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Family Systems Therapy 

Family therapy is helpful to Gwen so she is able to communicate with her family with the help of the professional. This gives her family an insight into what she’s dealing with and what she’s bottling up. “Such families require psychoeducation about the illness in question, and in addition, will require information about how to deal with the index person with the psychiatric illness. Psychoeducation involves giving basic information about the illness, its course, causes, treatment, and prognosis. These basic informative sessions can last from two to six sessions depending on the time available with clients and their families. Simple interventions may include dealing with parent-adolescent conflict at home, where brief counseling to both parties about the expectations of each other and facilitating direct and open communication is required” (Varghese et al., 2020). Her family becoming educated is crucial so they can determine the best solutions going forward and how they can lend a hand to Gwen’s healing process.

Family sessions alongside individual sessions allow Gwen’s therapist(s) to know her very well and incorporate her family into it. If there is ever a time she doesn’t want to share in front of her family she can save it for individual sessions. She can also use her individual sessions to reflect on the family sessions and communicate how they make her feel. “Therapists also perceived a qualitative difference between the management of conflict with couples/families versus with individuals and described the conflict in individual therapy, where the clinician is targeted as the object of the conflict, as more difficult and uncomfortable to manage than conflicts located in the client family system. The results of questions about relationship factors and therapist traits demonstrate that therapists perceive a wide range of characteristics and approaches to be viable for both individual and couples/family therapists” (Lawrence, 2012). It allows the therapist to work harder into investigating the issues at hand and take all factors into consideration. It also allows for more inputs to be given to the professional helpers therefore each person is receiving some sort of help.