _______.

Group of answer choices

voluntary actions to help another person


feelings of concern or sorrow for another person


the ability to feel the emotions of another person


treating others fairly

36-Kim is very warm and responsive to her daughter, but she also shows a high degree of control. Kim uses __________ parenting.

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37-Yanis, a fourth-grader, does not sleep well and wakes up often during the night. Applying the results of the study by Sadeh and colleagues (2002), we can expect that Yanis will show __________.

Group of answer choices

enhanced performance on measures of visual-motor coordination


less sustained attention and more behavior problems


fewer emotional problems


better academic achievement

38-Compared to her friends, Alisa sleeps much less and is more likely to be __________.

Group of answer choices

overweight in five years


unpopular in school


obese for the rest of her life


diagnosed with myopia

39-Kali, age 8, is one of the fastest runners among the boys and girls on the playground, and probably is the fastest in her third-grade class. Running speed, jumping, and agility performance through age 10 __________.

Group of answer choices

are about the same for girls and boys


are faster and more developed for girls than boys


are faster and more developed for boys than girls


remain the same for both girls and boys into high school

40-Jie’s father and mother were born in China and immigrated to the United States when Jie was a baby. Now in fifth grade, she is already as tall as her mother, and she will likely grow taller as she moves into adolescence. The difference in height between generations is known as __________.

Group of answer choices

a generational growth spurt


the secular trend in physical growth


the generation gap


an environmental benefit

41-Renee knows that to focus on solving her math problem, she needs to filter out the background noise in the classroom, such as her friends talking to each other. Renee is using __________ attention.

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42-Dramatic growth in receptive vocabulary in middle childhood is substantially due to __________.

Group of answer choices

learning entirely new words at an astonishing pace


learning alternate meanings of base words based on adding prefixes or suffixes


teaching of new vocabulary words by parents


dramatic growth in grammatical knowledge




43-__________ is a general delay in cognitive development.

Group of answer choices

Intellectual disability


Adaptive behavior deficit





44-For Piaget, __________, included comparing the length of sticks and putting them in order of length.

Group of answer choices



class inclusion




transitive inference

45-Rachel, a girl, and Victor, a boy, are in the same fourth-grade class. If they are like most girls and boys in middle childhood, the tendency will be for __________.

Group of answer choices

Rachel to have a higher sense of self-esteem than Victor


Rachel to see herself as more athletically competent than Victor


the level of self-esteem to be the same in both Rachel and Victor


Victor to have a higher sense of self-esteem than Rachel

46-Coleman thought he was really good at math. His parents always said so, and so did his kindergarten teacher. But now that he was in first grade, Coleman, using __________, noticed that other first-graders were moving further along the math achievement chart than he was.

Group of answer choices



social comparison


a fixed mindset


emotional display rules

47-Ella knows that if she works hard at something, she can do it, no matter how difficult it is. Ella has an incremental view of ability, or a __________.

Group of answer choices

fixed mindset


feeling of learned helplessness


growth mindset


feeling of learned inability

48-One way parents may inadvertently foster a fixed mindset is by focusing praise on __________ rather than on __________.

Group of answer choices

future possibilities / the past


the past / future possibilities


the person / working hard and coming up with specific problem-solving strategies


working hard and coming up with specific problem-solving strategies / the person

49-The sleep-wake shift involves __________.

Group of answer choices

many adolescents switching to sleeping during the day rather than the night


increased sleepiness both during the day and at night among many adolescents


decreased sleepiness both during the day and at night among many adolescents


increased sleepiness during the day and decreased sleepiness at night among many adolescents

50-For adolescents, __________ is an environmental factor that appears to worsen the sleep-wake shift.

Group of answer choices

starting school later in middle and high school than in elementary school


using melatonin supplements


staring at lighted electronic devices late at night


parents telling them when to go to bed

51-In studies that collected self-ratings by adolescents of impulse control and the tendency to take risks, impulse control did not approach adult levels until ages __________.

Group of answer choices

10 to 12


12 to 14


15 to 17


18 to 22

52-Kym eats large amounts of food in a short period of time but does not try to purge the food. As a result, Kym is obese. She appears to have __________.

Group of answer choices

binge-eating disorder


bulimia nervosa




anorexia nervosa

53-Riva has just started to drink alcohol. One reason Riva engages in drinking despite knowing the risks of alcohol use is that she __________.

Group of answer choices

is insensitive to the potential rewards of drinking


always bases her actions on what her friends think is cool


tends to perceive more of the benefits of risky behavior than the risks


overestimates the risks and underestimates the benefits of drinking

54-__________ is Piaget’s fourth stage of thinking and is characterized by thinking about abstract, hypothetical, and scientific problems.

Group of answer choices

Concrete operational thinking


Formal operational thinking


Metacognitive understanding


Hypothetico-deductive reasoning

55-Henri identifies with Holland’s conventional personality type, which means he likely __________.

Group of answer choices

takes pleasure in working with nature, animals, tools, and machines


finds value and success in accuracy and time management


enjoys independent, creative, and expressive activities


is customer-service oriented

56-Stacy, a recent female college graduate, is more likely than a male who graduated at the same time to be employed in __________.

Group of answer choices

law or politics


jobs that work with objects


the service sector or helping professions



57-Isaac is known as a member of the “brains” in his school, not the “jocks.” These are examples of __________.

Group of answer choices



deviancy training groups


close friendships



58-In the __________ attachment style, adolescents tend to idealize the attachment figure or devalue their relationship.

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59-Based on longitudinal data, self-esteem __________ in late adolescence and remains at this level in early adulthood.

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stays the same


first rises, then sharply declines

60-Research shows that adolescents who have a(n) __________ attachment style are more socially competent with both peers and adults outside the family.

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1-Ethical guidelines for research involving children include ____________.

Group of answer choices

always avoiding the use of deception


using the least stressful procedures possible


obtaining the parent’s consent, but not the child’s


not allowing children to participate in research

2-Development refers to patterns of growth and change in __________,  __________, or emotions over time.

Group of answer choices

nature / nurture


behavior / thinking


attachment / security


maturation / biology

3-Which of the following statements is true about deception and harm in research with children?

Group of answer choices

Deception is not acceptable, as it may cause harm.


Deception is acceptable and it may, under some circumstances, cause harm.


Any deception used must be explained to parents and children in advance.


Deception is acceptable if necessary, but it must not cause harm.

4-An example of development would be ___________.

Group of answer choices

lack of cooperation with parents for a week


ignoring teachers for a full hour after preschool starts


having a bad temper for a week


improved control over emotions over time

5-Twila and Jerome are actors. They enroll their daughter Marla in children’s theater. This is an example of a(n) __________ genetic-environment correlation.

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