Answered step-by-step
7. Ibrahim joined the Marines after the terrorist attacks of…

7. Ibrahim joined the Marines after the terrorist attacks of September 11. As a Muslim, he wanted to protect his family from those who might perceive them as un-American. Ibrahim’s decision could be understood from a motivational perspective, using Maslow’s hierarchy. But it can also be understood as being driven by:


A. self-interest.

B. sensation seeking.

C. emotion.

D. social norms.


9. Self-determination theory addresses three universal, fundamental needs in order to motivate behavior in a positive direction to attain optimal functioning. How would the use of this theory apply to Nola getting into graduate school?

A. Nola studies and does well on the GRE, and then meets with her trusted advisor to discuss applying to graduate school. Nola received several acceptance letters and made the individual decision of where to attend.

B. Nola researches and attempts to determine the most interesting and spontaneous field of chemistry as she has an intrinsic desire to find a new molecular structure and be involved in groundbreaking research.

C. Nola works hard to maintain a roof over her

head and food on the table while she attends school. She longs to overcome her perceived shortcomings in an effort to reach her full potential and attend graduate school.

D. Nola is frequently bored in her classes and determines they are not challenging enough for her. She asks her advisor for letters of recommendation for a range of schools, including highly competitive universities, and then begins studying for the GRE.


14. ___ is one of the keys to happiness and can be achieved by anyone.

A. ??Flow

B. ??Valence

C. Surprise

D. Fear


16. When Ivonne was little, her need for esteem was met by her success in doing everything her sighted peers did, from riding a tricycle to pouring her own juice. As she grew into adulthood, at the next level of Maslow’s hierarchy she was motivated to do things like climb mountains and go to business school. These activities were Ivonne’s way of:

A. going beyond her own needs and connecting with others.

B. securing her personal safety.

C. reaching her fullest potential.

D. finding love and belongingness.


17. Huan is from an Asian culture that is much less expressive than American culture. Even though Huan is a warm and friendly person, people view Huan as emotionally cold. This highlights how can impact how a person from another culture is perceived.

A. universal expression 

B. facial feedback 

C. biology 

D. display rules


19. Anatoly has had an orgasm and is unable to have another one just yet. Gia, however, has not had an orgasm yet. Her heart rate and blood pressure are rising. In addition, the muscles in her vagina are becoming tenser. With respect to the human sexual response cycle, Anatoly is in the _, whereas Gia is in the ____.

A. plateau phase; excitement phase 

B. resolution phase; refractory period

C. resolution phase; refractory period

D. refractory period; plateau  was angry and resentful over the changes.


2. One difference between Karen Horney and Sigmund Freud is that Horney emphasized the role of ____ whereas Freud emphasized the role of ____

A. inferiority; relationships

B. anxiety; inferiority

C. relationships; sexuality

D. sexuality; anxiety


4. Saifa’s undescended testes were removed when Saifa was 13 years old. One reason the doctors gave was that the internal gonads would likely become cancerous. This kind of surgery has become controversial, because the:

A. surgery has a high risk of complications.

B. risk of cancer in such cases is actually low. testes C. are necessary for development to


D. procedure does not remove the gonads.

6. The Big Five of the five-factor model include:

A. extraversion, introversion, psychoticism, emotional stability, and neuroticism.

B. neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness.

C. openness, neuroticism, extraversion, conscientiousness, and psychoticism.

D. psychoticism, openness, neuroticism, extraversion, and conscientiousness.

7. In Freud’s theory, one ego defense mechanism is rationalization. This consists of:

A. pushing anxiety-producing information into the unconscious.

B. creating an acceptable excuse for an uncomfortable situation.

C. attributing your own anxiety-provoking impulses to someone else.

D. unconsciously modeling our behavior on that of someone we admire.


9. According to one study, people who frequently post images of pets on Instagram tend to score low on a measure of:

A. extraversion.

B. neuroticism.

C. agreeableness.

D. sociability.


13. A year or two after moving to North Carolina as a preteen, and while still living as a girl, Saifa began to experience male puberty. How did he react?

A. To Saifa, male puberty felt strange and unnatural.

B. Saifa was angry and resentful over the changes.

C. Saifa was confused and depressed over the unwanted changes.

D. To Saifa, male puberty felt good and normal.


20. Saifa demonstrates his love by cooking and hosting. He learned this from his Nana (his grandmother) by watching her do the same thing. This part of his personality is consistent with the _ perspective.

A. behavioral

B. humanistic

C. psychoanalytic

D. biological


1. Macrophages are cells in the immune system that:

A. consume invaders in the body.

B. do the same thing as B lymphocytes.

C. prevent the spread of infection.

D. attack only cancer cells.

4. Within the immune system, NK (natural killer) cells:

A. Do the same thing as B lymphocytes.

B. consume invaders in the body.

C. destroy worn-out cells.

D. prevent the spread of infection.

6. ____ has been shown to help a highly stressed college student like Mark to diffuse anxiety.

A. Primary appraisal

B. Secondary appraisal

C. Progressive muscle relaxation

D. Cortisol


16. A study of immigrants to North America suggests that ____ helps protect against the effects of acculturative stress.

A. eustress

B. higher socioeconomic status

C. social support

D. inoculation stress

19. Shoemaker and colleagues (2016) studied 106,000 women in the United Kingdom and found association between breast cancer risk overall and experienced frequency of stress.

A. astrongly positive

B. no

C. a weakly positive

D. a weakly negative