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My topic: wellbeing across a lifespan.   First, consider your…

My topic: wellbeing across a lifespan.


First, consider your final project. It was designed to help you meet the following outcomes:

Connected Course Outcomes

(CLO1) Utilize accurate and appropriate language to demonstrate understanding of and effectively discuss topics related to human growth and development across the life span
(CLO4) Describe the ways in which psychological research, including quantitative and qualitative methods, and ethical reasoning contributes to knowledge and informs best practices in the discipline
(CLO5) Analyze and synthesize a variety of sources and research related to life span development and ways in which the interaction of thinking, behavior, and emotions can contribute to psychological wellness and illness


Connected General Education Outcomes

(GE3) Critical Thinking & Ethical Problem-Solving Skills

Apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information to form logical arguments, support insights and suggestions, and make insightful inferences from data
Apply critical thinking, creative innovation, and both scientific and quantitative reasoning to solve problems and contribute to effective community conversations


Given these outcomes listed above, how well do you think you grew in each of these areas? Please develop a one-paragraph response that demonstrates the degree to which this project helped you grow in these specific areas.


Second, consider your journey throughout our course. It was designed to help you understand many factors of human development, including physical, cognitive, and socioemotional milestones and hallmarks of each stage. What do you feel like you gained from this course and how might you be able to apply it to your life, either in a profession or in your personal experience? Please develop a one-paragraph response that demonstrates the degree to which this course helped you grow in awareness of life span development.


Third, reflect upon your performance. How well did you manage your time and complete the tasks in the course? Did you take advantage of support tools, such as the library or tutoring services along your journey? Is there anything you might do differently going forward to help ensure your success as a student? Please develop several sentences in response to this.


Fourth, provide your instructor with some feedback. How well did you feel supported in the course? How do you feel about the workload and assigned tasks? What would you like to see done differently, either at the course design level or the instructor facilitation level? Be honest, but deliver your thoughts in a kind, respectful manner, please. Please develop several sentences in response to this.