Answered step-by-step
27. your middle -aged calls to tell you that he has started…

27. your middle -aged calls to tell you that he has started ribbon-dancing. He is really excited about this because when he was a boy he was told that ribbon-dancing is only for girls. Now that he is older he realized that a gender stereotype held him back, so to fix that he plans to take ribbon-dancing classes with the goal of completing in one year. We would say that your uncle’s behavior:

1. demonstrates a lack of cognitive complexity 

2. all of the answer are correct 

3. demonstrates a middle crisis a midlife correction that should improve his life.


28. older adults:

1. are most likely to die from accidents

2. are the least likely to die: most of us will die during young adulthood 

3. are most likely to die of chronic illness.

4. think about death less than people who are younger. 


29. your 75-year-old grandmother is moving in with you. You want to accommodate her so that she is comfortable in your home. Based on normal aging changes she will need:

1. a fan help her cool off in the Summer to compensation for slow vasodilation

2. a smoke deleted in her bedroom to compensate for a decreased sense of smell

3. extra lighting in the hallway to compensate for protein build-up on her lenses

4. all of the answers are correct.


30. Part of why older adults often drive slowly is because they have problems with slower psychomotor speed. This means that they:

1. have a longer physical reaction time

2. take longer to understand new stimuli.

3. have trouble multi-taking.

4. don’t know what thing is most important to pay attention to at any moment.

31. Anstey and Wood (2011) did research on older drivers. In their study, people  in their 80s:

1. showed no difficulties with speeded Attention and switching tasks.

2. made four times the number of driving mistakes made by people in their 70s

3. made fewer driving mistakes than people in 70s.

4. none of the answers are correct.


32. post-traumatic street disorder (PTSD) is:

1. experienced by all people who experience traumatic events.

2. an anxiety disorder.

3. only caused by military combat

4. rare: only 1,000 people in the United States suffer from PTSD.


33. Blessing is creating a legal document with her lawyer. This document states that she does not want CPR to be performed on her if her heart stops beating and she stops breathing Blessing is creating:

1. a post-hoc directive

2. her living will.

3. her health care power of attomey.

4. a DNR order.  

34. You are a person in older adulthood who is aging normally. You are likely to notice:

1. decline in your episodic memory and short-term memory.

2. increases in your working memory.

3. declines in your recognition memory and semantic memory.

4. increases in your ability to use free recall


35.After two years of being bereaved, if a person does not move into the Recovery Phase of Grief and Mourning, we would say that this person has:

1. complicated or prolonged grief.

2. normal grief.

3. good and bad grief.

4. normal grief.


36. Ray is a 53-year-old high school teacher. Ray’s students are impressed that his sense of style and his musical tastes are similar to their own. They were also impressed when he went on the game show, ‘Jeopardy,” and beat two young adults to win! The only problem is that they worry because Ray has a heart condition that is usually common in people much older than he is. Bases on this information we know that Ray’s …… is older than his chronological age (how old he is in years).


Cognitive age
Psychological age
Biological age
Social age

37. clinical death is:


When breathing and heartbeat continue after death.
The same thing as a coma
None of the answers is correct.
Defined as the lack of heartbeat and breathing.

38. your grandfather grew up very poor and you have always enjoyed his stories about how he survived such tough times. Recently you have noticed that when you ask him about his childhood, he no longer talks about it as being a tough time. In fact, the older he gets the more he seems to think that his childhood was a positive experience. Knowing the research on autobiographical memory, should you be surprised that your grandfather’s memory of his difficult childhood is getting more positive as he is aging?


Yes: usually older adults speak about past events in an even more negative way.
No: older adults cannot understand the difference between good and bad.
Yes: brain changes in older adulthood are related to remembering the negative.
No: older adults often speak about negative events from the past in a positive way.


39. Hormonal changes in midlife cause:


Men to have night sweets and penile dryness.
Some women to use hormone replacement therapy, even though it has risks.
Men to have increased testosterone compared to when they were young adults.
Women to go through menopause at the average age of 40.

40. programs like Social Security and Medicaid:


Are used by the majority of citizens over the age of 65 in the USA.
Are championed by activist group like the AARP
All of the answers are correct.
Have reduced the number of the adults who live in poverty in the U.S


41. …………was the first doctor to interview people who were dying. This doctor found that Denial, Anger, Bargaining, depression, and Acceptance are common emotional reactions to ones own impending death.


Bob Ross


42. Baltes believes that …… encourage /s us to become wise.


General personal traits, like how intelligent you are.
Experiences, like your educational background. 
Special expertise, like how much you have practiced a skill.
All of the answer are correct.

43……….. is defined as the maximum level of functioning, while…… is defined as the demand that the environment places upon a person.


Ego Strength; physical Demands
Competence; Environmental Press
Environmental Press; competence
Physical Demands; Ego Strength  


44. is there research evidence for Erickson’s idea that midlife includes a focus on generativity?


Yes: the capacity for Generativity peaks in midlife and continues into old age.
Yes: as stagnation increases so does Generativity.
No: young adults focus on Generativity themes more than midlife adults do.
No: Generativity actually declines in middle age.


45. As  we age our neurons change: the axons of the neurons twist around each other to form spirals; neurons that are damaged  or dying will clump around protein; and neurons stop releasing as much pf the chemical that they use to communicate. The spirals created from axons twisting around each other are:



Neurofibrillary tangles
Neurotic plaques
 All of the answers are correct. 

46. which of the following facts about work and retirement during older adulthood is TRUE?


Paid work during old age is increasing faster for men than for women.
African American are more likely than other ethnic groups to work in old age.
Full retirement usually results in a 90% decline in income.
90% of older adults continue to do some paid work after retirement 


47. People who choose hospice care:


Do not have their pain managed and lose a lot of personal dignity.
Have a terminal disease and are usually in the last six months of their lives 
Are seeking a cure for their terminal diseases
Do not wish to have palliative care 


49. Frida is an adult woman. She is white and lives in an nursing home. Nursing homes 


Are long-term care facilities that provide 24hour medical care.
Rarely have female residents like Frida: most residents tend to be male and Asian 
Are where 95% of people over the age of 65 live
Provide help with ADLs and IADLs but do not provide 24-hour medical care.


50. older adults have the same size…… as young adults. At the same time older adults have ……..friends than young adults due to changes in how selective they are about who becomes their friends.


Social convoy; more
Social convoy; fewer
Social norm; more
Social norm;fewer