MajorKudu3159Instructions: Respond to your colleague’s postings in one or more…Instructions:Respond to your colleague’s postings in one or more of the following ways:Ask a probing questionShare an insight from having read your colleague’s postingOffer and support an opinionValidate an idea with your own experienceMake a suggestionExpand on your colleague’s postingPost to respond to:Feminist therapy focuses on what women face compared to men in the workplace and society in general. ” Feminist practice is psychology derived from the realities that lie outside, beneath, and at variance from the visions of the dominant patriarchal mainstream. It is an integrative and competency-based paradigm that perceives human beings as responsive to the problems of their lives, capable of solving those problems, and desirous of change” (Brown, 2018). Feminist therapy allows women or men to be informed of the unfair treatment women face and how to cope with it and stand up against it.The way the therapist worked with Gwen was phenomenal. They were able to provide examples to Gwen so she could see she wasn’t alone and that how she felt was valid, She appropriately asked questions so Gwen could reflect on her life as a woman and the morals she was brought up on. “A woman who is depressed may realize that she has been raised to obey others which is socially prescribed and may even internalize these beliefs as part of her self-worth. She may notice that her depression followed the departure of her youngest child from the home and may feel she no longer has a significant role in her family” (Israeli & Santor, 2000). Gwen was able to reflect on what she experienced as a child and how she was taught men are inferior to women and that the woman is there to serve him his every need.Feminist therapy is different from other therapies when working with Gwen as it allows her to get in touch with her feminine side and do some deep self-value and reflection. It allows her to focus on what being a woman is like and how she has faced the world head-on not having the same advantages and support being not only a woman but a black woman as well. This type of therapy allowed Gwen to focus on her oppression and made her want to reflect on her morals and be more of a feminist so she can stand up for herself and the women around her. It motivates Gwen to end the toxic stigma being passed down from generation to generation.Social SciencePsychology