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Meet Lydia Lydia is an 18-year-old high school graduate who grew up…

Meet Lydia

Lydia is an 18-year-old high school graduate who grew up in Lancaster County.  She is happy high school is over and is excited about going to college to get a degree in respiratory therapy.  She lives at home with her parents and grandfather.  Her father is a truck driver, and her mother is a licensed practical nurse at a local nursing home.

Emotional Intelligence and Self-Regulation


Worry and Frustration

Lydia’s first exam is coming up tomorrow in math.  When she thinks about studying, she worries that she won’t do well and is scared because she doesn’t know what to expect.  She feels a pit in her stomach and tries to study, but soon comes across a problem she doesn’t understand and becomes frustrated. 


Lydia doesn’t want to feel frustrated and worried, so she looks for things to distract her.  She finds some friends who want to go out, so she leaves her frustrations behind and has fun with some friends.

The Test

The following day, Lydia arrives for the exam, and immediately her nervous feelings set in.  She feels guilty for not studying as much as she should have.   She starts to blank out on all the information she thought she knew.  She tells herself she is not good at math and never will be.  As she takes the test, she gets even more frustrated because all the problems are like those she couldn’t do when trying to study.  Her professor sees her frustration and asks her if everything is ok.  Lydia points to a problem that she doesn’t understand, and her professor tells her that they went over this in class and that she should have studied it.   Her professor tells her to concentrate and finish her test.  Lydia starts to cry.

Failing the Test

A few days later, she finds the grade for her test has been posted.  She earned 35%.  She starts to panic because she knows she needs to get at least a C in this class to stay in her major, but she feels she will never understand math because she’s not a “math person.”

Answer the following Questions:-

Identify ways that Lydia handles her emotional intelligence.
How well does Lydia self-regulate?  Explain.
Describe how Lydia applies mindfulness to her life.
What are ways for Lydia to engage more effectively in emotional intelligence, self-regulation, and mindfulness in her life?