Answered step-by-step
39. Students cram and study hard the night before a test, then…

39. Students cram and study hard the night before a test, then don’t study anymore. Then cram again before the next test. Then don’t study. Then cram again the night before a test, then don’t study. This pattern goes with what reinforcement schedule?

A) Variable ratio B) Fixed Interval

Chapter 14


40. In a situation of a car collision, as the car is careening sideways you consider the impact of this on your well-being which would be a  Appraisal.

A) Primary  B) Secondary


41. In Selye’s General Adaptation Syndrome the Alarm stage is like:

A) you’ve been stressed for too long now and know things are bad

B) the initial fight-flight response


42. Which use of Exhaustion is most like Selye’s in General Adaptation Syndrome:

A) “Masking and social distancing…I’m just exhausted.”

B) “My long term stressor exposure has taken a physical toll like illness, disease.”


43. Your book reports, “people tend to experience more physical symptoms, such as backache, upset stomach, diarrhea, and acne, on specific days in which self-reported LCU values are considerably higher than normal, such as the day of a family member’s wedding (Holmes & Holmes, 1970).” These phenomena where physical diseases/disorders are exacerbated by emotional factors are referred to as:


44. “Do you ever get involved in something so deeply that nothing else seems to matter, and you lose track of time?” is a question about psychological: A) Biofeedback B) Flow


Chapter 11


45. Which of Galen’s 4 bodily humors/temperaments: Your employee is very reliable, dependable, and very good under pressure.  A) Choleric B) Phlegmatic


46. If a person really enjoys the power of controlling someone, but the person consistently grieves “Why’s there no freedom anymore, why are people controlling me!” The closest defense mechanism would be: 

A) Projection B) Repression


47. According to Rogers, the only way to develop a healthy self-concept is through:

A) Unconditional Positive Regard B) Reciprocal Determinism


48. Which quadrant of Eysenck’s personality model: You co-worker is so outgoing and vivacious, even at work you’d say they are the life of the party. A) Melancholic B) Sanguine


49. Which Five Factor/Big Five OCEAN trait: I worry about big life questions, and sometimes maybe even moody and brooding easily over stuff, not like aggressive anger, but like angry sometimes…frustrated.”

A) Low Openness B) High Neuroticism


Chapter 15


50. Person A finds it hard to refrain from smoking, gets excessively irritable in situations where they cannot smoke. This often leads Person A to create conflict with food service and retail workers and has had Person A “just bouncing around from job to job.” This can show us how a disorder can be conceptualized as: 

A) Atypical B) Harmful Dysfunction

51. A person with social anxiety may engage in safety behaviors like sitting in the back of the room or asking a lot of questions to keep the focus off them.  A) True B) False


52. A symptom of Generalized Anxiety Disorder is frequent panic attacks. A) True B) False


53. For major depressive disorder diagnosis a person must show:

A) suicidal ideation and sleep disturbance

B) depressed mood and  loss of interest in activities


54. In a manic state, a person may experience euphoria and

A) flight of ideas B) fear of abandonment


55. In the DSM-V diagnosis, hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking, disorganized motor activity are some symptoms of:


56. A person who pervasively and inflexibly violates the rights of others and manipulates with superficial charm may exhibit what personality disorder? A) Antisocial B) Schizoid


57. Frantic efforts to avoid abandonment characterize what personality disorder?

A) Histrionic B) Borderline


Chapter 16


58. Freud believed that Psychoanalysis would:

A) desensitize patients to conditioned stimuli

B) uncover repressed feelings


59. A client consistently tries to win your approval and affirmation, you think, almost like we seek validation from parents. You notice this as: A) Free Association B) Transference


60. Latasha has viewed pictures of snakes in books, then viewed a snake in an aquarium across the room, then viewed a snake on the floor in the room, then a snake in a box immediately in front of her. With each presentation of the snake stimulus, she controls her response of relaxation and calmness. This popular form of exposure is called:


61. Beck’s Cognitive Therapy focuses on challenging:

A) the status quo

B) irrational thoughts


62. In CBT, polarizing experience such as “either you do it right or you are a failure” is what distortion:

A) Jumping to Conclusions B) All-Or-Nothing Thinking


63. A Humanistic counselor says, “For sure, that’s gotta cut pretty deep to be told you’re no good…but I’d like to tell you right here that I think your good, that you are a valuable person.” What Humanistic (Client-Centered) practice is that?  A) Exposure Therapy B) Unconditional Positive Regard


64. What is a devastating side effect of conventional (original) anti-psychotics?

A) Tardive Dyskinesia B) Electroconvulsions


65. Barriers to treatment include:

A) lack of insurance and transportation

B) stigma

C) concerns about confidentiality

D) all of the above