Answered step-by-step
26.In one study (Hedrick et al., 1993), researchers compared the…

26.In one study (Hedrick et al., 1993), researchers compared the number of motorcycle fatalities that occurred before helmets were mandatory, after helmets were mandatory, and after the helmet laws were repealed. This study used an ______ format with the interrupted time-series design.

a. A-B

b. A-B-A

c. A-B-A-B

d. B-A-B

27.____________ refers to the extent to which a qualitative research report is accurate and unbiased.

a. Credibility

b. Dependability

c. Confirmability

d. Transferability

28.Dr. Martin, a qualitative researcher, had one of his colleagues carefully read a draft of his research report to point out any inconsistencies or contradictions. Dr. Martin is examining the __________ of his research.

a. confirmability

b. credibility

c. dependability

d. transferability

29.Marianne wishes to determine if her qualitative research project would produce the same results if it was conducted in a different context. Marianne is most concerned about

a. dependability.

b. transferability.

c. credibility.

d. confirmability.

30.Over time, there has been a(n) ________ in the number of single-case experiments conducted.

a. increase

b. decrease

c. No answer text provided.

d. No answer text provided.

31.Dr. Jones spends two years immersed in the Yoruba tribe in Nigeria in order to better understand cross-cultural differences in child-rearing. Dr. Jones is engaged in what kind of research?

a. Naturalistic observation

b. Ethnographic inquiry

c. Archival research

d. Case study

32.James is conducting interviews with students who have dropped out of school. He asks each student the same set of questions in an effort to determine what factors are important in terms of why students drop out. James is doing a(n)

a. symbolic interaction study.

b. naturalistic observation.

c. unstructured interview.

d. structured interview.

33.If a researcher is gathering and interpreting stories that individuals use to describe their lives, that researcher is using which approach?

a. artifact analysis

b. historiography

c. narrative study

d. symbolic interaction

34.Rick does a study on newspaper headlines after the last presidential election. Rick is most likely using which qualitative research approach?

a. case study

b. experiment

c. naturalistic observation

d. artifact analysis

35.An approach to qualitative research that focuses on building theories is known as

a. the correlational approach.

b. grounded theory.

c. archival research.

d. situation sampling.

36.Which of the following best describes the order in which coding occurs in the grounded-theory approach?

a. Open coding –> selective coding –>axial coding

b. Axial coding –> selective coding –> open coding

c. Selective coding –> axial coding –> open coding

d. Open coding –> axial coding –> selective coding

37.During ______ coding, the researcher finds links between categories and subcategories.

a. axial

b. selective

c. open

d. closed

38.Dr. Perry conducts a study in which she evaluates the effectiveness of an adult literacy program. The study is both quantitative and qualitative in nature, and the 30 participants are treated as equal researchers in the study. What research method is Dr. Perry MOST likely to use?

a. Case study

b. Naturalistic Observation

c. Participatory Action Research

d. Focus group

39.If researchers are neutrally observing behavior in the real world, they are engaging in

a. participant observation.

b. naturalistic observation.

c. ethnography.

d. an experiment.

40.With archival research,

a. we can make statements about causality under most circumstances.

b. we can make statements about causality when the researcher has exhibited tight control over the variables.

c. we can make statements about causality when the researcher has examined only one variable instead of several.

d. we cannot make statements about causality.

41.Jasper is conducting an observational study of children’s aggressive behavior on playgrounds, and he decides to observe aggressive behavior at five different playgrounds. Jasper has engaged in __________ sampling.

a. situation

b. time

c. qualitative

d. participant

42.If there is a positive correlation between number of hours spent studying and exam grades, then the _____ time people spend studying, the _____ their exam grades.

a. more; lower

b. more; higher

c. less; higher

d. None of the above.

43.Brad develops a survey to examine the extent to which self-esteem is related to alcohol abuse. Brad is using a(n) ________ survey.

a. analytic

b. descriptive

c. pilot

d. demogrpahic

44.Suppose a survey contains the following item: “Explain in words your opinion on the death penalty.” This question represents a(n)

a. Likert-type scale question.

b. multiple choice question

c. open-ended question.

d. forced alternative question.

45.Which of the following is an advantage of telephone interviews?

a. It is easy to create a random sample.

b. The response rate for telephone interviews is higher than the response rate for personal interviews.

c. There is virtually no possibility of a biased sample because the vast majority of people in the U.S. have telephones of some kind.

d. All of the above are advantages of telephone interviews.

46.Kimberly’s new depression scale correlates positively with psychologists’ ratings of their patients’ depression. Kimberly’s depression scale shows high

a. criterion validity.

b. concurrent validity.

c. split-half reliability.

d. interrater reliability.

47.Latoya develops a new scale to measure beliefs in extraterrestrials. She gives her new scale to 100 people twice, two months apart. She finds that in general, people who believe in extraterrestrials at Time 1 also believe in extraterrestrials at Time 2. Latoya’s scale exhibits good

a. concurrent validity.

b. content validity.

c. test-retest reliability.

d. split-half reliability.

48.Ken develops a new scale to measure extraversion. In order to assess reliability, he divides his scale into even and odd numbered items and assesses the degree of correspondence between the two groups. Ken has used the ________ technique.

a. criterion

b. test-retest

c. split-half

d. interrater

49.Nyla compares the voting preferences of 20-year-olds and 40-year-olds at a single point in time. Nyla has done ________ research.

a. longitudinal

b. single-strata

c. case study

d. cross-sectional

50.Who among these famous psychologists has conducted single-case experiments?

a. Ebbinghaus

b. Fechner

c. Wundt

d. All of the above